Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Strand of Rope
A cord of three strands is not easily broken.  A sailor's rope, without the aid of a knife is almost impossible to rip apart.  However, if one strand begins to unravel, then the whole thing can come apart.  Today I want to talk about Oneness.  Today I want to reiterate the importance of realizing that we are not simply humans, that we do not just exist for the sake of existence.  I want to encourage you to take a step forward and accept the call that was placed upon you, that you accepted, at the time of your creation. I was reading before bed last night and stumbled upon a piece that made me realize that I had been writing about this topic for years, but it also made me very much aware that I needed to really focus on it in this week's blog post.  There comes a time in everyone's life when you have to decide to do something with what you know, or simply lay low and let life roll past you.  I encourage you to pick up on what I am about to share, and embrace it with every fiber of your body.  As we continue to walk through the Great Awakening, this is a huge part of what we are growing through.  Notice I said "Growing", and not simply "Going".  We need to fully grasp who we are, what we are, or we will be like the millions, if not billions of people who haven't a clue as to what they can or cannot do.  Let's discover a few things today, and on this journey of discovery, open up to the many wonders of who you are.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the very first step.  Our journey began at the beginning of time, and will continue until the end of time.  So many people are unaware of this truth.  We don't just inhabit this body for a time and then drift off to nothingness.  You may not be aware of what took place before you took that first breath outside of your mother's womb, and none of us really know what to expect after we take our last breath in our current form.  Death's sting has caused worry for many, many people.  Fear of death is real for so many people, yet do we really need to fear death as it is simply a transition point into something different.  Now I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about life after death, because the simple truth of the matter is that there really is no such thing as death, merely a transition into something else.  What I want to focus in on today is why we have been created, what we should do about that creation, and what in tarnation is Oneness.  

Most people are unaware of their creative abilities.  Too many people simply go through life being reactionist, and not being proactive.  If I told you that you could have all you desire, all that you dream, all that think, would you believe me?  If I stated that we have the same creative ability that our Creator has, would you think I went off the deep end?  The truth of the matter is that we are in fact creators in our own right.  We have within us the same creative abilities as God the Creator, and the sooner we realize this, that we accept this truth, the sooner we can be and do what we were sent here to do.  The reason people are worried about tomorrow, the reason people find it hard to get through life is because they have not, or are unable to grasp the concept of oneness with God.  You are never going to have it all, if you can't believe that you can have it all.  You will never walk in freedom if you are constantly fighting with thoughts of lack, thoughts and feelings of separateness.  Ladies and Gentlemen we are not simply bystanders in this thing we call life.  We are in fact more powerful, more knowing, and more important than anything else in the Universe.  

Each of us are a single strand in the rope of creativity.  If one strand breaks then the rope is just a bit weaker.  Put together, kept together with our belief in who and what we are is what keeps the rope complete, keeps the rope strong and nearly unbreakable.  If you were scaling a mountain with safety straps and rope, would you not bring with you rope that is whole?  Would you be unwise and take with you rope that is already half ripped away?  If you did that would be foolish to say the least.  No, you would make sure that all safety ropes were intact.  Well in life, we need to make sure we are intact.  We need to make sure that we are one with the rest of creation.  How does one remain one with creation?  We recognize that we are just that, joined together.  In a marriage ceremony we hear that what God has joined together let no one separate.  Well in life, what God has placed together let no man put asunder as well.  If you attempt to separate oneness, then you are no longer one.  

I hear so many people who will claim that they believe in God, a higher power.  But to be honest they are simply restating what they have been told, yet with little belief in what they are saying.  If you truly believed that you were one with your creator, then you would also believe that you have creative ability.  You would believe that you have the same characteristics of God.  My friends the time has come to draw a line in the sand.  Either you are going to accept who and what you are, or you are going to simply fade into the background accepting whatever gets handed to you.  Now many will believe that I am going off the deep end when I say things like this, but I am responsible to speak truth whether or not others like what I say.  The only reason people are unable to believe in their greatness is because they have been force fed a line of crap about who and what they are.  They have been made to believe that there is nothing that will change what they are going though so they might as well accept it all and simply move on with life.  I'm here to tell you that this stupidity has to stop, and it has to stop now.  You have power placed in you by God.  You create every day of your life whether you believe it or not.  

If one is truly one with God, then we have to realize that we cannot be separate from God.  You can run from it, deny it, but the fact is you are one with your Creator.  If we are one with God then truth be told we are God.  Yes I know some will want to stone me for saying this, but they are the very same people who are being tossed about each day by those things that life throws at them. Enlightenment is coming to terms with the real you.  Awakening is walking in all that you are, and not simply accepting what others say to you.  Going back to marriage again.  It says that when two are married they become one.  Think about it.  If we are one, we are the same.  If you have all the attributes of your Creator, then why are you walking around worried about what comes next?  Why are you doubtful that you have al that you need?  Why in the world have you allowed others to put you in a box, and believe that you are small and inconsequential? We have to stop the madness, and we have to be who we truly are.  

We may see ourselves as a single strand, but we are all put together to make a rope that is never going to be broken.  Time to accept who and what you are, and time to stand up and make a statement.  We are one, we are complete, and we will not simply go into the night to fade away.  You have power, you have knowledge, and you have the right to be what you were created to be.  Stand strong my dear friends and know that you are God.

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