Saturday, December 10, 2022

At the end of your rope?
 Been there, done that.  Far too many times I have been in positions where I find my self at the end of my rope.  I've had to decide what to do next.  Many others find themselves at the end of their ropes, and those same decisions are going to have to be made. What I want to do today is give you a set of options.  Which option you chose is entirely up to you, but there is a preferred one, and I hope you agree with me, that the preferred one is your best choice.

Ropes are a funny thing.  They can assist in many ways, they can also be a huge detriment.  How you decide to utilize this rope is entirely up to you as well.  Ropes can be attached to pull things verses heavy lifting.  Ropes can help secure items, making sure they don't wonder off on their own.  Ropes can also tie things up securely, but the question you have to ask yourself is do you want to tie up things that are not in your best interest?  Individuals have a tendency of holding on to things, in a sense securing it to your person in perpetuity.  So to put it bluntly, the rope can either be a help, or be a noose around your neck, and with the latter, we know the result. So let's get down the Nitty Gritty, and see if we can't make things easier, thereby beginning to use rope as a helper, and not the enemy.  

First impressions when anything negative happens to us is that somehow we are the cause, or we deserve it, or in many cases, the world is just out to get us.  First let me say, none of these three things are true, and the sooner you drop this notion, the sooner you can go on with life.  No person deserves bad in their life.  Now because of Universal Laws bad can come into your life, but the person who controls that is you.  Remember we create.  May not believe it, may not think it, but it is truth, and most, if not all of the things that go on is because we have created it.  That being said, if one can create havoc in their life, they can also create peace, happiness, joy, and love.  Now being one who hates confrontation, I would much rather have peace, happiness, joy, and love in my life, and not a noose around my next, where I know what that outcome is going to be.  

I am going through one of the toughest times of my life at the moment.  I've had to do some soul searching and see what have I done, or what have I been doing that has brought this to the forefront of my existence.  I could sit here and blame everyone else, but they are responsible for them, and I'm responsible for me.  Passing blame onto someone else is the cowards way out of things, and it is never, and I mean never going to change what you are going through at the moment. The only way to change what you are going through is to let go of the old ways of doing things, and in a sense "Let Go, and Let God".  I know that saying to some is incredibly cliche, but the truth in that statement can not be over emphasized.  God said Let there be light, and light was.  Christ said take up your bed and walk, and they walked.  There's another old saying that tells us to do a check up from the neck up.  Once again, a very true statement, but one that somehow has been lost in translation over the millennium. 

I guess when it comes down to it there is no easy way of saying this, but here you go, get out of your own way.  Stop sabotaging your life with a whole lot of negative talk, negative feelings, and downright defeatist mindsets.  Certainly things can be challenging at times, but if you will take it one day at a time, and try to watch your words one step at a time, before you know it, you will change the way you speak, the way you think, and the way you feel. Most people are at the end of their rope because they have sold any good feeling down the river, and then they wonder why life has become a Crap Sandwich.  Here's another thing, and I hope you take it, and run with it.  I've seen people who bury feelings deeply down within their self.  Never utter a word, carry it around for years, and it simply builds, and builds, and boils up until, bam, explosion time.  Do you for a moment not think that your Creator knows how you are feeling?  Why in the world would you try to hide it.  If you're mad, admit to God you're mad.  It's not as if God is not already abundantly aware of your feelings.  Burying feelings is the same thing as wrapping that noose around your neck and being dropped through the gallows.  Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.  

We are Divine Creatures.  We have a Spark of our Creator within us.  That spark can light a fire that will never be quenched.  That spark is what keeps dreams alive.  That spark is what drives us to be what we were created to be.  That rope that people have been living with wrapped around their neck reminding them of past hurts, past failures, is never going to get you to the place you're supposed to be.  I'm here to tell you that this experience we are all going through is meant to get us to a place of pure joy, pure love, pure happiness.  Yes there are times when the road is rocky, curved, covered with all manner of dread, and anxiety, but we have within us the ability to walk through it, and reach our destination, our destiny.  It is time to unravel all that is holding us back, and become the person we were intended to be.  

I fully understand wanting to quit.  I know first hand what it's like not letting go of hurt, not knowing what to do, or even knowing if what you always thought was, wasn't.  Each of these challenges are here to teach us.  We are never at the end of our rope, we are simply learning something new.  Yes there are times when we don't have answers, times when we want to give up and run, but don't.  Change your words and be thankful that you are learning.  Be thankful that you are still here fighting the good fight.  I learned a long time ago that light begets light, Love brings more love, and joy expressed daily will provide you a never ending supply of Joy.  It won't be easy to rid your self of bad habits, but each day brings with it an opportunity to profess goodness.  It brings the chance to see joy and happiness in even the little things.  When you begin with joy, with love, with happiness, and maybe it's just a smile, you will untapped one of life's greatest mysteries, how to manifest all that you want in life. 

You are never truly at the nd of your rope, you are simply learning a new way to tie the knot.  Never give up, never give in, and remember that you are perfection.  With perfection comes trials, but never so big the you will not conquer each one. 

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