Sunday, February 27, 2022

Slide into life, and enjoy it.
It's time to get on with life.  Time to slide into it.  Time to dip your toe in the water.  It's simply time to get off the sideline and into the game.  Now how's that for a bunch of idioms to start the day?  What I want to do today is simply encourage you to take the next step in whatever it is that you were designed to do, what you were put here to do.  I want to encourage you to find your passion, and follow that passion, and let it take you to your rightful place.

I was having an in-depth conversation with my confidant the other night.  I am no different than any other human in that there are times when I doubt myself.  There are times when I wonder about things just like most everyone else.  It isn't that I was having a "Woe is me" party, rather I was wondering why certain things had not transpired in my life, things that I am open for, things that I desire, but things that I'm not quite sure why they haven't taken place yet.   We all have those moments where we're just sitting back wondering.  Well I'm here to tell you that in these moments we have to think back to what is in our heart, what our dreams are, and believe that these things are in us for a reason.  God does not place desires in us, dreams in us, thoughts in us, just to play with us.  These are the things that we were created to do, and these are the things that we need to head toward or we will always be wondering why.

If you took the entire population of the world today, somewhere around 7.5 Billion people, how many do you think have awakened?  How many do you think are completely aware of their purpose, have made the decision to follow that purpose, and are completely sure of why there are here right now? My guess is the percentage is very small.  If I had to guess I would say it is around one half of one percent.  That leaves the vast majority of people who are probably wondering why?  Why are things so tough? Why are things so crazy?  Why am I not content, and is this as good as it gets?  So many people have not slid into life because so many people are still unaware of what they are here to do.  Now it may be that they are aware of things, but just haven't a clue how to get where they want to be.  I've been there in the past, and there is no doubt that I will probably deal with this issue at some point in the future.  My suggestion to the vast majority of the world's population is that they make the decision to simply hop on the slide, push away from the edge, and see where it takes them.  

There are times when we don't know what we don't know.  There are times when we do know things, yet we haven't a clue how to get where we want to be.  It's kind of like when you place an address into your GPS, it plots your course, yet you question the route it is taking you.  Some will second guess the directions, and will decide to take an alternate route and suddenly the GPS has to reroute you.  You head in the new direction, only to find out that the original route was the best one.  When we second guess things we often delay what was supposed to happen in the first place.  I get how difficult it is to operate in faith at times.  I totally understand the Great Unknown, and how frightening it can be to open up to it.  What I want to encourage you to do today is put aside fear, and simply make the decision to get on the slide, go down it, and enjoy the ride.

One of the great mysteries of life is what is around the next corner.  There are people out there who profess to know it all.  There are people that think they can control everything, and without exception the rules of nature don't apply to them.  As humans there are certain limitations that we all need to contend with.  At this moment in time I have yet to learn how to fly under my own power.  I can't move at the speed of thought from one place to another, and as much as I wish I could, I can't create gold and silver out of water.  I know I am being a little dramatic, but the main point I want to make is instead of trying to do what may be impossible at the moment, why not focus on what is possible.  Focus on what you can do to bring about some of the dreams you have, even if that means taking things one small step at a time.  

We are all going to make mistakes in this thing we call life.  There are going to be times when we don't know the next step, can't see the roadmap in front of us, and will undoubtedly question the GPS.  Let's be real, we are human. What we can do is take a deep breath, remember that all that is going to happen is happening for a reason, and know that in the end we are going to end up where we were always intended to be.  I think one of the hardest things to believe in is that we are in fact perfect in our design, perfect in our passions, and even if that perfection has some bumps along the way, things are happening because they have to.  If we can learn from every situation, if we can accept certain truths, then we will be positioning ourselves in the perfection of our Creator.  So many people have forgotten that the outcome to our life was determined at the beginning of time

The end of this life is going to come to each of us at some time in the future.  What we have to do is take advantage of every moment of every day to position ourselves in the perfection of our design, the perfection of our being, and in doing so we will walk in a manner that is perfect.  The first step is not to be afraid of what lies ahead.  We need to embrace all that there is to embrace and realize that we have the opportunity to do great things because that is our destiny.  Fear stops all things.  Truth is what will move us forward.  I encourage you to live into your destiny, and watch as the world opens up to you, and all those dreams, that passion that resides inside of you comes to a fullness that you have always wanted.

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