Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Secret of the Tomb.
Happy Resurrection Sunday to one and all.  Today in most Christian circles people all over the world are celebrating the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Although this is a very significant event, the resurrection of Christ is not what I want to focus in on today, as important as it is, rather I want to talk about the significance of who Christ was, and why it is so very important to each of us.  I'm not here to push one belief over another.  I will let you handle that on your own.  What I want to do today is talk about the example that Christ left for all of us, and why it is imperative that you begin to operate as Christ operated while he was on this earthly plane. 

There is a tendency out there to, albeit from good intentions, to elevate Christ to a level of superhuman.  I will not disagree with that, but what I will say is that he was sent here as an example.  If we see Christ as superhuman, then why are we not seeing ourselves as superhuman as well.  Christ was born to a women just as each of us was.  Christ was created by God just as each of us was.  Christ walked the earth, just as each of us do each day of our lives.  So if Christ was superhuman, why can't we accept the fact that we are just as superhuman as he was? The bible tells us that "Greater works" will be done by us.  Well if that's the case, and I believe it to be true, why aren't we operating in those "Greater Gifts"?  Why have we allowed ourselves to fall into a position of just living, and not living to our full potential?  The reason for that is because we don't believe.  We don't believe we have been endowed with power from on high.  We don't believe we have been created to create.  I'm not saying any of this to shame us, but rather to open ourselves up to what is truth, and to what we are supposed to be.  

Jesus was an example of a totally illuminated being.  He walked on water, raise people from the dead, turned water into wine.  How many people do you know who have done any of that since Christ's time here on earth?  There might be some evidence of people doing a few things that we call miraculous, but it certainly isn't anything that happens each day, and yet it should be happening each day.  We are entering a period of awakening, and I truly believe that this time of awakening is here to get us to the point of fully embracing who and what we are.  Anything short of this, and we will always be wondering why things are happening as they are happening.  

I can't sit here and tell you that I have reached a point in my life where I am operating as Christ operated.  Had it been so I would have gladly reached over to my brother at the time of his passing and ripped the cancer from his body.  Was it a lack of faith on my part?  It could very well have been.  It also may have been that I realized that I cannot add a second to persons life outside of what God had designed for that person.  That being said, there are things we do not do because we simply do not believe them to be in our power, when in fact they are all in our power.  

Christ was quite the controversial person of his day, and we will be equally controversial if we begin to walk and operate like Christ.  I'm not sure why the world could not accept the things that Christ did, but I'm quite sure the same thing would be true of us today if we begin to operate like him.  Sadly we have been conditioned to believe our limits, when in fact we are anything but limited, and should operate without limits.  So here's my question of the day:  If Christ is our example of how to live, if he has shown us how to operate, why is there still lack in this world?  Why is there still illiteracy? Famine? War?  We have these things because we have not fully evolved into what we were created to be.  We have not accepted our true nature.  We have been sold a bill of goods that simply isn't the truth.  I'm not sure we are ever going to get to a point where every person on the earth will be who they were ordained to be, but I certainly can hope for it, pray for it, and believe for it.  

Each Easter Sunday Christians from all over the world celebrate the mystery of the tomb.  Each Christian celebrates the significance of Christs death and resurrection.  How much more alive would we be if we simply operated like Christ, was illuminated like Christ, and did those things that Christ did?  I challenge each of you today to put away stories of the past, and begin to operate in the present.  Yes we are entering a period of awakening, and this is for the sole purpose of stepping out into those things that have always been, and will always be.  We are eternal beings just as Christ is an eternal being.  We are superhuman just as Christ is superhuman.  Our true essence is spirit, and those who have died and left this earthly plane are just as alive now as they were before.  We have operate in spirit. 

I may not operate in the gifting you have, just as you may never operate in my gifting.  I am so blessed to be able to write.  I know it comes directly from God, and I have finally come to realize that only I can do what I do, as you are the only one who can do what you were created to do.  We are the total sum of our parts, and the world needs what you have, and what you were created to do.  Greater works means just that, greater works.  I'm all about seeing greater works, and I hope you are right there with me.  We have allowed others to control us for too long, and the time has come for us to step out into those things that were promised to us.  

As we celebrate Easter take a moment to reflect on what I have written today, and ask yourself this very simple question: do I believe?  Do you believe what Christ said, or is it just a story that has been passed down through the generations?  Can you accept the importance of you?  Will you begin to accept that you are indeed superhuman, and have all you need to do some pretty incredible things?  I for one want to do more.  I for one want to see more.  I desire to operate fully in what I was created to operate in, and that I believe is some pretty amazing stuff.  The time has come to step out and be Christ.  That is not blasphemy, that is what we were created for.  God is not a respecter of people.  What he does for one, he does for all.  What he placed into one, he placed into all.  Until such time as we begin to accept this truth, we will always be one step behind, wondering why, and not seeing the results we truly dream of seeing.  It is time to awaken.  It is time to step out of the tomb that man has placed us in, and it is time for our own resurrection.  Believe, believe, believe, that is the only way you are ever going to be where you were always intended to be.  Happy Easter to one and all.


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