Sunday, October 1, 2023

Would you you believe me if I told you.....

There are many falsehoods that people hold on to in their lives. Sadly many of these have been passed down by previous generations, and although they were introduced to us with good intentions, there is still a lot of stuff that we have been taught that just isn't true.  What I would like to do today is to provide you a clean slate, and give you some thoughts to ponder, and in doing this, bring you into the light so to speak.  Let me begin by saying this:  I do not have all the answers, and I would not be so brash to think that I know it all.  What I do bring is my insight, my thoughts, my understanding of just who and what we are.  It is this understanding that I have meditated upon over the last 15 years, and it is this understanding that I have tried to bring forth in all of my writing.  Ultimately you will be the judge of what I present to you today, but I ask you to keep an open mind, a waiting heart, and most of all use your own discernment.  Let's get started, and see where it takes us.

Would you believe me if I told you that you have the ability to create your own reality?  Now most people believe they are simply going through life, and their actions are based on what is thrust upon them daily, and if luck has anything to do with things, they just might squeak out a meager existence.  You would be correct that people base actions on what is currently going on, but what if you had the ability to direct what was going to happen in your life?  What if you had this magic wand and all you had to do was speak things into being?  Would you do it? Would you choose your words and watch what you asked for?  Well the truth is, you do manifest in your life daily, and the end result of this manifestation comes from the words you speak, the feelings and thoughts you have, and the energy you inject into any situation.  Sadly, most people are oblivious to this truth, so the words they speak are often contrary to what they truly desire in this life.  Most words spoken are a reaction to what is seen, to what is felt, and those words carry a tremendous amount of power, even if what it brings is negative.

Would you believe me if I told you that you are eternal, that you have your Creator's essence right inside of you, and there is nothing that will ever bring this wonderful, beautiful, unlimited nature to an end?  If you find this last statement difficult to believe it's because you have been conditioned to believe in your human mortality, and you are not seeing things as the Creator of the Universe sees things.  Why is it that we can believe in a life after death, but we can't believe in that same life here on planet earth?  If your Spirit is going to live forever after death, then why can't people believe, or realize, that the spirit does not change, and if it has unlimited ability in the afterlife, why does it not have the same abilities in your current state?  I'm going to use the Ocean Water example again.  Pull a bucket of water from the ocean, fill a kiddie pool with it, and you now have a kiddie pool full of ocean water.  The water does not change, it's simply a change in location.  If your Eternal Spirit does not change, having the same abilities no matter what location it might find itself in, why do we not recognize our abilities?  Once again, we have been conditioned to see our limits.  We have been taught to be limited.  Certainly there are people who are able to cut loose from this type of conditioning, but sadly the vast majority of people never do, and instead live each day slaves to a system that has nothing but lack, fear, and dare say I, death.  I believe the time has come to separate ourselves from what we have been taught, and stand in what we know to be truth.  It is only in standing in your power, in your birth right, that you will overcome all the garbage that the world has thrust upon you.

Would you believe me if I told you that nothing you see is real, and only make believe?  Just as time is an illusion, so is everything around us.  Everything in this universe is energy.  Some is slowed down sufficiently to be seen with the naked eye, other energy is so fast that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Just because you can't see energy does not make its existence impossible.  If in fact we are living in a story line that has no definitive end, then don't we have the ability to change any and all outcomes? The only thing that never changes is your Spirit.  Bodies change as is evident that you no longer have the body you had when you were born.  Our body changes constantly but our Spirit remains a constant.  If the only constant in the Universe is our Spirit, then everything else is not real.  If it's not real, then why are we so worried by what we see or don't see in this life?  

I fully expect that many will not see what I am trying to say this morning.  I've been writing about these same things for almost 15 years, and only now are people beginning to grasp much of it.  I really had a difficult time deciding if I was going to write this week, as what was placed in me to write I knew would be controversial, and anyone that knows me, knows I hate confrontation.  That being said, I am always mindful of what Spirit gives to write, and I really must do what I'm directed to write.  Nothing that I write is contrary to any doctrine or belief that has been taught for generations.  If anything it is nothing more than a clarifying of information that should have been taught long ago. 

We have to get to the point where we begin to accept the significance of our creation.  We must get to the point where we begin to accept the abilities that we were born with.  We absolutely need to begin to walk in our power.  I see defeat in the eyes of so many people each and every day.  I see those who desire the best that life has to offer, but hasn't a clue as to how to obtain any of it.  We all struggle, as we are all human, and there are times that we forget that we are so much more than human.  Sadly we have to struggle with the rest of the world who knows nothing of Spiritual Abilities.  We have to battle with the naysayers, with the doubters, but all is not lost.  The time has come to open up to the real you.  The time has come to begin a new chapter.  This chapter is all about completion.  This chapter is all about creation, and what part you have in this creation story.  The most important part for you to understand is that you have not been excluded from this story.  You have not been left out of the goodness, the joy, the peace, happiness, and love.  All of these things were always intended for you, sadly they have been hidden from you because others chose to disregard them.  

It is time to recognize your abilities, and it is time to believe.  It is only in believing in your abilities that you will be able to walk in them.  Trust me, when you begin to see that you can, and do create all that is going on around you, then and only then will you have the life of your dreams.  Is Nirvana real?  Is perfection even possible?  Are we really supposed to enjoy all that life has to offer, void of sadness, void of sickness, void of all things dark and dreary?  The answer is yes, yes, yes, and yes.  Take a few moments and think about what I have shared today, and open yourself up to the possibilities that all of this is true, all of this is meant for you, and that this is who you really are.  Once you open your eyes to it, the landscape of your life will change forever.

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