Saturday, September 2, 2023

What I did on my Summer Vacation.

My summer hiatus has now come to an end, and I get to do what I love most in life, and that is write, inspire, and hopefully change a few lives in the process. I will not bore you with all the details of what happened over the last three months of solitude.  Suffice it to say I have spent so many hours simply grounding myself, clearing away those things that no longer serve, and preparing myself for a new adventure, one that I have been waiting for a very long time to actually step out into it.

What I will do today is share with you a few of the lessons I learned, and it is my hope that you take away from these lessons much the same thing I did when I was learning them.  I fully understand that everyone is different, and with that they bring differences into any situation.  While I will not claim to have any great understanding of what others have gone through, or may be going through, I do believe that what I share with you today may very well provide that missing piece to the puzzle that you have been trying to complete.  With that note, let's get going, and let's see if we can't learn a few things that will change the world.

Lesson One:  Love yourself.  We have all been placed here to accomplish a certain thing.  All your dreams, your desires, your passions, have all been placed in you as a means to an end.  I see so many people who struggle with self love, as if it were something to run away from.  Self Love is the realization that you are an incredible creation, and you being here is in the perfection of the Universe.  An individual who does not understand self love is never going to be in a position to give or receive love.  A life that is void of love is not something I ever want to experience, and neither should you. If you do not find it in yourself to love who and what you are, then those dreams, desires, passions will simply fade away, and what was meant for you will fade away.  Self Love is a foundation for all that you are destined for, and it must be in place for all other things to fall into place as they were meant to do.

Lesson Two:  Coupled together with self love is the importance of knowing that you are so worthy of goodness in your life.  You are worthy of good things, and accepting anything less than that is simply one of the saddest things I can think of.  We have been conditioned throughout life to believe that we always have to strive for things that are just outside of our reach, a day late, a dollar short. We have been conditioned to believe that there will always be those who are on the outside looking in, forever wondering what it would be like to have it all.  I'm here to tell you that we are on the precipice of something truly amazing that will change the face of humanity forever. If you are unable to accept the truth of your worthiness, then you will miss out on one of the greatest blessings of your lifetime.  Trust me when I say this, what is about to be thrust upon humanity is not something you want to miss.

Lesson Three:  Your words are far more powerful than you could ever imagine.  People are constantly complaining about one thing or another.  People forget that what they speak, they are.  People who constantly bemoan all that is going on around them have never fully realized, or accepted, that they have the power to change it all.  "That's impossible" is what I hear so often, and it is this statement that does indeed make something impossible, when in truth, all things are possible.  I have said so many times in the past that we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we simply do not believe.  When is the time going to come when we understand that we create our reality?  You don't have to believe that last statement, but just because you don't believe it doesn't make it any less real.  When your words reflect the dreams, desires, and passions you have within, then it will be impossible to stop things from coming into existence.  The time has come to create the reality in your heart, and bring it into the now.

Lesson Four:  Cutting the Cord.  We all have a tendency to hold on to things simply because they are what we have always known, without regard to whether they are good for us or not. We've all heard the saying that we need to cut the cords that bind us.  The question I have for most people is are they ready, willing, and able to cut the cords.  If ever there was a time to remove things in your life that no longer serve you, now is that time.  The problem most people experience while trying to rid themselves of things that no longer serve them, is that most of these things are things that they have always known, and quite frankly they feel they will be left empty without them.  The truth of the matter is that when we shed ourselves of these things that no longer serve us, we are actually making room for better things to occupy that space.  I fully understand how difficult it is to release certain things, but one must be fearless when the time comes to cut that cord.  

Lesson Five:  Be still and know that I am God.  A bold statement I know, but truer words have never been spoken.  Some do not believe in a Divine Creator.  I'm not here to push a religion, rather to expose you to truth.  If we would just get out of the way and allow divinity to expose itself to us and others the world would be a far better place.  Do you realize that our creator is in awe of our greatness? Do you realize that you have within yourself all the power imaginable?  Do you realize that you have been equipped to accomplish what you were sent here to do.  If we would just get out of the way of those things that have been shoved down our throat, and believe that we have a destiny, our life would be so much better.  When we realize that we are individually equipped with all manner of greatness, we then accept the concept of "Be still and know that I am God." We are awesome creations, with tremendous potential, and a huge calling on our life.  Do you really think that we are on this planet, in this life, just for the free popcorn?  We have a mission to complete, and once you realize this, and accept it, you will begin to move in ways you haven't even imagined.

I know I have gone on for a while, but I simply wanted to shed some light on what I have been going through over the past three months.  This time that I spent digging, praying, meditating, has prepared me to step forward and accept my next adventure.  It is my hope that as you think on these things you will also feel a pulling, a yearning, a desire to seek out just what your purpose is, and begin to take the first steps in accomplishing your purpose for this lifetime.  We have had many challenges as of late, but each challenge has positioned you to learn more, and in learning strengthen ever part of you.

We are about to enter some incredible times.  We are about to experience some incredible things. Some will scoff as what you are about to launch into, but that's OK.  When we fully accept our purpose, then it matters not what others may say or think.  I challenge each of you to begin seeing the real you.  I highly suggest that you set aside all doubt, all fear, all anxiety, and embrace what lies ahead.  The journey although not always pleasant is geared to get you to a place of total joy, happiness, and peace.  

I am do happy to be back, and I believe that these next months are going to provide each of us answers to some of the questions we have had, and desire to be answered.  I send each of you love, light, peace, happiness, and joy.

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