Saturday, September 9, 2023

Time, Is it your friend, or an enemy? You have to decide.

We live with time 24/7, 365.  Some are controlled by it, others seem to move through life without the slightest regard to it.  Is there a right way or a wrong way to deal with time? Some individuals are so controlled by time that there is zero chance of any deviation to what is planned, or to what is expected.  The problem isn't so much that plans can change, and thus upset once's focus on time, the issue is really one of reality.  What do I mean by reality? Is time even a real thing?  What I want to do today is bring some insight, my insight into how I conceive time, and I hope it will bring some much needed clarity to those who have a hard time with the concept of time.  Now let me say this: no matter how you see time, whether you use it, ignore it, or even just go with it, there will be a time when we run out of it.  There is no ignoring the fact that one day we will be no more, at least in this flesh and blood body.  Our Spirit is eternal, and as such time in the Spirit Realm is non-existent.  If time is non-existent in the realm of spirit, then why do we make it such a thing down here on planet earth?  Asking for a friend.

One of the first things one needs to realize about time, or the appearance of time, is the simple fact that it is never going to be controlled by us.  Things come in the perfection of the Universe, not a second before it's meant to be.  Sadly that does not always line up with our wishes or desires, but then again, our wishes and desires do not always line up with what the Universe has planned for each of us.  One of the best things I can tell people is to trust the perfection of things, and live in that perfection.  If you are constantly trying to reinvent the wheel, always trying to push things through with your own might, you are going to hit brick wall, after brick wall your entire journey.  I fully understand how we want what we want instantly, but getting things right away is not always in your best interest.  Those who are wise will wait on the timing of the Creator, and those with wisdom will rest in all things knowing that the outcome is going to be better than they could have imagined.

I know many people at the moment who have needs.  One of the hardest things to do is to have faith in the process, knowing that the outcome has already been determined, even if you can't see it.  We've all been taught about faith, but how many walk in faith every minute of every day?  It's always been said that it is difficult to remember that the main purpose was to drain the swamp when you're up to your butt in alligators.  Well it is equally difficult to remember that you are walking in the perfection of all things when things are not as we desire in the moment.  One can sit around minute by minute, hour upon hour, day after day waiting for your ship to come in while what should be happening is you understanding that things will happen at the appointed TIME.  When we are able to take time out of the equation, when we are able to let go of things, when we simply live in the moment, this is the time that things happen.  One can drive themselves nuts waiting, wondering, hoping for something to come to fruition.  People are driving themselves crazy because they want all things now.  

I have put myself in situations throughout life that I didn't belong. I did this because I thought I knew better about timing, and after all was said and done, had I waited for the Universe, things would have turned out far better.  Now I learned valuable lessons during this process, but let's be real, failing at something  because I was too pigheaded to do things the right way still caused pain, still caused confusion, and yes, it created quite a bit of anger in my life.  I have since learned to let go of my concepts of time, and simply rest in the fact that I don't always know the best time for doing something.  I encourage you to learn from my mistakes, thereby reducing the risk of experiencing the same failures I had.  

When we relinquish our need to control all things pertaining to time, we allow things to happen in an order that cannot be messed up.  When we take our hands off the wheel of control, we allow the order of the Universe to be front and center.  When we allow the Universe to be front and center we magically find ourselves in a position of peace.  People often talk about the turmoil of life, but how much better is it to speak about the peace you live in?  People will always argue that they need to control time, as they have to control what goes on in their life.  Do you really think that you will ever change those things that have been destined for you since the beginning of time?  When we try to control time we take what was divinely created and bring it down to a level that can't possibly provide you what was always meant to be. I would much rather have all that the Universe has ordered for me, than what I can create on my own. Do you want the best?  Do you want to have all that was designed for you?  If you do, and I hope you answered in the affirmative, then let go of time, and simply remain in an attitude of gratitude and peace.  I fully understand how the events of recent days can bring an element of fear and anxiety, but fear and anxiety are not something that have to control you.  Fear and anxiety is nothing more than a loss of faith and hope.  A life without faith isn't something I want to experience, and neither should you.

When we live a life guided by faith, we take away the need to control time.  When we live by faith we have nothing to fear.  When we allow faith to be front and center we no longer will wonder when something is going to happen as we realize that it will happen when it needs to happen.  Trust me when I tell you that my faith is challenged each and every day.  I have to remind myself that I choose to have faith.  I get that the clock is ticking.  I have spent the better part of my life being controlled by those ticking seconds and minutes, and guess what?  All that time spent worried about doing this or that at some predetermined time in life has not altered the place that I am standing in right at this moment.  The sooner we let go of our control of time, the sooner we will give back control to that higher power that has always had our best interest at heart.  

I want to leave you with this thought: if time is an illusion, and we have allowed our lives to be controlled by this illusion, what would happen if we relinquished our need to control time?  Do you think that maybe, just maybe we would see things happen in what some would say miraculous ways?  Do you want to experience the miraculous or simply the ordinary?  The decision is yours to make, but you just might want to think about it.  I leave you love, light, peace, and joy.

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