Sunday, May 8, 2022

Will you choose to cross the bridge?

Your life has lead you to this place.  A place where a decision is going to have to be made.  Do you cross this bridge that leads somewhere, somewhere you may not know, have never heard of, have never thought about.  This bridge may not be state of the art, in fact it might just be rickety, broken in spots, or altogether ready to fall apart.  But the simple fact is that this bridge does in fact lead somewhere, and that somewhere is exactly where you need to be, so you can do exactly what yo need to do.  

What I want to do this morning is encourage you to put one foot in front of the other and simply trust that the Creator of the Universe knows exactly what is best for you, and this path, the direction you must head in, is in the perfection of the Universe and your Creator.  

Often in life we wait for things to be perfect before we make our move.  We look for things to be in place before we step out into things that we know little about, because not knowing scares the daylights out of most people.  We've all seen pictures of those walk bridges that span this 5000 foot drop off.  We have to get to the other side, as what we are looking for is on the other side, and the only way to obtain that one thing is to be brave and cross the bridge.  The wind is whipping, the bridge is swaying, and the people in front of you, and behind you seem to be frozen in fear, thus not allowing you to move forward, or even back to the starting point.  The only thing you can think about at this point in time is how in the world are you going to get off of this thing, and why did you even start in the first place?  Well you started in the first place because you knew the answer to all of your questions, the completion of all of your dreams, was located on the other side of the bridge.  Let's be real for a moment: if you knew that the answers you seek are on the other side, do you really have an option of what is the right thing to do?  If you are truly interested in finding your destiny, walking in that destiny, and completing the task you have been charged to complete, then no, you really have no option but to cross the bridge.  

We've all come across those situations where we doubt.  We've all faced days when we fear.  If we were being honest with ourselves, we've all had those days when we simply don't want to go on, because going means more hard word, unknown endings, and even worse the possibility of failure.  Trust me when I say failure is never fatal.  Many people before you have failed in their endeavors and yet they have gone on to do some pretty incredible things.  The bridge they crossed was equally unstable, broken, and so long one could not see the end.  Seeing the end of something is not important to be truthful.  Simply watching where you are walking, and understanding that eventually you will get to the end, that's the important part, and just like that before you know it,  you will be where you were intended to be.  

Let's be real for just a moment and accept the fact that things in life are not always easy.  Things in life are not always black and white, having numerous shades of gray around them.  Things in life are not always fair, at least fair in the eyes of the person going through something that is unexplained.  When you feel as though things in life are unfair, you are looking at it all wrong.  I know you may not like hearing that, but I would be remiss if I did not point out a few things, that just might help you think in a different way.  When you say this isn't fair, or that isn't fair, aren't you really just blaming something else on someone else?  When you say that something isn't fair you have failed to realize that the thing you are going through is in fact there to teach you something of extreme importance.  Certainly what you might be going through really sucks, but you have to find the joy in the lesson you are learning.  

Our bridges, your bridge, is not something to fear. It should be recognized as the path you must walk.  Yes you have a choice whether you are going to cross the bridge or not, but in reality if you have gotten to the point where you are facing these bridges, do you really have a choice?  What I mean is haven't you already invested enough of your time and energy in getting to this point, that turning back now would be just a very foolish and stupid act of defiance.  Now that may sound harsh, it's not intended to be, but I really need you to think this out for a moment.  If you have already gone through the fire, already been twisted and prodded, already been tossed about, why in all that is holy would you choose to stop moving forward?  

So why am I talking or writing about this "fictitious" bridge today?  We are entering a time of awakening.  We are fast approaching a time when all creatures of this planet are going to have to decide what direction they are going to follow.  Will they follow their own heart, or will they simply step in tow with the rest of humanity never asking why, never asking where, and simply blindly going with the masses?  To whom much is given, much is required to quote scripture.  You have not been placed here just to take up space.  You were not created just because your parents wanted a child.  You were placed here because you are the only one who can do what you were intended to do, and your bridge is the only bridge you can cross that will get you to the place you are supposed to be.  It's really that simple, and the sooner you accept that you have a path you must walk, the sooner you can get off your backside and get to the place you are supposed to be.  I have ceased to worry how things come across to someone, since my motivation is only to get you to the place you need to be, so you in fact can do those things that you have in your heart to do.  Let's face it, life is so much better when you get to do the things you love to do.  The things you love to do are those things you were meant to do, and if you are not doing them, then I have to ask, why?  I don't get people who know what they love, and yet they chose to walk away from the things they love simply because they are afraid to walk across the bridge because they cannot see what is on the other side of it.

We have entered a time when action, your action, has to be taken.  We have reach a point intake when we can no longer go with the masses, and we need to follow our path, cross our bridge, and get to the place we were intended to be.  The time has come to put fear aside, realize that we may not have all the answers right this moment, but having faith to realize that god is not going to send on a wild goose chase to nowhere.  You are going to the place you need to be, and that means you must cross this bridge, no matter how uncertain you may think the outcome is.  Remember this, God already knows the outcome.  We just have to be faithful and do what we know to do.  Yes the bridge may seem broken, and we not not see the end of it, but trust me when you step off of the bridge you will see it completely different, and those things that you feared, will no longer cause that fear, and only joy will remain because you have been taken to the place that was always yours.  Take the first step, then the second, and then the third, and before you know it, you will have crossed over into the most wonderful, fulfilling place you could ever have imagined.


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