Saturday, October 8, 2022

When the Divine becomes your reality
We all begin life the same way.  We may follow different paths, but in the end, the goal should be the same.  Today's topic is one that some have thought about. some have discounted, and others, sadly, just can't seem to wrap their mind around it.  What I want to share today is something that I have thought and felt for quite some time.  What I want to share today may to some be blasphemous, but I assure you it is anything but that.  In fact, if you find yourself on the other side of the argument, although in my opinion there should be no argument, but if you find yourself on the other side, I would call that blasphemy, and I will explain what I mean by that later on in the blog. 

Today I want to help you discover the divine.  I want you to embrace your divinity, your deity, and I want you to wear it every where you go, every minute of every day.  Too many times people are defined by what they do, where they live, where they came from, or even what they own.  We have placed people up on pedestals by virtue of their accomplishments.  What we have failed to do in many instances is see people for who they really are, We are in fact, whether one wants to believe it or not, we are divine in nature, and in spirit.  We are walking, talking, breathing deity.  Oh sure, we have been taught not to think more of ourselves then we should, but until one's divinity becomes their reality, then they are going to be tossed to and fro by every other doctrine out there.  

Just as you can never separate yourself from the fact that you were born, having both a biological mother and father, in similar fashion you cannot separate yourself from your Divine Creator.  If your Creator was Divine, how can you be anything else accept divine?  Once again we have been conditioned to believe only in our mortality, not our immortality.  Let me pose this scenario:  You're walking along the shore of a lake.  You look out and thirty or forty yards out you see a person unable to swim.  God speaks to you and says, "Go and save him."  Your response is "I can't Swim." "Go"  Now What?  You start out and you begin to step out first your right foot, then your left.  Wait a minute! You discover you are walking on water.  Those around you see you walking on water.  The person who is drowning sees you walking on water.  Do you think for a moment that this one event would not change your life forever?  Do you not think that those who observed your actions wouldn't be change, just a little bit?  Now I've never walked on water.  I've never translated from one sport to another.  Does that mean I can't do it, or does it mean I just haven't done it yet?  

Some day you are going to experience something, something unexplainable, something miraculous, and when that happens you will never ever doubt your deity again.  Often we feel as though we just live normal lives, when in reality we are more different than you ever gave yourself credit for.  Knowing one is divine verses just thinking it is the same as saying that hope and faith are the same things.  There's a huge difference between having faith, and just hoping.  This however is a topic for another day.  Accepting one's divinity is the only way you are ever going to accomplish those things that you were sent here to do.  Some things we're to do may not seem huge, at least huge in the eyes of those round us, but they are huge as it relates to your destiny.  Destiny is all about being in the right place at the right time, doing those things that someone else is going to need in order for them to step out into their won destiny.  

If your divine nature never becomes a reality in your life, if you only see yourself as a mortal person, if you settle for second best, you will miss out on some of the most incredible things that were always meant for you to experience.  

I'm not sure how this world got to the place where we have discounted the ability to speak to God, hear from God.  I'm not sure why we allowed others to rob us of our birthright.  I can't tell you what the future holds for each of you, but I can tell you it will not come close to what it should be if you refuse to understand, refuse to accept your deity.  I see people every day, present company included, who struggle.  I see people full of worry, fear, and anxiety.  Accepting your divinity, walking in that divinity makes it almost impossible to operate out of fear, live with anxiety, or not reach your destiny.  Once again, if you found yourself walking on water, do you think that you just might be changed, even if just a little bit?  My guess, is you would fundamentally change, and that change would almost certainly be life long.  

I can't tell you the best way to come to grips with your divinity.  I can make suggestions, but the bottom line is you must do it yourself.  Certainly there will be days when you might not feel divine, but just because you don't feel it, doesn't mean you aren't.  You were divine at the moment of your creation, and if you think that your true essence only began when you were conceived by your biological parents, then you need to rethink a few things.  Your spirit has always been, and will always be.  If your spirit has always been and will always be, then you will always be, and have always been a divine creature.  Some will find this all too much to believe, but those very same people will be the ones who struggle each day with everything that gets thrown at them.  

There comes a time in everyone's life when they are going to have to make a decision.  Are you going to go along with the status quo, or are you going to take your rightful place, and be a creator?  Are you going to allow others to define you, or will you accept your true nature, and walk out your life the way it is supposed to be?  I've had struggles my whole life, and even though I have lived to tell the tale,  there isn't a day that I don't wish I had learned this lesson sooner.  I have to remind myself daily of who and what I really am.  I have to accept my calling, and I have to walk in that calling.  Don't think for a minute we are going to be immune from the struggles of living a mortal life.  The key is to realize that you are much more than just a human.  

You are Divine.  You have always been Divine, and will always be Divine.  Once you begin to experience the Divine operating in your daily life, there is nothing that will stop you.  Once you accept the Divine in your life, there is nothing that will entice you to stop.  You are more than you know, and the sooner you accept this the sooner you will be walking in your destiny, and doing all those things that you have always dreamt of doing. 

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