Saturday, November 26, 2022

Give Thanks, even in the midst of a battle.
 There's an old saying that it is sometimes difficult to remember that the main objective was to drain the swamp, when you're up to your butt in alligators. Well a parallel thought is also true that in the midst of a struggle, there is still the opportunity to give thanks.  Now many would find that a strange thing to do, in light of the fact that you just might be butt high in alligators.  Life is a journey of discovery.  We discover our limits, our abilities, are strengths, and our weaknesses.  We learn with every victory, and with every failure.  We will always be learning, and through it, we need to give thanks.  I know how difficult life can be at times.  I was just asking Father God this morning what is it that I'm supposed to be learning during this period of upheaval in my life?  Asking questions during a difficult time is not always easy, but I assure you it will pay off dividends, as long as you don't loose heart, don't loose faith, and you realize that everything is a lesson. 

What I want to do today is get you to see the bright side of things, the silver lining.  What I want to do is position you to realize that there is nothing put in front of you, that you do not have the ability to either overcome, or simply learn a life lesson.  In the midst of a storm it is not always easy to remember that knowledge is power, and through any ordeal you will gain knowledge.  It may be something that tells you how not to go through something, or experience something a second time.  It may be as simple as an internal knowing of what to do next, or in some cases what not to do.  

So why is thankfulness, or being thankful, or showing thanks for what you are going through so important?  First off, it is a recognition of self.  It is knowing that you are fully equipped to handle anything thrown at you.  It is the realization that you have immense power within your person.  It is an understanding that no matter what, you will be victorious.  We have forgotten our strength, our power, our divine nature.  What we can never forget, and I've said this countless times, we are spirit first and foremost.  We were created to create.  If you can not come to terms with this, then you will never be able to be thankful, even when you are standing on the mountain top.  I see people daily who are totally demoralized.   They want to quit, they want to run, they want to just end whatever it is they are going through.  Oh trust me, I have been there, and were it not for the Grace of God, I would not have come through it.  Did the pain I experienced bring me joy?  Honestly not at first, but the lessons I learned going through some of the things I have gone through, taught me valuable lessons, and for that I am totally grateful and thankful.  I am stronger having gone through certain things, and for that I give thanks.  

We face so many challenges in our life.  Most of these challenges we have brought on ourselves, as we have created them with our words, our thoughts, and our feelings.  I know this may come as a shock to many, but the creative process we were born with operates 100 percent of the time, 24 hours a day.  Whether or not you believe this is inconsequential.  We must get to the point where we squash negative words, negative thoughts, and only speak those things we want present in our life.  I have first hand knowledge of this, and trust me, when the negative comes out, it is never pretty. Thankfulness comes when you realize that you control all things.  Once again, we have been taught that we simply are in this life to go along for the ride, and whatever happens, happens.  Well in a sense that is true, what is going to happen will happen, but to a very large extent, you control what is going to happen.  

I have never before been buffeted like I have the last few months.  Many will say that there are countless others going through the same battles, and struggles.  What I have had to do is be thankful that I have lived to tell of the battles.  Others, sadly, cannot say the same thing.  I do not bring this up to glorify myself.  I bring this up because the only acceptable action to take when inside of a battle is to show gratefulness, and thankfulness.  Grateful and thankful that you have been endowed with power from on high to withstand all that might come against you.  I often find myself asking why?  Why this, why now?  All that happens is a segment of the journey, and as I have said, life is a journey of discovery.  Discovering who you are, what you are.  Discovering that you indeed have all you need to walk into a battle, and win the battle.  It may not be without scares, hurts, frustrations, anxiety, but you will get through it, and when you do, thankful that you had what it took to cross the finish line.  

Let me say this in conclusion:  I know how difficult it can be to remain positive when you are up to your backside in alligators.  I fully understand and comprehend the depth of despair that others are going through.  I may not know exactly what is happening in their life, but I can attest to the fact that I too go through trials.  As hard as it may be to accomplish, you must, must, must stay positive, focused, and more than anything, thankful, that you are able to withstand all that comes against you.  If you are not able to give thanks in the middle of a battle, then you will never have to worry about what happens next, because what happens next may never arrive.  As spiritual beings we have more power in our finger tip than the most destructive weapon known to man.  What most haven't done is accept this truth, and begin to walk in this truth.  Certainly many will think that I am crazy for having these views, and for writing about it, but I have no choice in the matter.  When Father God says to write, I write, and I don't second guess.  I still have a long way to go to fully understand who and what I am.  I am quite sure that I will have my share of battles in the future.  What brings me solace is that I know from whence I come, who brought me here, and why I am here.  In knowing your purpose, in knowing your destiny, you are able to overcome so much.  When one sees the future, when one knows what lies ahead, then tiny battles are just that, tiny.  You have come through so much, and you have positioned yourself to do even greater things in the future. Hold fast to the thought, be grateful, and be thankful that you have been called for such a time as this. 

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