Saturday, September 16, 2023

What's Next?

Most everyone is trying to decide what is next in life.  Tons of individuals are wondering where is this journey taking me?  Others are just going with the flow, and to be honest, could care less what lies ahead for them.  No matter what category one falls into, there is always going to be a time in one's life where we will ask what's next.  What I'd like to do today is to open up your mind to possibility.  What I want to do today is encourage you to look at what is coming up as something that was designed for you a long, long time ago.  Each step of our individual journeys are ordered by the Universe.  There is nothing that is going to stop or change things that have been destined to happen.  What will or can change is how we react to these things, but in the end, what is destined to happen will happen.  What we need to do is accept this, work with it, learn through it, and grow, grow, grow.  

Let me begin with this:  we do indeed create our own reality with the words we speak, the feelings we have, and the thoughts that we entertain.  We can argue about this fact until the cows come home, but truth is truth.  Some will argue that if life has already been set since the beginning of time what does it matter what we say or do?  Well in a nutshell, what we say and do has already been determined, we simply haven't come to realize that yet.  I know this sounds like some crazy idea, but please bear with me as I try to explain.  

When we accepted this journey we also knew what we were going to go through.  It takes time for some to realize this, while others pick up on it quite early in life.  No matter what phase of life you might find yourself in, it is as it needs to be.  When the final whistle is blown, when the game is over, we will be where we were always intended to be.  The key to happiness is to realize that all things are in the order of the Universe, and when we can accept this fact, we can begin to live the life we were intended to live.  There is so much fear out in the world today.  Fear that stops people in their tracks, and fear that in all honesty is nothing more than a mirage. When we begin to accept the power that is within, that was placed inside of you at the moment of your creation, then fear is something that can never, or should never overtake you.  It is only when we do not understand our creative abilities, our uniqueness, our beauty, that we allow fear to be the driving force in our life.  Let me assure you that when fear drives all things, then you will never be able to obtain what was designated for you since your inception.

So what is next?  Do you allow others to dictate your actions?  Do you allow events to dictate your actions?  If you have the ability to create your reality why would you allow any outside force to take away what is yours?  If you were placed here to accomplish a certain thing, why would you allow any outside force to take from you what is yours?  You have to begin to accept your placed in the Universe.  These gifts are inside of you to help you in your journey of discovery.  These gifts are what you were given to aid you in accomplishing the things you were sent here to do.  I've said this before, we are not here just for the free popcorn.  Take a look at your life.  I think everyone would agree that each of us have a passion for something in life.  That passion was placed inside of you to be a guidepost to your destiny.  Your destiny is perfectly paired with the gifts that have been placed inside of you.  When you couple your passions with your gifts you now have the makings of something pretty incredible.  

I see so many people who are still trying to figure out what their place is.  I see countless people who are walking around just waiting for a sign.  I see people who simply can't decide what to do next.  Let me say this, stop the madness.  The time has come to be bold and simply say what passion you have, and don't worry what anyone else has to say about it.  Your passion was formed in you as a testament to what you are supposed to do in this life.  If you are unable to accept, or even acknowledge your true passion, it is doubtful that you will ever be truly happy in this life.  So maybe the answer to the question of what is next is to finally accept your true passion.  

We have all fallen victim to someone telling us we were mad for desiring something.  We have all had people tell us why we can't do something, or shouldn't do something.  If I had listened to what others told me I would never have become a writer.  If I had listened to what others told me I would never have started down this path of spiritual awakening.  Now don't think I have finished my journey.  I still have much to learn, but I am on the right path, and encourage each of you to stay on your path of discovery.  Never allow someone to rob you of your destiny because they could not accept your dreams, your aspirations, your passions.  There are plenty of unhappy people out there who would like nothing more than to bring you down to their level of misery.  You have a passion, you have a destiny, and if others cannot see that then walk away and hang out with people who do.

Here's what's next for each of us: a daily discovery of opportunity, or possibilities.  Each day brings something new to discover, and the only way we will not receive what is ours is if we close our eyes, our hearts, or our minds.  I fully get how many think we are crazy and gone off the deep end.  These are the very same people who have languished in fear, anxiety, and a whole lot of "woe is me".  The time has come to detach from the norm, and simply latch on to the marvelousness of who and what you are.  In accepting your greatness, you will step out into that magnificence that has always been you.  

Allow me to leave you with this final thought.  In a time when many are running around like a chicken with its head cut off, might I suggest that you simply take some time to let go of expectations, and instead simply be in the moment.  If one truly believes in the perfection of the Universe, why would you chose to not accept your own perfection, your own greatness, your own destiny?  If you believe in destiny then you will have all you need to accomplish and walk in your destiny.  What's Next?  Well that all depends on what you want, what you speak into existence, and what you ultimately desire in this life.  Our future is as boundless as is the boundlessness of the Universe.  It is time to unleash your unlimited abilities.  It is time to be at peace, and know that nothing can stop you from being the person you were intended to be.  I leave you peace, love, joy, happiness, and an unlimited amount of possibility in your life.


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