Friday, May 26, 2023

I have a Challenge for you.

As many of you know who have followed me over the last 13 or so years, I always take a hiatus during the Months of June, July, and August.  As such, this will be my last posting until I return the first Weekend of September.  As an Empath, as an Author and Writer, I need my time to recharge, re-group, and otherwise do things that will fill my tank so that I can continue doing what I love most.  What I would like to do today is lay out a challenge for you, and if you are wise you will accept this challenge.  The decision to do so is yours to make, and only yours.  I can try to encourage you to do it, others can try to motivate you to do it, but ultimately it is all up to you.  

So here's my challenge, and to be honest, it may be the most critical challenge you have ever been asked to participate in.  This challenge, if done right, if done with every bit of your being, this challenge will change you forever.  So here's my request, here is my wish for you, STOP DOUBTING!!!!!! It is time to realize all that you have, all that you are, all that you have been called to do.

Each of you have grown so much over the last few years.  Some of your journeys have taken generations, some just years, months, or maybe just days.  Some of you have so many years left, others maybe a little less time, it matters not.  What I need you to do is put all doubt out of your mind. Forget about what people have told you you can't do, and instead follow what your heart is telling you, and do those things you know you desire to do.  There is no dream too big, there is no goal unattainable, there is no journey that does not have an end.  When we doubt we stop all forward momentum.. When we doubt we kill any dream, any desire.  Our dreams and desires have been given to us because there is something we need to do with them.  That something is the reason you were created in the first place.

As the picture in today's blog eludes, there is no Doubt, there is only Do.  Be the magnificence of your design.  Walk in the power that you were created with.  Utilize the unlimited knowledge that resides within your spirit.  When you finally come to the realization of your power, your beauty, your uniqueness, you will no longer be able to doubt the perfection of you being in the here and now.  If you can grasp the perfection of it all then it becomes impossible to doubt your destiny.  It is impossible to think that maybe you were a mistake, or that all of your dreams were only thoughts of what could be instead of things that need to happen.  Why do these things need to happen?  Because you are the only one that can accomplish the things you were sent here to do.  In the Creator's perfection you were the one chosen to do what you know is in your heart to do.  How incredible is that?

We've all had stumbles in our life.  We have fallen short, we have failed, we have made more mistakes than Carter has Liver Pills.  (I know that is showing my age, but I love the comparison.)  If one simple mistake was a life sentence, we would all be locked up for eternity.  Whether one has made one mistake or one million, you still have a destiny, and you still have to believe you will fulfill that destiny, at the right time, in the right place.  That is faith, and that is what we need.  Faith never says no you can't. Faith never says no you won't, it says yes you will.  Doubt is a destroyer of faith.  Doubt will corrupt a dream, it will kill a desire.  Doubt has never been your friend, and the sooner you kick this un-welcomed, unwanted companion to the curb the better you will be.  

I will be the first to admit that I have failed numerous times, but what always kept me moving forward was the knowing that I had a dream.  I had this knowing that there was something I was destined to accomplish. No matter where I was, no matter what I was doing, there was always something that kept me moving forward.  Certainly there were times in my life when I would take one step forward and somehow get knocked back two or three steps.  I still took it as though I started that journey of a thousand miles with the first step, and after that it was literally off to the races.  You have to see your journey this way.  You absolutely have to believe that no matter what is tossed at you, there is nothing that can stop what was designed for you, what was meant for you, and most importantly what has been created for you.  If you can stop all doubt, then the only thing that can be operating in you is faith.  If you stop all doubt then nothing will stop the flow of creativity.  If you stop all doubt then only those things you choose for your life will be in your life.  Remember we create with our words, our thoughts, and our feelings.  

Will ridding your life of all doubt be easy?  To some yes, to others it may take a little longer.  The key is first accepting your essence, and the significance of your essence.  When we know who we are, then there is nothing that can stop you.  When we realize that we are not just some experiment to others, that we are in fact Created Beings life changes.  I've been laughed at most of my life, well at least that's the impression I have.  No matter what others may say or think about you, never give up on your dreams.  Because someone else has a negative view of who they are doesn't mean you have to see yourself the same way. Your dreams and desires have been placed in you for a specific reason.  The Creator of the Universe is not in the habit of pulling the rug out from underneath you so that he can simply laugh at your follies.  Your gifts and talents are perfectly suited for what you were created to do, and with this knowledge you should be able to hold on through any turmoil, struggle, or even failure, and realize that nothing can stop your final outcome, and that outcome is walking and fulfilling your destiny.

In closing know this:  never doubt, only do.  When all the dust settles during a turbulent time, you will be the one who is front and center.  When all others around you have given up, you will cross that finish line, and the results will be better than you ever imagined.  Will you accept my challenge?  Will you say no to doubt and simply do?  You have this, and I am so wanting to hear of all your success when I return at the end of my away time.  I leave you with love, light, and my prayer that joy, peace, and happiness will overtake you.  All my love to you.

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