Saturday, April 8, 2023

Is "Faith" just the new Buzz word, or do you really have it?

Most of us have faith in some form or to some degree.  Most have faith that they will wake up the next morning.  Faith that they will be able to take another breath, or just faith that the sun will rise tomorrow.  This is simple faith.  Truth of the matter is that faith to take another breath is no different than faith to raise someone from the dead.  It simply comes down to how much you believe.  I've heard so many definitions of what faith is.  If you ask one person you will get one point of view, ask another, and you know the answer.  Faith is individual, always has been and always will be.  Some people have the faith to move a mountain while others can hardly muster up enough faith to take that next breath.  What discourages me from time to time is when I see people who profess to have a ton of faith disparage  those who may be a little weak in their faith.  Get off your high horse people.  Others will discover faith in their own way, in their own time, and the sooner you can accept that fact the better you will be.

What I'd like to do today is provide you Scott's views on faith, and through this maybe get you thinking about a few things.  Now I will be the first to admit that I do not have a patent on faith  My faith is challenged each day just like anyone else.  There are days when faith comes easy, and other days when it is nothing but a struggle.  Much of our views on faith are determined by our views on ourselves.  Do we see ourselves as Warriors, as Sages, or simply someone who might just go with the flow of things?  Do we see ourselves as victorious, as victims, as overcomes, or simply existing in a life with no meaning?  Once again, faith all starts with where you are, and never where anyone else might be at the moment. One's faith is as individual as each snowflake.  So let's delve into who we are, and how faith comes from a place of knowing first and foremost.

If one does not understand or recognize the significance of their own design, their own creation, then one is going to lag behind forever.  Each of our creations is a true masterpiece.  We have embedded in our DNA the God Code.  We, believe it or not, have God right inside of us.  Too few people realize this, and these are the very same people who bemoan that things do not go their way, that they are always on the outside looking in.  Does it take faith to believe we are actually much more than human?  Does it take faith to believe that we are spirit first, and we only inhabit this mortal body?  If you can accept your greatness then I will tell you that walking in faith is going to be as simple as walking down the street. 

Often people complicate faith.  They attach all kinds of limits on it.  People will only have faith when certain things transpire first.  Let me tell you, putting out the old fleece when believing for something is not faith.  You can't claim one thing, and base those claims on having something happening before.  Oh God do this, and then I'll do that.  It doesn't work this way, never has, and never will.  Faith is the assurance of things, even when we can't see things in the daylight.  I guess what confuses me is that people have faith that tells them they are going to live forever in heaven when they die, but somehow can't muster up enough faith to have all their dreams and desires here on earth.  If your Creator placed those dreams and desires inside of you, don't you think they are there for a reason?  You don't have dreams just so God can say"Just Fooling".  

I see lots of people who will daily claim faith, but when tried they run for the hills.  Hey, don't get me wrong, there have been plenty of times in my life when I have headed for the hills.  When times get tough your faith will be tried, but keep this in mind, you will always have what it takes to get through, if you have the faith that is.  True faith can only exist when one is totally aware of just how perfect you are.  I know people will say there are no perfect people.  Well, maybe actions are not perfect, but people are perfect, because you are a product of your Creator, and there are no mistakes when it comes to the Creator of the Universe.  We have a strange way of looking at things.  We claim God is perfect, yet we don't hold the same thought when it comes to one of God's creations.  Why is that?  Why do we belittle the things of God, and more importantly, why do we see ourselves as anything other than perfect?  Once again, some of our actions may not be perfect, but let's not confuse actions with design.  Your design is perfect, just as your being here is in the perfection of the Universe.  If one believes in the perfection of God, the Universe, then how can you see yourself as anything other than perfect?  If you see yourself as perfect, to take it one step farther, then everything you go through in life is also perfect, set before you to get you to the place you are supposed to be.  If you can accept all of this then faith is much easier to hold on to, as you finally can recognize that all things work together.  

Faith is a funny thing.  Most people don't think about it until one's faith is tried.  You're going along through life one step at a time, every thing is good, and you don't give it much of a thought.  Stub your toe on something and all of a sudden the earth is about to end. Where is your faith?  Why did you stub your toe?  So many questions, too few answers, at least that's what you think.  In actuality, the answers are right in front of you.  Maybe you stubbed your toe so that instead of getting into your vehicle like it was planned, now you have to soak or mend your toe.  In the process, maybe, just maybe you being late is why you missed the 30 car pile up on the highway, on a route you were just about to take twenty minutes earlier.  Ever think of that?  

When we realize that we are the orchestrator of our reality, that we create with our words, our thoughts, our feelings, then we may begin to believe that we are indeed more than just mortal, that we are in fact infinite beings, with infinite abilities. When one can grasp their own significance, not significance to wave in someones face, that after all is ego, but significance in what we are, then faith is as simple as 1,2,3.  

Certainly "Faith" may be the buzz word as of late due to all that is going on around us, but might I suggest that instead of basing everything on "Faith" that we base everything on what we are.  I am not discounting Faith, not in the slightest, what I am attempting to do is add to the overall equation of who and what you are so that faith is 1,2,3.  We are faith.  By our mere existence we display faith, live faith, offer faith.  Yes there are times when we see less of it, but in that moment see more of who you are.  If you want faith to grow, then grow in your own understanding of your greatness, your beauty, your perfection.  When you walk in these things, you will not be able to be absent of faith.  Trust me, and let me say this again, your faith will grow as you begin to accept the real, authentic you.  You have my word on that.


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