Saturday, January 6, 2024

New Year, New Me, New You.

 I took a week or two off over the holidays to relax, refresh, and prepare myself for what is about to transpire over the entire globe.  There is a move of the Spirit happening right now, and each of us has a part to play in this movement.  What I want to do today is prepare you for what is about to take place, and in doing so get you to set your eyes on those things you desire most.  Unfortunately there will be those who are not yet ready to step out into the vast unknown, but trust me, guidance will be coming to you to get you to where you need to be.  Where this guidance comes from will be different for each individual, but it will come.  It might come from a stranger, remember we have always entertained Angels without knowing.  This guidance may come from friends, from family, from a co-worker.  Simply extend your faith and know that all you need will be provided in the perfect timing of the Creator of the Universe.

When I set out on my journey I never imagined I would be doing the things I am doing.  Certainly I had dreams and visions, but never in my life did I imagine I would be a writer, a motivator, and encourager. My desire right now is to simply inspire others to reach out and do.  Do what is in their heart to do. Walk in a manner that they know that they know that they are doing what they were created to do.  When you get up each morning over joyed that you get to do what you love, that is the blessing of life.  When you get the opportunity to change the world, that is a blessing of life.  When you simply walk in the knowledge that you are chosen, that blessing can never fully be described in words.  Shortly each of us will be able to fully understand that we have been chosen for something so big, so enormous, so huge, that you will find it difficult to find the words to describe how beautiful it is.

There are so many people who have dreams and desires, and yet they also feel as though the time will never arrive when they will be able to step out into those dreams and desires.  This may be a result of current circumstances that they find themselves in.  It may be that life has been so difficult that they are simply unable to believe.  Let me tell you, the time is coming where the veil is going to be lifted, and all that you desire, all that you dream is going to be right in front of you, and all you will need to do is accept it with open and willing arms.  Your cries have been heard, your prayers are about to be answered, and answered in a manner that there will be no doubt, absolutely no doubt, that you have been chosen to do something utterly amazing.  I encourage each of you to prepare yourself for what is about to take place.  We need to be grounded in a knowledge that we have all we need to be successful in those things that have been placed in our hearts to do.  

There was a time in my life that I was ready to give up.  I felt as though I had failed at pretty much everything there was to fail at.  Failed at work, failed at love, failed at what seemed to be the smallest and simplest things in life.  It took me months and months of alone time to finally hear the truth about me.  I literally was in a self-imposed exile, a time away from everything so I could learn the real meaning of life, the real meaning of me.  I had become what I owned, and what I did for work.  My value was measured in what I had accumulated, in what I had done work wise.  Needless to say when I stepped out of that mold that society had placed me in I was able to know the real me, the authentic me, and that was when life changed forever.  If you had told me I would be a published author I would have thought you mad.  Fast forward to today and I am so blessed that I get to do what I love most.  Well, each of you if you haven't already are about to discover the reason for you creation, and that reason is of such beauty, such joy, happiness, and peace, that up until now you may not have been able to believe it was all for you.

So as we enter this new year the time has come to discover your purpose.  The time has come to accept that each of us have passions inside, dreams and visions, that we have held on too, not knowing the time, but always believing that at some distant point in time we might be given the OK to move forward.  Well today I want you to consider that the word has been given.  I want you to move forward in those dreams, those visions and ideas that just won't go away, and that you can't let go of.  You see each of us was placed here on this earth with a mission, a calling, a purpose.  Might this be the time that you finally admit that you are special, and that there is something this world needs that only you can offer it?

Just imagine a world where each and every person was living in their purpose, was driven by their passion.  Imagine a world where ego was a thing of the past, and our only desire was that each person was walking in their destiny.  Can you imagine a place or even a time such as this?  It can happen, and it can all start with you accepting your calling.  You are so much more powerful than you can imagine.  I've said this before, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we don't believe.  Well my friends the time has come for each of us to believe.  Believe that we are equipped.  Believe that we are called. Believe that we have all we need to walk in those things that we have been called and designed to walk in. This year is going to be like no other before.  There is something coming that will change the face of this planet, and we are going to be a huge part of that force that changes the face of humanity.  We must prepare for our mission, and know that we have everything we need, right now, in this moment, to be a part of the largest, most beautiful change that this world has ever seen.

I leave you now with this last thought:  if I came out with a Golden Platter and said that you could take anything off of it, as it held everything and anything known to man, what would be the one thing you would take from it?  This platter is now in front of you, and now you get to take from it the one thing you desire most in life.  It's not often we get this opportunity, as so much has been stolen and kept from us, but our time of plenty has arrived, and now you get to choose.  I suggest you choose wisely, as some of your next decisions are going to chart your path for years to come.  I leave you peace, joy, happiness, and love, and trust you will begin to experience life the way life was always intended to be.  

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