Sunday, April 10, 2022

Is it ever too Late? The answer might surprise you.
 Here we are talking about time, and I'm about two hours late getting started on this week's blog.  It just goes to show that time is an illusion.  Speaking of illusion, that's exactly what I want to discuss today, and how far too often we allow time to dictate virtually everything in our life.  When we get done with todays lesson I hope you will walk away with a new understanding of time, and just how unimportant it is in each of our lives.  Let's get started and see where this takes us.

I can't tell you how many times people will ask me about their destiny, and if in fact they have discovered it, and have completed it.  The simple answer is this:  if you are upright and breathing, you have not completed the task you were sent here to complete.  When the time comes that you have in fact completed all those things you were destined to complete, you will simply move on to your next adventure, whatever that might be.  It sounds bizarre, but it is truth.  Time comes into play when we look at things, and most of the time base our success or failure on some dreamt up timeline, that in reality, has no real reality.  

Throughout our life we have been exposed to comments about time.  Someone needs to be a millionaire by the time they are 30.  Kids need to come by 25 because biological clocks are ticking.  The first thing one has to understand is that time is man made.  It is as Einstein said an illusion.  Now we base our lives on 24 hour days.  We know that a year has 365 days in it, and one never knows how many of those years will be allotted to us.  We spend so much time worried about this timeline, that we never really look at what we were sent here to do, and we spin our wheels which does nothing but waste what limited time we do have.  I'm not saying this to bring you down, I'm saying this to free you from the captivity that time has put us in.  If one would focus on the dream, and not on when or where, you just might step out into your destiny sooner than later.  That being said, you will achieve your destiny in the perfect time as was preordained.

Ever hear someone echo the words, "Oh it's too late for that"?  My question is always, too late for what?  Too late to step out and do something you have always wanted to do?  Too late to tell those closest to you that you love them?  Too late to begin again, and do it right this time?  It's never too late, and the sooner you realize that you operate in the perfection of the universe the sooner you will realize that every lesson, every success, every failure was placed in you to get you to where you are supposed to be.  It always amazes me when someone will accept the perfection of all things, yet they will doubt the perfection of what is going on in this moment.  Either you believe, or you don't, it's that simple.  

There are people who will waste time, there's no doubt.  But those that waste time are doing it because they really haven't bought into the concept of destiny, and they certainly haven't accepted their own destiny.  We can get wrapped around the wagon wheel if we focus only on time, and not on what is really in our heart to do.  It is so sad when someone gives up before they ever start because they feel they will never have the time to get things done that they want to get done.  Those who feel this way have bought into the false concept of time, and they have allowed time to control them, dictate their actions, and this is a monumental mistake.

When my identical twin brother died not long ago it would have been so simple to believe that he left too early.  Yes we miss him, but the reality of it all, is that he completed what he was supposed to complete in this lifetime.  We could spend hour on top of hour trying to figure out why this happened, but how much better to realize that during his time on this planet he must have completed his task with perfection, because there was nothing else left for him to do.  Maybe I see things like this because I don't want to think he left anything undone, but as heartless as some might think I am, I rejoice that he was successful in fulfilling his destiny.

When we understand that time is not part of the equation when it comes to destiny, when we begin to see things differently and not the way others expect us to see things, then and only then will you be free to go after all that is inside you, and not worry about whether it happens today, tomorrow, or even 20 years from now. It is never too late to step out into your destiny, and when you are about to take your final breath you will have no regrets in what you did during this life.

I'm not sure who came up with the concept of time, but just for a moment let's pretend that time, as we know it, did not exist.  Let's forget about what time we go to lunch, what time we go to bed.  Let's forget about what day of the week it is, or whether we are in spring or autumn. Does the hour of a day, or day of the week have any thing to do with your destiny?  If you never knew the days of the week does that mean you will never know your destiny?  It just doesn't matter, and the sooner we realize that time does not matter the sooner we can get on with what we were designed to do, and sent here to do.  I fully understand how difficult it is to take time out of the equation, but the sooner you make it a mute point, the sooner you can move forward released from expectations that really mean nothing at all.  

The answer to the question as to whether it is too late to do something, or start something, or even dream something is no, it's never too late.  When you remove the constraints of time in your life, you also remove many limiting beliefs.  When you remove time from your thoughts, you release unto yourself a freedom that few experience, but it is this freedom that will make it possible for you to look past failure, look past hurt, and see only beauty, light, and love.  

When the end comes we all need to embrace the fact that we have completed everything we were supposed to complete.  When time ceases to dictate your moves, your thoughts, your dreams, and ambitions, then and only then will you be free to be the person you were destined to be.  Time in respect to destiny is an illusion, and the sooner you can accept this very big truth, the sooner you will begin to see things as they need to be.  

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