Sunday, October 16, 2022

One Mind is not single mindedness, but let's see what we know."
I had originally planned on going an entirely different route this morning, but when Source says to do it another way, then I have learned that it best to listen, do as I'm directed, and realize that someone somewhere is in need of this information.  So Buckle Up Buttercup, and let's begin this Journey into the World of Single Mindedness, or as some have come to know it as "One Mind".

Sadly when we touch on the topic of One Mind, or as I like to refer to it as "Universal Consciousness", we have been lead to believe that this is nothing but pure folly, and we as individuals are just that, individual.  I will attempt to stay out of the deep weeds this morning, as there are numerous books, and volumes that have been written about this topic.  I will leave it up to you to go out and do your own research.  What I want to do this morning is simply open your mind to seeing things a bit differently, and this should help you realize that whatever you  are going through at the moment, you are never alone, and there are countless beings out there who can assist you in whatever manner you need.  

If we take a logical journey back, I do believe you will go away today with a different impression of who you are, and how your presence is in the perfection of your creator.  I do believe that everyone will agree that we each have a biological father and mother, and our person is a mixture of both said mother and father.  Your creation was a direct result of pervious creations, Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents, and it continues on.  If one believes in the Story of Adam and Eve, then you would have to admit that we have their blood, and portions of DNA in our systems, no matter how deluded it might be.  Now let's go back even farther than that and realize that everything is energy, and as such energy can not be created or destroyed.  If you believe this is true, then the energy that is you, has in fact been here since the beginning of time, and all energy is the same, no matter where in this ever expanding Universe it might be.  With all this being said, if you are connected to your parents, then the logical conclusion is that you are equally connected to all energy in the known Universe.  If one is connected to something, then one is one with something, and it only makes sense that we are connected with the same Universal Consciousness that every other creation is connected to. 

Why is understanding "One Mind" so important?  We have been sold a Bill of Goods in regards to who we are, and just what our capabilities are.  There are fractions out there who want to keep us down, keep us ignorant, and other wise control us, so that they might benefit from our lack of knowledge.  We are so much more than we have been lead to believe.  Have you noticed how many people are now writing about "One Mind"?  Have you noticed how many people are talking about the difference between our Conscious Mind, and Sub-conscious?  Studies have been done all over the world about Collective Reasoning, telepathy, ESP, and other topics dealing with the mind.  Many people discount these studies. Many do not understand them, and even fewer give any credence to things outside of their understanding.  As I've said there have been volumes written about this topic, but my main thrust today is simply to get you to open your eyes, and mind, to something, that once accepted, will launch you into a whole new way of thinking, a new way of learning, and thus a new way of living. 

How is it that there have been times when you are thinking of a person, and no sooner have you thought about it, and that person is ringing you up on the telephone?  How is it that you are thinking about something, and bam, you see an article, or a commercial about the very same thing?  Sure, there will be those who will say this is just a coincidence.  Others will simply chalk it up to dumb luck or chance.  If you only look at something from the surface, you are only going to get the bare minimum, and the real truth behind something is never going to hit you.  Whether you want to admit it, we are all connected.  If you are able to grasp this concept, this truth, then you will never be able to feel alone again.  I get that there are situations that cause us to feel alone, but this loneliness is only a result of one not accepting the concept of One Mind.  

I'm brining this all up because we are entering a time of awakening, and if we are unable to realize that we are all connected, then we are going to miss out on the Greatest Awakening this Planet has ever known, and if you are caught just sitting on the sidelines, you will miss what was meant for you.  I encourage you to embrace your individuality , but at the same time, accept your connectivity to the rest of creation.  Everything on this planet is energy.  We often don't think of it in those terms, but just because we don't think about, doesn't make it unreal.  Energy has always been, and will always be, just as you have always been, and will always be.  When one discounts the idea of the One Mind, the Universal Consciousness, then it is no different than having a phone at your disposal, yet never using it, or acknowledging that you have it to use.  

I know I am only scratching the surface of this topic, but I am doing it in the hopes that you will do your own deep dive into it, and in doing so, come away with a different understanding of who you are, and how you are connected to all life, all things, and you are not just a tiny speck in this ever expanding Universe.  We have a tendency to place importance on things, on others, based on their walk in life, their "stuff".  We need to start seeing others as no different than ourselves.  At it's deepest level no one is more important than anyone else, even if society has force feed us crap about this person, or that person, and how great they are because of what they have done in the past.  When you can begin to see your place in this life, when you can begin to accept your greatness in this life, then and only then will you begin to do those things you were intended to do.  I for one do not wish to miss out on what is coming.  I need every created being, every living creature, to be a part of what I am doing.  Here's your clue:  believe it or not, every creature, human or animal, is in fact already part of your Universe, and there is no way to be separated from it, unless you choose to ignore it.  

Can one change the direction of the Sun?  Can one change the rising and falling of the tides?  Can one change the simple fact that we are born, we live, and eventually we die?  The answer to theses questions is No.  Well that same is true when we talk about the One mInd, and the fact that we are all connected.  Why not accept this gift, start looking into it, and start using it to better your life.  You have all the knowledge you need right at your finger tips, you just have to accept it, ask for it.  Remember, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we simply do not believe.  Believe we are the total sum of our parts, and there are many, many, many parts throughout the Universe, and each part is part of the other.  Chew on this for a bit, and let me know what you think.

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