Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Time has come....
 There comes a time in every life when one has to decide what is important, and what it not.  There comes a time in every life when one has to decide what direction to head.  There comes a time in everyone's life when they will have to discover who they are, and why they are here.  Well Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe that the time has come to do just that.  This week's blog is going to be hard hitting, and to some maybe even impossible to believe, but let me encourage you to keep an open mind, an open heart, and maybe you will walk away changed forever.

I've been writing this blog for 12 years now, and I, like everyone else evolves and grows at our own pace.  That being said, we are fast approaching the time when  we can no longer just sit back and operate under the status quo.  We are entering a time when we must evolve, we must grow, and we absolutely need to be stepping out into those things that we were created to do.  Why you might ask is this so important right now?  We live in challenging times, and things are going to get even more challenging over a very short period of time.  We need to be equipped to handle all that is about to happen, and knowing how to navigate around what is coming is of paramount importance.  While I believe that there will be some who will not fare well in the upcoming events, it is my hope that each of you are prepared, and will get through whatever is coming.  

We, as I've said countless times in the past, have been conditioned to believe that we are simply humans, having a human experience, tossed to and fro every single day.  Quite frankly far too many people have never discovered their true power.  Far too few people have accepted their own divinity.  In the absence of this is it any wonder so many people are in turmoil these days?  What I truly desire is that every individual on the face of this planet could come to an understanding of just how powerful they are, and where they came from.  Whether you believe in the story of Adam and Eve, they were created to walk with the Creator.  They communicated with their creator just like we communicate with family and friends today.  Their creation was no different than our creation, as we came from the same source.  If we came from the same source then surely you have to realize that we were created with the same abilities.  Once again we have been told why we are different.  We have been told why we have to suffer.  Sorry folks, that is just not something I am willing to accept, and although I still have a long ways to go to walk in this place, I fully expect to someday, and you should be no different. 

People have been talking about the Great Awakening.  Just what is the Great Awakening, and how does it even apply to us?  Well, let me say this:  The Awakening is very real, and it definitely applies to us.  Whether one walks in this awakening is something all together different, but it is here, it is for you, and it is totally up to you to walk in it. We live in this world, and sadly because of that too many people believe that we are destined to scrape by, and never truly enjoy what was always intended for us to enjoy.  We work, we toil, we sweat.  We go through our day with all kinds of expectations placed on us by others, and we never fully get the opportunity to be our true selves.  We battle, and battle, and battle.  We battle so much that we have nothing left at the end of the day to enjoy.  But do we have something in us, something created in us, that we just are not aware of right now?  The answer is yes, and this is where I need you to hunker down and truly listen to what I am about to say.  

When your Spirit was created, it was flawless, it was complete, and it was infinite.  Your Spirit, your true essence has never changed, will never change. It has always been, and will always be.  How can something with no limits, how can it be limited?  If we were to be guided by our spirit 100% of the time, would we not also be limitless?  Here's where our conditioning jails us to a life of fear, anxiety, dread, you name it.  When Christ walked the earth he understood his essence.  He didn't acquiesce to what others said was truth.  He walked in the fullness of his spirit.  Why is it so difficult to believe that we should also be walking in this fullness?  Have we been so conditioned that all we can see is what others tell us is normal. We as humans, to a large extent, have never fully grasped our true nature.  Is it any wonder why so many people are distraught all the time?  

I see people all the time who pray, and pray, and pray, and yet what is the result?  If you see yourself as a mere mortal, doomed to be sick, doomed to die, doomed to live in poverty, do you really think you are going to walk in the absolute power you were created with?  You can pray til the end of your time, but without a knowledge of who you are, what you are, sorry, but it's all moot.  I know what I just said may upset some, that is not my intent.  My intent is to get you so spiritually minded, the Mind of Christ, that prayer is no longer an issue, and you begin to create the way Christ created.  He would speak healing, and healing was done, the lame, the blind, the deaf, you name it, done.  He created miracle, after miracle, simply because he completely understood his true essence.  He communicated with his creator the way it was always intended to be.

My dear friends, you have a simple choice to make.  You can either embrace your true self, or walk around like so many others are doing right now in darkness and gloom.  You can either embrace your true essence, or forever think about what could have been.  We are created beings, created to create.  Why would your creator place an infinite, perfect, powerful spirit in you, if the intent was for you to use it in any endeavor, dream, desire, that reside in you?  Your journey to your destiny begins with you accepting your power, your creative ability, your perfection.  The time has come to embrace the real you, change the way you have been doing things, and in doing that change the world.

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