Saturday, January 14, 2023

Take the Blinders off, God is in you!!
I'm going to tell you right up front that this week's Blog just may send some over the edge.  It might also open your eyes to things you have thought, but never fully realized.  It may bring some clarity to things you have often felt, but never really understood the reason why.  You have heard me say, or as a minimum I have written about it numerous times in the past, that we have been conditioned since birth to believe certain things, and not entertain other things.  Sadly most of what we have been taught about God is fundamentally incorrect, and those things we have been told to walk away from are more truth than you could ever realize.  Now I want to say upfront that this is not about church bashing, or New Age Dogma.  What I want to do today is open your eyes, have you take the blinders off , and maybe for the first time in your life realize that there is more to this life than you realize.  Hold tight, because some of this ride might just get bumpy.

We were created by a Higher Being.  You can place whatever label you would like to place upon this being, but I will call it God, Creator, Source.  No matter how you label it we were created.  Many people fail to realize that our creation was not just this body that came from your mother's womb, but rather our infinite spirit, which has always been , and will always be.  Once again I have said this many times in the past, and yet far too many people still do not realize the significance of their creation.  What I need you to do right in this moment is shut down your mind, open your heart, and take in what I am about to say.  God is in you.  There is nothing you can do to change that.  You cannot separate yourself from this fact.  You can run from the things of God, you can ignore what your spirit is telling you, but you can't separate yourself from that which created you.  

When Spirit directed me to write about this topic this week I will tell you that it wasn't my first choice, nor was it something I was over the moon happy about.  If there is one subject in this world that can ruin a dinner party it is that of spirituality, or religion.  Too many people have differing views, and let's be honest, wars have started over religion.  I'm not talking about religion today. I'm talking about the real you, the spiritual side of you, and a side that is more real than you could ever imagine.  However, this is a side that not enough people have become familiar with, or have completely ignored it.  Well today I am going to introduce you to this side of you again, and it is my hope that you will become intimately familiar with your spiritual side, and by doing so become familiar with the God that resides inside of you.

It is no secret that I have been going through some battles as of late.  These trying times have challenged my beliefs, they have pulled me, twisted me, and almost killed me, metaphorically speaking. What they have also done is forced me to look internally to what is the real truth of my existence, and who and what I am.  I had forgotten that I am that I am.  I had vanquished my infinite side, and instead focused only on my own humanity.  Trust me when I tell you that your humanity is never going to pull your butt out of the fire.  I have cried more tears, questioned more beliefs over the last year than I think I ever have.  Through it all the one salient point that kept coming back to me was that I was more than just a mere human, I was in fact a spiritual being, who had the essence of my creator flowing through my entire body.  When we see ourselves as limited, we are limited.  When we see ourselves as creative, then we create. When we see ourselves as spirit then we operate on a whole new level.  This spiritual realm is where we were always intended to operate, and often we only get to this level when things have truly gotten out of hand, or out of control.  It is my hope that by you ready this, you will make the decision that operating from a spiritual realm is the preferred method of living.  

There has been so much truth hidden from us because once you know you know, and the powers that be cannot afford to have you knowing the real truth about who you are.  At the moment of your creation you were given the keys to a jail cell that too many people have tried to keep you locked up in your entire life. This freedom that you were destined to walk in has been stolen from you by those who only want to control you for their own gain.  When you finally realize the power you have by virtue of your creation,  the unlimited ability that is really yours, then and only then will you put the death nail into those who have wanted nothing but your sheer destruction. 

If you believe in a loving and benevolent God, why in heavens name would you be relegated to a life of misery and false hope?  Why in God's name would you be expected to live a life of lack, a life filled with sickness, a life only knowing fear, having no love, and always wondering what evil is hanging around the next corner?   This doesn't sound like any God I want to have a relationship with, and to the ones holding you back that is just fine with them.  When you come to an understanding of the greatness of who you are, and that this greatness has always been, and will always be inside of you, then you can kick the evil back, say good-bye to lack and sickness, and for once in your life operate from a place of knowing just how incredible you are. 

Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to know if you recognize that God resides inside of you?  The answer may shock you.  One of the telling signs that you understand your significance is that you operate with compassion.  You are moved by what you see, and there is very little that would stop you from righting a wrong, stepping in to rescue a defenseless animal, share love with a stranger, seeing people not from their outside appearance, but rather their spirit.  If you do this daily I can pretty much bet you have given thought to God, and God has touched you in a personal way.  

My dear friends take the blinders off ,see the world and yourself, for the greatness that it is.  How I wish I could touch each of you, release a blessing on you, and have you feel the power of God flowing through every fiber of your being.  Know this, no matter what you may go through, where you may have come from, you still can never change the fact that God is inside of you, and this allows you to operate well above just a normal human existence.  Step out and let God show you just how powerful you are.  If you will allow this things will change in your life forever. 


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