Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Truth about Love.

The truth of the matter is that Love never fails. Whether it be the absolute love we have for others, or the love that we should have for ourselves, love does not fail.  We as humans fail, but true love, the love that was placed inside of us when we were created cannot fail.  What I want to do today is bring to the forefront of your mind just how important love is, and why love needs to be at the center of everything you do in this life.  

I have spent the better part of my life chasing love.  I have looked hither and yon for it.  There were times that I thought I had found true love, and there were times when I realized that what I thought was love was really something completely different.  It wasn't until I spent some time getting to know the real me that I was able to love me, and I mean really love me, that I was able to understand the importance of love, and what part it was playing in my life.  One of the most simple truths in life is that when one is void of love, individuals will attempt to fill the void with other things that in the end serve no real purpose.  If we delve into the topic of love we will find why it is so essential to every aspect of our life, and why in the absence of love, one will never obtain that place they so earnestly seek out.

I was sitting with my two dogs yesterday.  These two beautiful Spirit Beings have shared their unconditional love with me, and have taught me unconditional love.  Like most dogs there are times when they do things you wish they wouldn't, but when I look into their eyes, I realize that there is no malice in them.  How can I get angry with them when their intent was not evil?  Most of the time when I get angry it's simply because there is an issue I am dealing with.  How wonderful would life be if we operated this way with everyone we come in contact with?  What if instead of finding fault with everyone we simply looked at them the same way my dogs look at me when I come home from work?  What if we loved everyone unconditionally and gave them the benefit of the doubt when something went wrong?  I see so many people who jump to conclusions about every situation only to find out later on that they were the ones in the wrong.  

Is it possible to imagine a world where every single soul was driven by love?  Can you think of anything that would stand in the way of greatness if everyone were to operate out of unconditional love?  I get that many people feel this is an impossibility, but only because they are the ones who are not walking in unconditional love.  I guess the question I have to ask is walking in unconditional love even possible in the times that we are living right now?  Current situations in the world would say no.  There are wars going on right now, and the main reason is that they have pitted themselves against differing political and religious beliefs.  Let me be brutally frank:  politics and religion very rarely operate in love. Certainly people will claim they are operating out of love, but the results would say otherwise.  I'm not here to beat anyone up, what I am trying to do is get you as an individual to look at love, operate in love, live in love, see in love, and maybe just maybe it will bring results to those around who have opted for a different solution in life.  

Those that know me know me to be a love nerd.  I can watch a Hallmark Christmas movie and nine times out of ten I am crying like a baby at the end because it touches my heart.  My compassion for hurt or abused animals is off the scale.  My desire to help the underdog, those individuals who have been written off,  is what drives me.  The reason?  Well that's simple to answer.  I love life, I love who I am, and my desire is that everyone on this planet would operate the same way.  I despise injustice, and those individuals who attempt to control others, void of anything even remotely close to love, well let's just say there is a special place in the afterlife for these low lives.  I make no apologies for loving everyone.  Have I always been successful in walking in this? No, just being honest.  With that being said, I may have failed in the past, but each day is new, and with each new day I am able to display love, live love, and hopefully transfer love to others.  The question I have for you is this: do you believe?  Do you believe that love can heal all wounds?  Do you believe that love can conquer all?  Do you believe that love, fully received by you, can be given back to every living creature?  

There is a reason that love is so important in life.  We were created by love, because of love, and without regard to what others have displayed previously, love needs to be the driving force in everything we do.  Those individuals who have a hard time with love, meaning treating everyone with compassion and love, are the ones who have either never experienced true love, or who simply do not love themselves.  For those in this boat, get a dog, lol.  If you want to learn compassion, unconditional love, these four legged fur babies will certainly teach you, if you let them.  We've all dealt with angry people in the past.  If I had to make a guess I would say that this anger stems from a lack of self love.  If one cannot appreciate the greatness inside, the reason for your creation, then it is doubtful you will ever fully grasp the concept of self love, and in the absence of self love will never fully embrace love for humanity.  

Allow me to end with this, and as I try to put a beautiful bow on this gift of love, I hope you will take some time to think on these things I have presented to you today.  Love is eternal because you are eternal. Love is powerful because you are powerful.  Love is beautiful because you are beautiful.  Given the option to operate in love, or be void of love in your life, which would you choose?  One would think that the answer would be simple, and yet there are people out there who feel they don't need love.  Sorry, that is foolishness gone to seed.  We all need love.  Once again, those who are blind to love probably have little or no self love.  Love changes things.  Love creates things.  Love even in its simplest form, even in the tiniest of measure is the strongest force in the world.  When my fur babies look at me with those eyes I melt.  There is nothing I won't door them.  How great would life be if everyone we came in contact with saw us like that and desired to do anything for us?  This is the measure of love, and the measure of love is always going to be based on what you put out, but also what you are willing to receive.  I leave you peace, joy, happiness, and of course love.  Now go out there and change some lives. 

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