Saturday, May 21, 2022

Highway to Heaven
There's a highway to heaven.  But the first thing we need to determine is what is heaven, and where is it?  I'm not here to debate religious teachings, or personal beliefs.  What I want to do is provide you with additional thoughts that will lead you down a highway to heaven, or better said, lead you to your destiny.  When it's all said and done, believe it or not, we all have a destiny, a purpose.  The sooner you can accept this fact, this truth, the sooner you can begin your journey of discovery.  Half the fun of being alive right now is dreaming about your tomorrows.  Half the fun of being alive right now is realizing you are your dreams.  I was participating on a discussion last night on a national platform that at any given time has about 1.5 to 1.6 million viewers during their broadcast.  Somehow the group got on a discussion about what was taking place in the world today, and you could tell the vibrational energy in that room was slowly but surely beginning to go lower, and lower.  Now typically I will sit back and listen, and only when prompted to do so, will speak out.  Well thank God I was promoted to speak, and for the next thirty or forty minutes began to take this group on a journey of discovery.  I'm not saying this to puff myself up.  No, I say this to tell you that you also have to discover a few things, and you need to start walking on this highway to heaven.

Too many times during our day we allow things to bring us down.  We find ourselves surrounded by people who have absolutely nothing good to say.  Surrounded by people whose vibrational energy is only slightly higher than that of a nat.  I'm not judging, I'm simply stating truth.  If you find yourself surrounded by these types of people, get away.  If you can't get away, then immerse yourself in quiet mediation and protect your own energy.  I think if you asked 1000 people what they feel like when they are around negative people, probably 1000 of them would tell you something like it sucks.  They will drain you, and drain you, and drain you of any positive vibrational energy you might have, and even that energy that you have stored up.  Get away from them anyway you can.  

They say that the path to Hell is lined with good intentions.  Well the Highway to heaven is paved with good intentions, as good intentions sets the tone, and in doing so you are setting yourself up for good.  What do I mean by that?  If your intent is to be happy, you are going to find ways to be happy.  If the intent is to receive love, you intention must be to give love.  If you want to walk around in light, shine your own light.  Intention, intention, intention, you must set the intention and nothing can get off the course of that intention.  It may seem ridiculous to say, but you will get what you want if you will hold fast to those things you have set your intention, or thoughts on.  Remember, we were created to create.  When you set out to complete a task, do you start out by thinking you will never accomplish it?  No, of course not, and the same can be said about most things in life.  As a young 19 year old I was flying to England for my first duty station in the United States Air Force.  I was reading on that very long flight to England and came across a quote that I still remember today, and that was nearly fifty years ago.  The quote said, "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  Now I'm not telling you to have thoughts of failure.  What I'm saying is that anything worth having is worth working for.  If your desire is to write a book, do you set the intention of writing it, and can yo see the finished product, even before the finished product has been produced?  

If you are unable to see what's yet to be manifested in your life, and yet you still believe it will happen, then yo are holding the intention in your heart, and the likelihood of you obtaining what you want is pretty darn good.  

Growing up with spiritual maturity is not something that is going to happen over night.  Growing up spiritually is not something that can be measured in dollars and cents.  Spiritual Maturity is what will shine the light on your path, the highway to your destiny, a destiny that leads to heaven on earth.  So what or how should we classify heaven on earth?  Is it having the big house, the fancy car, and boat loads of money?  Is heaven on earth nothing more than reaching the top of the corporate ladder?  If your answer to either of these questions is yes, I can assure you that you are not experiencing heaven on earth.  Heaven on earth is walking in your destiny, and cherishing every single moment, of every single day.  Experiencing heaven on earth is knowing the true meaning of life, and how you fit into that meaning.  Experiencing heaven on earth is realizing that God's plan is for you to have all things here on earth as you would have in heaven.  Too many people have forgotten the promise of heaven on earth because they have focused on every other thing except what should be focused on, and that is the real you.  When you come to a clear understanding of the real you, the true essence of who you are, then you will be inhabiting heaven on earth, and not a moment before that.

I don't we want to beat a dead horse, so let me end with this, and I only want you to think about what I am about to say.  If you are always struggling to find your little piece of heaven here on earth, stop whatever it is you are doing and simply thank your creator for creating you.  Thank God for placing you here right now,  as you being here right now is in the perfection of the universe.  Take a few moments just to be thankful that you have survived all the fiery darts and arrows of life, that you have conquered fear and yes even death, and that you are so much more than just an air breathing carbon unit.  When you can begin to accept your greatness, your uniqueness, your beauty, and strength, then you will begin to experience heaven on earth.  When you can identify with your divine nature, the perfect nature of god that resides inside of you, then you will be experiencing heaven on earth. When you realize that the Highway to Heaven is never going to put you where you should not be, then you will begin to believe in the direction you are going.  When you place your feet upon the Highway to Heaven you will experience things that you never thought possible, and will realize that in fact, all things are possible.  Your path is lit up, your highway awaits you.  Set all fear aside, all doubt, all stress, and anxiety, and simply bathe in the love of your creator.  You have this, I know you do.


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