Sunday, December 4, 2022

As above, so below.
I was listening to a chat this afternoon.  It got to the point that people were simply talking about this ailment, or that one. They were bemoaning all the things they face, and you could feel that they were seeking after the "Woe is me, say nice things" from everyone else in the chat.  I finally just got off, as my tolerance for stuff like this is pretty low.  I'm not saying this to make anyone believe that I am somehow better than someone else.  I too have had to deal with issues, but I have also grown to a point where I do not publicize those issues as it is doing nothing more than adding power to something that in reality is powerless.  I have said so many times in the past that there is power in our words, whether you believe it or not. Our reality is a direct by-product of what we have said in the past, whether you believe that or not.  

What I want to do today is provide you a way of rising above all the "Issues" that people face, have faced, or might face in the future.  I say might face, as it is my hope that when you get done reading today's blog, you will take with you an understanding of just how powerful you are, and why the saying "As Above, So Below" is so critical to your ability to live the life you were always intended to live.  So many people are facing what some might describe as insurmountable odds these days.  I know this may sound crazy, and if it does, I make no apologies.  I write what I'm instructed to write, and allow Spirit to open your hearts and minds to what is being presented.  What people go through on a daily basis is nothing more than a manifestation of their own words, thoughts, and feelings.  We create ladies and gentlemen.  We create every day of our lives, and those things we create we can't blame on someone else.

When one comes to understand their significance, their true essence, then and only then will they grasp what I am about to explain to you.  Please don't think I am getting up on my high horse, and that somehow I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer deal with these issues.  I deal with them daily, but I have also gotten to the point where I hold captive negative thoughts, words, feelings, and stop them before they are able to attach themselves to my life.  I don't always succeed, but I am far more aware of what I need to do each day to stop the negative in my life.  I want you for a moment to think about those who have passed, and what their existence is like.  If you believe in a life after death, and most people do, then we have thoughts of being a free spirit. Void of all darkness, all sickness, all the negative we see in the world today.  Now, having never been to heaven,  I can only think about what things are like in this place where human form no longer exist, where there are no limits.  What I need you to understand is that the spirit that you are, the real you, is no different down here on this planet, then it would be in heaven.  I'm not sure why it is, but most people forget, or maybe they don't even realize that their spirit is changeless.  It matters not whether it is here on earth, or up in heaven, your spirit is eternal, always has been, always will be.  If you are void of all things negative up in that heavenly plain, why should it be any different down here on this early plain?  It's only different because we have been taught that it is different.  

As Above, So Below means just that, the way it is in heaven is the way it should be down here.  Did not the Lord's Prayer say the same thing?  It's so frustrating when I see people who have so limited themselves in this life.  They have accepted second best, and refuse to see what life is supposed to be like.  I get how difficult life can be at times.  I get the struggles, the doubts, the fear and anxiety that many people live with.  But let me ask you this:  given the option, life or death, what would you choose?  Given the option, health or sickness, what would you choose?  Given the option, poverty or riches, what would you choose? Only an idiot would choose death, sickness, and poverty.  Not saying that to be mean, but at some point you are going to have to realize that you were born with perfection in you.  Some will never discover this perfection, others will walk in it.  I for one choose to walk in it, even if it is a gradual process of getting to that perfect state.

We are fast approaching a time when we are going to have to decide what direction our lives go in.  We can remain in the dark, scared to go outside, frightened to even take the first step, or we can boldly go where few men or women have gone before.  We have been robbed of our legacy by past generations that have been willing to stumble through life accepting what others say is normal.  We have never fully grasped our true nature, our true self.  As Above, So Below is infinite.  It is unlimited, and it can only be stopped if we choose to walk away from it.  Our divine nature is what we need to be operating in day in and day out.  If you are not familiar with your spirit you are never going to fully function as you were intended to function here on good old planet earth.  If you fail to accept your greatness, your divine nature, your deity, then you will be whipped about by every other distraction.  

Many people have grown complacent in life.  They accept everything thrown at them, and with any luck might get through it with minor heartache.  I've got tot tell you, accepting only minimal success, minimal happiness, minimal joy, and love, that kind of sucks if you ask me. Operating in Spirit, walking in the infinite is not impossible.  It may seem like it's never going to happen, but that's only because one is not used to it.  You have to learn to crawl before you walk, before you run.  Get familiar with the sound of your spirit.  Trust me when I tell you that life will change when you change your focus.  When you watch the words that come out of your mouth, when you hold captive those thoughts that do not serve your greater purpose, that will be the time you begin to walk in spirit, and that will be the time when you  begin to see things as they should have been all along.

We can have heaven on earth.  Truth be told, we should have been walking in it since the beginning of time, but we allowed it to be robbed from us.  No, we didn't do it on purpose, but it happened because we didn't know any better.  We can change, and we can stop this cycle of existence if we choose to operate from our spirit, and not our earthly mind.  Your mind is going to be swayed by everything around it, good, bad, or indifferent.  Your spirit on the other hand, it can't be swayed, it can't be deterred, and it certainly is incapable of making a mistake.  Now, given these two options, what makes more sense?  You have within you an infinite spirit, that is not hindered by man's limiting beliefs.  Your spirit right now is the same spirit that operates in heaven.  Your spirit has always been, and will always be.  Your spirit once again is limitless.  Accepting this truth is really the first step in walking in the perfection of your design.  As above, So Below is not a myth. It is not something that is out of reach, or only for a select few.  As Above, So Below is what was meant to be, and only you can accept this.  I promise you this: once you begin to walk in your infinite nature, once you grasp your perfection, once you begin to operate from your spirit, and not the flesh, life changes, and changes more than you could ever imagine.  May you begin to realize the Creator's desire is that you fully understand "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

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