Thursday, December 29, 2022

It's a New Year, and Go!!
 I was going to take the week off, but things being as they are, I've decided to publish a blog.  It may not post until 2023, but we'll see what happens. I have had lots, and lots, and I do mean lots of things running through my mind.  Some have caused conflict, others have brought clarity.  If anyone knows me they know I hate confrontation.  If anyone knows me they also know that I will do anything for anyone, often at the cost of me going without.  I do not say that for sympathy, rather as a point of reference.  For the better part of my life I tried to do things that I thought other people expected of me.  I always sought out the acceptance of others, or better put, the approval of others.  It wasn't until later in life that I was able to get over this short coming, and finally accept who I was, the gifts that God gave me, and the mission or in the words I often use, my destiny.  It in is this light that I want to share with you what I feel is important, and why this upcoming year is so critical to what you desire in life.  Now we always hear about the next year being critical, or that something big is going to happen, that our ships are going to come in, the planets will line up. In my mind it's just the same crap different day.  I do believe, from the bottom of my heart, that 2023 is indeed going to be a monumental year on a different number of fronts.  Some people will understand what I am saying, others will walk around scratching their head and thinking what's so different from this new year vice the year we just had.  Now I could go on for days describing what differences will take place in the upcoming year, but time and space being at a premium, I will keep it as concise as I can, and hopefully you will grasp what I am about to share.

There can be absolutely no denial that there has been a shift going on the last few years.  Most of the world is in turmoil, countless people have lost the battle, and yet we are still in a war.  To some this may be an actual war, to others only spiritual.  No matter what front you find yourself on, we are fast approaching a time when knowing certain things is going to be paramount.  Operating a certain way is going to be a necessity, and most importantly, being true to yourself is an absolute must.  Herein is the main topic of this New Year's Blog.  Being true to self is what must be our focus in the coming days, weeks, and months.  I guess with this last statement, we need to understand what is "Our True Self".  Everyone sees themselves differently, based on circumstances, events, and things that have happened in the past.  Without regard to what may have transpired in the past, what you feel may happen in the future, knowing self is the only way we are going to traverse the path ahead.  

Our journey into self-awareness didn't just begin.  We have been in a learning mode since the beginning of time.  Now this thought may just send some over the edge, but I would be remiss if I did not speak truth.  Our true essence, our spirit was fully formed and developed at the beginning of time.  We as humans have to understand our spirit if we are ever going to follow the guidance provided by our spirit.  Our spirit is infinite.  As I've said so many times in the past, it has always been, and will always be.  It has no beginning, and no end.  We fail to recognize the significance of our spirit because we have been conditioned to ignore it.  Self-awareness is the awakening.  This awakening is going to be different for everyone because everyone brings various things into the equation.  Past fears, hurts, up, downs, all become a part of our experience, and those things are what typically keep us from listening to, or doing what our spirit is directing us to do.  

I'm not trying to be overly dramatic, but we are in fact at a precipice right now.  We must either decide to remain where we are, suffering loss, loosing hope, giving up, or we need to step out into those things we were destined to do, and accept the significance of our being.  Sadly there is no other choice.  Equally as sad, is there will be those who will choose to remain where they are at, being blown about by all manner of chaos.  Given the option, which choice do you think is the correct one?  I can't make the decision for you, but what I can do is encourage you to look at a few facts that might make your decision a little bit easier.  Fact number one:  you have been equipped with an Infinite Spirit.  This spirit knows all, can do all, and is just as much a part of you as any other part of your body.  I think you would agree that everyone knows how to utilize their own arms and legs.  Each has learned to see, to hear, to breath.  Most of what we do daily is second nature.  Well, knowing or listening to your spirit also must become second nature.  The only reason it may not be right now is because you have not allowed it to be.  You have not grown familiar with your own spirit.  This is in large part because you have never been allowed to really operate spiritually and only operate from a purely human standpoint.  Fact Number Two:  This is not your first Rodeo.  Your Spirit has been around since the beginning of time.  Now I'm not sure anyone really knows when things really began.  Some say it was the Big Bang, others will argue that point, it matters not.  We indeed started at some point, and your spirit started at the very point where all things began.  As hard as that may be to wrap your mind around, your spirit has had all the time it needs to now all, and if you will listen it will tell you exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it, for any situation you might find yourself in.  Fact Number Three:  It really doesn't matter what you have been taught, what you belief, as truth is truth, and the truth of the matter is you are spirit.  We inhabit a mortal body, but once this shell is gone, your spirit is still alive, as it always has been, and as it always will be.  

It's a New Year, and while many will come up with resolutions, most of which never continue past maybe the first week, maybe it's time to change things up from the past and begin to live the way you were always intended to live.  We were created to have dominion over all things.  We are not small, we are not weak, we are not stupid or lazy, we are in fact the most powerful thing in the Universe, SPIRIT!!  If you cannot grasp this truth, then sadly you will continue on with things the same old way, getting the same results.  

It's time to get on with life, but get on with the life that was always destined for you.  No matter what last year brought your way, 2023 is going to be totally different.  The difference will begin when you understand the difference between flesh and Spirit.  The difference will begin when you accept truth from fiction.  The difference will begin when you walk in your true essence, and not simply the flesh you occupy.  I'm here to tell you that big things are coming, and coming at a pace that will boggle the ordinary person.  

My dreams for this upcoming year are no different from years past.  My dream is to walk deeper, stronger, more determined than ever, but walk in Spirit, and not flesh.  My desire for each of you is the very same thing.  We have been bombarded with negative for way too long.  We have been moved by what we see with our natural eyes, and not what is truth as seen though our own Spiritual Eyes.  It is my deepest wish and desire that each of you make the determination to see in the Spirit, and in doing so, launch yourself into the perfect place, a place that was always designed for you to be in. Join me in agreement that what you desire most will manifest quickly.  What you dream about most will come to fruition.  What you were created for, will make itself known to you, so that the whole world will be blessed by what you have to offer.  I wish you the very best for the upcoming year, and I long to hear your stories of victory, love, and success in all things. 

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