Saturday, October 28, 2023

I told you so!!

 I've said so many times in the past that the day will come when everyone will be woken up to the truth. The day will come when all living creatures will come to an understanding of the significance of their creation.  Well I do believe we are fast approaching that time when the masses will awaken, when they will finally discover what has been known since the beginning of time. Today my simple task is to provide each of you a little encouragement, a small amount of reassurance, and maybe a smidgen of insight.  What you ultimately do with this information is entirely up to you, but it is my hope that you take it to heart, that you ponder it, and more importantly, that you simply hold on to it.  

We have been going through some trying times recently, and in my opinion it's time to open up the gates of blessings to one and all, and part of that blessing is coming to a full understanding of your true worth, your true nature, and the reason you were placed here on this planet in this particular time period.  Please allow me today to provide some encouragement, maybe just a bit of direction, and in doing so provide you with some ammunition to fight off those forces who would simply like to destroy you.

Recently the topic of being chosen for something big has been thrust out into the world.  I agree, and I also see many who have been chosen but they have yet to pick up on this very important, very special call to duty.  Now there are many reasons for one's refusal to pick up on this very special assignment, but let me make this impassioned plea to request that you reconsider your decision to simply ignore the signs, and instead embrace what you have been called to do.  One can be called, but one must choose to accept that calling, and this is what I want each of you to look at.  There are times in life when we come to a crossroad.  There is a point in time when one must decide what direction to go, and ultimately decide how they are going to accomplish certain things in life.  I doubt that this crossroad is the first you have ever experienced, but dare say I, it may be the most important you have ever encountered, and the decisions you make, the direction you choose to go, will have ramifications for a very long time. 

So what are some of the things I have told you previously?  Number One:  You were created to create.  We as humans are divinely embodied with unlimited power. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe otherwise.  Suffice it to say, there is nothing out of our reach, as our reach is unlimited.  Soon, very, very soon, eyes will be opened to this ability, and then everyone will off to the races so to speak.  Number Two: I told you that you are Spirit first and foremost.  If the true makeup of your existence is Spirit based, then common sense dictates that we should operate spiritually, and part of that operation is listening to the Spirit that created us.  Why is it so difficult to believe that God speaks to us?  If you have a conversation with the Creator of the Universe, and acknowledge that conversation,  most people will look at you like you have two heads.  Those things that people do not understand, or that people have yet to experience, they tend to nullify or discount.  Hey, if you want to disregard the greatest power in the Universe, I guess that is your option, but it probably is not going to be in your best interest.  Number Three:  We are not only Spiritual Beings, we are Eternal Spiritual Beings.  What does this mean?  It means we have always been, and will always be.  If we have always been and will always be, then does it not make sense that we will accomplish those things we were sent here to do?  Now you may not be aware of all that you have been created to do, trust me, at some point in time it will be revealed to you.  Just know that you have a purpose.  I've had people ask me time and time again how I can be so sure that each person has a purpose? Think about it, does it make sense to have a creation that is unlimited in power, will never cease to exist, that does not have a purpose?  It kind of defies logic wouldn't you say?

Why am I talking about this today?  There are so, so many people languishing in hopelessness.  There are people who feel that life has passed them by, and that they have somehow been forgotten.  If one is in this place, then I can assure you that they do not see themselves for who they truly are.  The time has come to open up and realize that there is so much more to you than you have been made to believe.  I see so many people who are holding on for dear life, grasping for that life raft.  There could be a life raft right in front of you, but if you don't know how to climb aboard how is it going to benefit you?  I know this may come across as crazy talk to you, but the honest truth is that you have every answer, to every question, already inside of you.  Problem most people have yet to figure out how to hear the answer to your questions.  Your Spirit is unlimited.  It has within it every knowledge of every experience you have had.  Within your Spirit you have answers to every question.  How could anything that has been around forever, not have a memory of everything that has happened forever?  I know this is going to boggle many minds out there, but that's the main problem.  We try to solve every issue with our limited mind, and not with our unlimited Spirit.  Think about that!!

Let me end with this:  we must choose in life what we are going to believe.  We must choose what path we are going to go down.  We must chose life or death.  In times of stress, in times of fear or anxiety, we tend to go back to that which we know.  The saddest part of going to back to what we know, or what we think we know, is that the thing we think we know is not truth.  Once again the truth about you is that you are unlimited, powerful, creative, and most importantly, immortal.  When you can embrace this truth, when you can say with assurance that this is you, the real you, then you will be on your way to experiencing life the way it was always intended to be.   Ask yourself this question:  why is life so tough?  Why are there so many challenges each day?  To the degree that you have been created to do great and mighty things, that is the degree of challenge you will face in life.  Until such time as you recognize that you have all that you need to overcome these challenges, these challenges will always seem larger than life.  I encourage you to think more of yourself, even if thinking more of yourself is counter to what others have said you need to act like. Remember we have been conditioned to believe we are limited, and I can assure you, you are anything but limited.  

I leave you love, peace, happiness, and joy.  We are about to be launched into a new world, and know that you are uniquely equipped to do all that needs to be done for those who need it.  You have been called, chosen, and now it is your time to step out into your new position of power.

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