Sunday, March 13, 2022

Where Angels Tread
 Some believe, some don't.  Some have seen, some have not.  They come in all sizes, all shapes, all colors, and in every part of the universe.  To some they are mysteries, to others just a myth.  To me, they are very real, very loving, and they bring me comfort just knowing they are around me 100 percent of the time.  Our angels, your angels, are gifts from our creator.  They are not simply beings floating around the heavens, they are in fact helpers, comforters, protectors.  What I want to do today is encourage you to reach out and start a conversation with your angels.  I want you to have a relationship with them, knowing every aspect of their being. 

People have often asked questions about these wonderful creations.  How many angles can fit on the head of a pin? Is there an angel that gets its wings every time a bell rings? Will we ever know the truth when it comes to angels?  Let's dig down deep today, and in answering the many questions that surround the existence of angels, maybe we'll be able to identify the importance of angles, and even more importantly, why they exist in the first place.

Like you and I, angels have been around since the creation of time.  They have the ability to be in multiple places at the same time.  The can travel at the speed of thought, and they have no limits in terms of what they can do, and when they can do it.  That being said, angels have always been, and will always be subservient to us.  They will never infringe on our free will, but they will guide us, educate us, and otherwise support us, if we give them liberty to do so.  There are several classifications of angels.  We know of the Arch Angels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Meteron.  There are the little fat cherubs shooting arrows to bring lovers together.  There are warriors, guides, teachers, and worshippers.  They come in all sizes, all shapes, and as scripture tells us, they come to us in the form of man, having entertained them without our knowing it.  

One of the most remarkable things about angels is that they have seen the face of God, worshipped God, and carry the light of God around with them.  As a child growing up I was always fascinated with angels, always wanted a set of wings, allowing me to soar about everywhere I wanted to go.  Admit it, there's something so cool about a huge set of angelic wings, well at least cool to me.  I have never come face to face with an angel, at least not that I know of, but I have been the recipient of angelic assistance throughout my life.  Some of these actions have been small in comparison to what other's might have experienced, yet I still know that assistance was provided to me.  The key to anything dealing with angels is realizing that we have to allow them to operate in our life.  We have to task them, and in the absence of releasing them to do our will, they will simply sit back and watch things happen, good, bad, or indifferent.  There seems to be a reluctance on many peoples's part to activate or move their angels to action.  God the Creator has given us charge over the angels.  What does this mean?  It means that we need to be mindful of what we ask them to do, or in some cases what we fail to ask them to do.  Remember free will.  

There have been volumes, and volumes of pages written about angels.  Theologians have speculated that based on the numbers presented in the bible, legion upon legion, that every single person on the face of the earth has approximately Ten Thousand Angles assigned to them.  Now the skeptic would discount this fact, but one angel, or ten thousand can still be, and can still do what we need them to do.  

What amazes me are the people who doubt the existence of angels, but then again, there are people who doubt the existence of God, so to each his own.  I personally look forward to communicating with my angels. And yes, we can communicate with our angels.  The ones who doubt this, are the very same people who deny the existence of these heavenly beings, and they are also the ones who will cry out for help when they find themselves in dire straights.  Have you ever asked your angels what their name is?  I think the average person would have to answer "No" to that question.  And why is that?  Most people don't seem to think that angels have any specific part to play in their life other than to be a "Guardian" to them, but out of sight, out of mind.  If your angels are out of sight and out of mind, then you are missing out on one of the greatest, if not the greatest gift ever given to you.  When you meet a stranger or would-be friend isn't the first things you exchange besides a greeting, their name?  It's kind of weird to be hanging out with a new acquaintance never knowing the name they go by.  And yet, many go a lifetime without ever knowing a single name, to a single angel, whose only roll is to do what you direct them to do.  

The purpose of this blog today is not to describe every aspect of angels to you.  There are so many different personality traits, physical traits, that there are not enough pages in the world to write it.  The purpose of today's blog is to simply get you to acknowledge the existence of angels, accept the assistance they were created to provide, and know that we can talk to them at anytime, on any day.  Once again God's word says that he has given us charge over angels.  If I have given you authority over something, doesn't that mean that you direct what is going to happen?  If I have given you authority over something, doesn't that mean that you dictate every aspect of the outcome?  Maybe it's time to grow a set and start directing your heavenly beings.  Maybe it's time to ask and receive, believing that you have been granted authority to set loose the legion of angles assigned to you.  

Your angels are God's gift to you.  If I give you a gift, and you never open it, is that gift doing you any good?  Don't ever think you are in this thing we call life alone.  You have legions of angels working on your behalf, whether you see them or not.  I'd love to see my angels face to face.  But in the absence of seeing, I still believe they are all around me doing what angels have been asked to do since the beginning of time.  Take your angels for a spin, and see where your adventures take you.

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