Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Rise of the Pheonix
From out of the flames it rose. From out of the flames it lifted away from defeat.   From out of the flames the Phoenix escaped what others could only think of as impossible.  Today I want you to imagine escaping all that has trapped you.  Today I want to see you being set free from the expectations of others, and instead head toward those things that  have always intended been for you, promised to you, and what has always been in your heart to do.  There are days when encouragement is needed, when we simply need to be reminded that no mater what may be going on around us, we are triumphant in all things.  

The first thing that needs to be acknowledged when we talk about escape, about being loosed from dire situations, is that we were never intended to be in those situations in the first place.  Most of us have found ourselves there because we did not stand fast to what is real.  As hard as it may be to understand, to even believe, much of what we go through, the trials, the hardships, is nothing more than an illusion.  Don't get me wrong, we do live through trying times.  Things do happen that we wish hadn't, but in reality we often lock ourselves into situations because we've been conditioned to believe that we need to stay there and experience all the pain that comes with it.  I've said many times before, we need to rid ourselves of the conditioning we have been put through, and instead walk in what we truly know.  The only way to escape the flames of what is going on all around us, is to realize, and believe, that those flames are really nothing more than an illusion.  

Learning is not always easy.  Life's lessons often lead us to asking the why question.  Why did this happen, or why did that happen.  We can spend what seems like an eternity wondering why.  Instead of wondering why something has happened, why not see it as the opportunity to learn from it all.  I can't tell you how many lessons I have gone through in my life.  Some of these lessons have made me wonder is life really worth living.  Some lessons have brought joy, some have brought sadness, but more than anything, they have always brought a certain amount of clarity.  Clarity comes when we allow it to come, and not fight it.  I was unsure if I wanted to write about this topic this morning, not because it is controversial, but rather it is so far reaching I wasn't sure I could narrow it down to a level where it was concise, yet also edifying. 

Often when we are trying to encourage someone we are also bringing back thoughts and memories of things that one would rather forget.  It's kind of a double edged sword, kind of like pain heals, but healing is often painful if you know what I mean.  In order for the Pheonix to rise from the flames, it had to go through the flames.  Now you and I can both agree that going through a lousy situation is not what we want, but if looked at the proper way, it is a teaching event.  I fully understand, or at least I believe I fully understand, that going through a lesson is not always easy, and as cliche as it sounds, it is worth it if in the end we end up where we were intended to be.  I know that so many are tired hearing about intention, about learning this or learning that.  I understand that pain sucks, and situations that we go through are not always a picnic in the park.  That being said, we need to realize that we are always going to be learning lessons, so we might as well take a stance and say "I will learn this lesson the right way the first time."  

Let me encourage you with this:  as horrific, as lousy, as utterly demoralizing some of the lessons we go through are, they ultimately will bring you strength, bring you courage, and bring you an understanding of just how powerful and amazing you are. People will often say that those things that do not kill you, will ultimately make you stronger.  Most of the people who say this have come through the wringer, and lived to tell about it.  Those who don't believe this are either going through a trial at the moment, or have decided that they want off the wheel, as they are simply tired of just going round and round.  

Trials come and go.  Victories fade after a while as other trials comes and blur things out.  There is no simple formula for getting through things.  Each will have to decide what to do, where to go, and in some cases, is it worth it?  I believe it is always worth fighting for things, but you are the only one who can decide when it's time to fight or time to give up.  The Pheonix is going to come out from the flames, but that does mean you're right smack dab in the middle of the flames also.  That's OK, because you have all you need to overcome all things.

I know that many are tired right now.  Tired of the battles, tired of the constant fighting, and fighting, and fighting, and what seems like a never ending cascade of just shitty situations facing you.  You are not alone in the battle, and if it's any consolation, you're in some pretty good company when it comes to overcomes.  If you look back at history, it is laced with examples of those who have overcome, those who have survived, those who have lived to fight another day.  History does repeat itself, but often with different participants, but hopefully with different outcomes.  We can learn from the past, learn from others, and if we take the good, and forget the bad, we will ultimately rise above it all and escape out of the flames like the Pheonix.   

I encourage you to relax, take a deep breath, and simply have faith that what you are going through has a purpose.  What you are going through is positioning you to be where you need to be, in order to do the things that you need to be doing.  I know, sucks sometimes, but when all is said and done, you are going to  be so thankful that you didn't give up.  Believe, trust, have faith, and you will see all those things that were meant for you. 

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