Sunday, November 20, 2022

When in the Course of Human Events
There is no doubt that we live in a flesh and blood body.  We experience the effects of this body each and every day of our life.  We walk, we run, we sleep, we eat, we cry and laugh.  Every minute of everyday we are acutely aware of where we are, where we have been, and some fortunate souls can even sense where they will be going.  There is nothing wrong with the human experience, but in all honesty there is so much more to who and what we are, and today I wish to shed some light on just that. Sadly there are so many people who have yet to tap into the spiritual side of things.  For many people the subject of spirituality is taboo.  There have been so many people who have fraudulently portrayed spiritual as mystical.  Mystical to so many people carries a negative connotation.  What I will attempt to do today is give you a clear, concise, and honest assessment of what true spirituality is, at least in my estimation.  Some will agree with what I say today, others will run from it.  I simply would like you to keep an open mind, and it is my hope that all of it will resonate with you.

One of the first things to know as we tackle the very sensitive subject of spirituality, is the simple fact that you are spirit first and foremost.  You came from spirit, and by virtue of that you are spirit.  A bird can only give birth to a bird.  A fish, a fish.  We could go on for hours describing the offspring of everything that is on this planet.  Suffice it say, your creator is Spirit.  The simple truth of the matter is that your spirit is the only changeless thing in your whole existence.  The spirit you were born with, is the spirit you will die with.  Your body changes throughout your life, but not your spirit.  Sadly, far too few people ever get to know the true essence of their being, never learning how to communicate with their creator, which is spirit to spirit.  Although we as humans have a life that begins as a child, unable to talk, unable to walk, dependent on everyone else to survive, our spirit at birth, heck our spirit at conception, is fully whole, fully functioning, its' knowledge is unlimited, has abilities beyond imagination, and is perfection in all things.  We as humans tend to believe that our spirit is as fallible as our flesh. We don't give it the credit it deserves, and as such, we never fully depend on it to do for us what it was designed to do.

Whereas we as humans tend to limit our physical abilities based on what we see, or what our experiences are, we also limit our own spirit's abilities because we simply are not aware of those abilities.  Christ walked in spirit all day.  He was aware of who and what he was, and he didn't doubt the creative ability that he was born with.  Sadly we have been conditioned to believe we can never do what Christ did because after all he was Christ.  Well truth be told we are no different.  We have been sold such a bill of goods when it comes to who we are.  We have been told that we can't do certain things.  We have the mind of Christ, we simply do not operate with the mind of Christ because we have been told we can't.  I'm not there yet, as much as I would like to be, but the first step in the process is recognizing that we have this ability.  We were born with this ability, but it has been buried under layer upon layer of doubt, of conditioning.

Our daily lives are filled with things that we have brought into existence with our words.  Our daily lives have been created by what we think, and what we feel.  Good, bad, or indifferent, we have to own the fact that we have created our reality, whether you believe that or not.  I've said it before, you don't have to believe in the Law of Gravity, and you live with its' effects every day of your life.  So too,  we live with the effects of what we say every day of our life.  I hear so many comments from people daily.  "I can't do it", 'I so awful at this", "I am...I am....I am....   When you dare to say "I am", you had better be sure that what ever follows those words is something you truly want in your life, because I can tell you, it will come to pass.  Certainly this might sound like some mumbo jumbo, but I assure you it is anything but that.  

So, when in the course of human events, you find yourself drifting away, heading in a direction you do not wish to be heading in, experiencing things you do not wish to experience, might I suggest that you begin to communicate with your creator in the manner which was always intended.  The topic of spirituality is so complex, because we have made it that way.  In actuality, it is quite simple, if you will just get out of the way and let things happen naturally.  Look at it this way; did it take any effort on your part as you went from infant, to toddler, to child, to teenager, to young adult, to where you are now? No, it all happened naturally, and to be frank, it was going to happen one way of anther without any action on your part.  Your spirit, that which is the center of your being, has been whole, complete, and perfect, without any input from you whatsoever.  You can't change your spirit, you can't kill your spirit, you simply are your spirit.  We have to get away from seeing things simply in the natural, your body, your life, your eye or hair color, your height, your weight.  These are all things that at the end of the day mean nothing.  Now seeing your spirit, communicating with your spirit, walking in your spirit, now that has lasting impact on you, and it will change you completely on the outside if you will let it.  Given the option to walk in the flesh, experiencing all the ups and downs of life, going without, feeling fear, anxiety, frustration, or walking free from all these things because you are being lead by the Spirit of God, what is the better choice?  

I've only scratched the surface of what True Spirituality is.  My desire today is that you simply begin to see things in a different light, and that you begin to open yourself up to new ideas about the real you. I could write volumes about any number of topics out there, and you could reach each word, but believing in those words, putting those words to action is often a totally different thing.  I encourage you to begin to see things in a different light.  Open up and believe in the inconceivable.  We are limited, but only because we have been taught that we are limited.  Please understand this, we are so unique, we are so special, so gifted, so incredibly powerful.  You must, must, must, start embracing the real you.  You have to begin a conversation with your creator so that you can learn what is real, and what is not.  We have been kept in the dark for far too long, and as the light begins to dissipate the darkness, you will begin to see what is real, and what you have been lied to about.

My dear friends when you walk in your true essence, when you accept the greatness that you were born with, then and only then will you be able to accomplish those things that you were sent here to do.  Some will discover this early on in life, others, at the end of their time.  It's not important when, what's important is that it happens.  It will happen at different times for different people, but rest assured it will happen when the time is right.  I encourage you to prepare now, open your heart, open your mind, and begin a conversation with your maker.  I promise you the topics will be something amazing.


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