Saturday, April 15, 2023

Do you really Believe? Part II


They say that truth is truth.  The question I have for you this day is do you really believe that?  Often spoken that one man's truth is another man's fiction.  I guess the only way we can look at truth, at believing, is to look at you, figure out where things are coming from, and does what you believe in resonate with you, without regard to what others think?  This is what we are going to tackle today, and it is my hope that you will walk away with a new understanding of truth, of believing, and therefore be prepared for what lies ahead of you.

There are countless people who will profess truth, but truth be told, it is their truth and not necessarily yours. When one attempts to push their beliefs on others, without thinking about background, upbringing, or even simple stuff like "who cares", then it is so very difficult to separate truth from fiction.  Just because someone says something is so, doesn't make it so.  Just because someone believes one way, doesn't mean you are wrong for believing another way.  We've all been around those "Strong Willed" people who are bound and determined to get you to see things their way, and until such time as you bow to their wishes there is nothing but what can only be described as conflict.  How many conflicts have been started because one held a different truth from another?  How many wars have started because one group believed differently from the other?  It's time that we realize that we can no longer demand something from someone else because we believe a certain way.

There is no other way to put this, but Truth is controversial.  Why? It's quite simple, people believe what they believe and that's all there is to it.  Now there are some who have changed their beliefs based on an open mind, and once information was provided to them they were able to change directions so to speak, and see things a different way.  On the other hand, there are those who no matter what are never, and I mean never going to change how they think, what they think, and why they think something.  To each his own, but I'd like to think that I am open minded enough that I can be shown a different way.  Ultimately it is my decision what direction to take my beliefs and truths, and no-one else's. 

Truth is a funny thing because there are many people who hide from the truth.  It's not that they whole-heartedly believe, it's that it's easier to stand behind a supposed truth than stand in harms way because you truly believe another way.  When one truly has a belief, when one really does stand on the truth, their truth, then they are, or at least, should be prepared to withstand the arrows that might be coming their way.  The great divide between really believing something, or simply standing behind it because it's convenient, is are you willing to be beat up for it?  Now I don't mean beat up in the sense of taking a fist to the face, but words spoken against you are just as harmful, in my opinion.  Standing in your truth will take personal fortitude.  It's easy to say you believe a certain way, but when push comes to shove, do you really have what it takes to stand up to your "Truths"?  I can't answer that question for you, but it's something you should think about, because the day will come when you will have to prove what you believe in.

What is the dividing line when it comes to truth?  Are you willing to give it all up for what you believe in, for what you believe to be true?  It's easy to say you believe, but when push comes to shove do you really believe?  Are you willing to fall on your sword for what you believe? Are you willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for what you believe in?  When I served in the military I was willing to give my life in defense of this country, now that is truly believing in something.  Many will say they believe, but in the end your actions are going to show what you truly believe.

There are numerous examples of people who gave their life standing up for what they believed in.  I hope and pray that you will never be put into that situation where you have to give your life, but the question you have to ask, are you prepared to do so if required?  I'll tell you what, there are plenty of people who say they will, but when that time came, they ran away like scared children. Now I'm not condemning them, but this is the great dividing line between truth, and non-truth, between standing on what you believe, or what others may have told you to believe.  Which side of the equation you fall in is entirely up to you.  I for one am not going to cast judgement on anyone.  But let me say this, there will come a day when each and every person is going to have to make that decision.  It may be for a simple truth, or it may be something much larger.  I guess what I want to stress to you today is to hold fast to your truths, but make sure they are yours and not someone else's.  Just as I would give my life for my country, for my dogs, for my loved ones, I will give my life for what I truly believe in.  

I'm not going to ask what you believe in, because truth be told, it's none of my business, but what I will do is ask you to make damn sure that your truths are yours, and yours alone.  Others may share in that truth, but they have to own theirs, as you have to own yours.  Will there ever come a time when we will have to decide between life and death as it pertains to our truths.  I hope and pray not, but history is laced with time periods where it was just that.  People have been burned at the stake for their beliefs.  People have lost their heads, hung, shot, you name it, they have been taken in many different ways, but pretty much for the same reasons: theirs was not the other person's beliefs, and sadly those other people could not, or would not accept that fact.  Funny thing about truths, sometimes they are convenient, sometimes they are not.  Will one stand on principle and honor their truths, or will they because of the pressure, because of the mob mentality simply let go of what they believe to fit in, to survive, to simply slip under the radar?  Trust me, if one succumbs to the pressure, as many do, ultimately you will be eaten up with remorse because you will have sold out, and no amount of supposed gain by selling out will be worth what was ultimately lost.

I encourage you to fully understand what you believe in, what your truths are, and then never ever give in to the pressure, the insults, the fear.  When the end comes you can hold your head up high knowing that you were true to yourself, true to your beliefs, and that is one monumental achievement.

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