Sunday, October 30, 2022

To each his/her own, but together we are much stronger.
 Many hands make lite work, a saying I learned many, many years ago.  Today I want to delve into the topic of being alone, feeling alone, and more importantly why we need everyone around us if we are ever going to get to our destiny.  This is a topic that so many people want to run away from, if only because it is an emotion that no one wants to admit to, but an emotion that most of us have felt at one time or another in our life.

Let me start out by saying that loneliness is a brutal, demoralizing, and life altering emotion.  We as humans were never meant to go it alone.  As a Spirit Being we should be in communication daily with our Creator.  I will make this statement, and even if you do not agree, I still want you to think about it.  If one never becomes aware of, if one never experiences, or if one never accepts the premise that they are spiritual first and foremost, then one will never have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe, and loneliness will be a constant companion in your life.  Some will say how can this be?  How can one be lonely if they have family, loved ones, associates all around them?  You can be in a room full of strangers, a room full of people you have never met, a room full of people who say not a word to you, don't you think there will be a tad bit of loneliness in that situation?  Loneliness is not predicated on numbers, or distance, but rather a lack of communication, a loss of closeness, an absence of feeling.  

Where as we all have our own vision, no matter what that vision is, I will promise you, there are people around who have been sent to help, whether you think you need help or not.  What we seem to forget is that those who have been designated to be our helpers, often it is their training field for them stepping out into their destiny.  Far too often people feel that if they don't do it all by themselves that somehow they are less successful, less likely to get the recognition they desire.  Trust me, if the only thing you are looking for is recognition, then I will say you will never get to your destiny.  Harsh words I know, but destiny is never what is in it for us, rather what is meant for the rest of humanity.  But I digress.  What I really need you to take away from this week's blog is a knowledge that together we are going to succeed, and together means many hands involved.  There is no conceivable way I can complete my vision by myself.  Number one, I don't want to do it alone.  Number two, I enjoy working with others, and in that work provide them all the blessings they seek.  If I never get recognized for what I want to accomplish, and that recognition goes to those who have assisted me, I am absolutely fine with that.  The name of the game is get to the finish line, and I don't care if I have to carry the rest of the team on my back to cross that line.  The old adage is we win as a team, and we fail as a team., and let's be honest, when it comes to destiny, failure is not an option.

Some might ask, why am I brining this up today?  Why am I talking about team work, and why not just go it alone?  Can you name one successful person who has ever reached that pinnacle and done it alone?  Go ahead, try.  Name me one person who has ever done it completely alone.  A incoming tide raises all ships. When I have individuals who join me in my vision, they are equal parts of my vision, and equally they will share in the joy of accomplishment, the thrill of victory, and an understanding that what we do is so much more about humanity then self adulation.  When I join another person's vision I am one with it, and the rewards are for all involved.  More important than rewards is the knowing that we have changed the world.  

My main point today, and I need you to really listen to what I am about to say, many hands do in fact make lite work, and working together makes us stronger.  There will come a time when all of us are going to have to realize that there is power in numbers, and that power is what we will need to fulfill our destiny.  That power, that will to succeed and walk in your destiny is only going to be experienced if you allow others to be a part.  Just because you had assistance in doing something does not take away that it was your vision, your destiny, and you being able to walk in that destiny.  Too many people have been sold a bill of goods and told that success is to be earned, but only by an individual.  

Many might be wondering why this topic, and why today?  We are entering a period of spiritual growth.  We are about to embark on one of most important phases of this Earth's history, and if those who believe that everything is based on their own deeds, their own efforts, and their own strength, then they are going to find out just how lonely life can be, and even more important, how unfulfilling their success will be.  I would much rather have numerous people along for the journey, and watch as they enjoy the fruits of our labor, instead of me basking in the glory of success.  When we allow others to share in our joy, share in our goals, share in our vision, we allow them to begin to walk in their destiny.  As they begin to walk in their destiny they too will bring others along side of them.  It is a beautiful cycle of fulfillment. 

Alone we may accomplish things, but together we will accomplish the impossible.  Alone we may have dreams and visions, but together we will add power to those things we desire to accomplish.  Alone we will experience loneliness, no matter how popular you may be, but together we will experience life the way it was always intended to be.  We are one family here on earth, and without regard to where we are on this planet we are still one, still connected, and we still need everyone to fulfill our purpose.  

Imagine a world of Joy, a world filled with love, a world that knows nothing of fear, nothing of lack, nothing of sickness.  This is a world where all of its inhabitants are walking in their destiny, and when each destiny links up with the others, then there is nothing that will stand in the way of absolute glory, absolute freedom, and an awesomeness that words cannot describe.  I don't know about you, but this is the world I desire, and this is the world that I plan on seeing and living in. 

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