Sunday, November 21, 2021

What I'm Thankful for, and Why."
 Can you believe that we are entering Thanksgiving week?  It's seems that this year has gone by at light speed, and why not, we're all getting older LOL. As has been my tradition for years I will write about giving thanks today, but I just might put a different spin on it this year.  Many of you know that I rarely take credit for what I write, and that's because I'm not even aware of what I am writing while I'm writing it.  God gives me the words and I simply transcribe them to the computer and out to you.  I will go back a read my posts a day or two later, and I will learn from them.  I never know what I am going to write about until I sit down with my coffee and the dogs, and set my hand to the keyboard.  I will say that today is a little different, because even I am wondering what words are going to be dropped into my spirit.  It's not that there is an uneasiness, it's more like a anticipation.  There have been many shifts in the past, partial awakenings, but this time it's different.  This awakening is all encompassing.  It is spreading like wildfire, and there are so many people that are finally beginning to see what they have been hoping for, dreaming about, and believing for.  If you are in the grouping of people who are still waiting, I want you to stop what you're doing and simply relax, breath, and accept what is coming.

So what am I thankful for?  I'm thankful that I get to do this each and every week.  I'm thankful that Spirit has given me ears to hear, eyes to see, and a Spirit that is fully whole, lacking in nothing, and there to provide me all that I desire, all that I dream, and all that is mine.  Too many people are walking around today in a fog of lack,  in a hole of despair and fear.  This was never the intention when you were created, and the time has come to assume your rightful place in this world.  Thankfulness begins with your understanding of just how magnificent you are.  Thankfulness begins with accepting your beauty, your uniqueness, and your power.  I know I write about these things all the time, but repeating what is important is what gets people to finally pick up on what is real, and what is not.  I was listening to a podcast the other day, and I was so happy that they were talking about things that I have been writing about for the past ten years.  I'm not saying that to make you think I was ahead of the curve, rather to let you know that we each play a part, and I'm thankful that my part is still very much relevant, very much needed, and very timely.  

I want to encourage you today to reach out and accept your destiny.  I want you to accept that there is something that needs to be done, and you are the only one that can do it.  We have been conditioned to believe that we are just a cog in the wheel, when in actuality we are anything but a simple cog.  We can change humanity, whether humanity is a single person, or an entire continent.  We've been taught to believe that there is power in numbers, meaning the more people who contribute, the greater the outcome. Believe it or not there is no difference in an action being done by you, then being done by ten thousand people.  The only difference is how you see yourself in the equation.  If you see yourself as imperfect, as insignificant, as simply a bystander who is going to have to accept the outcome, then you will be missing an opportunity to that which was meant for you.  I am thankful that I have been wrapped in immense power, that I have been created to create.  I am so thankful that I am not simply flesh and blood, but rather a Spirit that has no end, that knows no limits, and that was created to change the face of humanity.  I don't say this to make it sound that I am better than anyone else, not by a long shot.  I say this because that is what is real, what is truth, what is reality.  You need to pick up on these truths about yourself.  We fall farther and farther behind when we only see surface stuff and we don't focus on the reality of our creation.  

Can you imagine a world where every single person was aware of their significance? Can you imagine a world where everyone was walking in their destiny?  Most people would think it impossible, but impossible is not in the Creator's vocabulary.  This great awakening didn't just start today, or yesterday, or even tomorrow.  This great awakening never even started, for it has always been.  The simple truth of the matter is that many are just now stepping out into what has been inside of them since the creation of time. You need to remember that God is changeless.  God is perfection.  If God is changeless and perfect, then you are equally perfect and changeless.  Some people have just been a little slower in the realization of who and what they are.  

So why am I focusing so much on this awakening?  Why do I write about creating?  I write about these things because too many people are unaware, and we need to wake up to what is really real.  What we see most of the time is simply an illusion.  We need to realize what is real and what is make believe.  We need to accept why we are here.  There is more power in a single cell in your body then all the atomic weapons in the world.  Hard to believe?  Maybe so, but one's failure to believe doesn't make it any less true.  When people begin to stand in their power, when people begin to realize the significance of their creation, then and only then we will begin to see what the plan always was.  How long have people waited to experience Heaven on Earth?  How long have we waited, and waited, and waited, to experience joy?  People have lost hope simply because they have never grasped what was placed inside of them.  

I am so thankful for who I am, what I am, and for my ability to see through the barriers that others have created.  There is no doubt that there is evil in this world, and that evil was placed here to keep you in bondage. I'm telling you as sure as I'm sitting here right now, the gates of freedom are opening, and if you will be brave enough to walk through the gates, your life awareness is going to fundamentally change.  Thankfulness begins with you accepting you.  Thankfulness grows and grows with every step you take toward your destiny.  Whether life be long or short, you have a destiny, and part of that destiny is awakening to the awesomeness of you.  When we get away from trying to measure up, when we quit hoping for, and begin accepting, then you will see things as they truly are.  We were never meant to walk in darkness.  We were never meant to suffer lack, or sickness, or despair and fear.  We were created to create as I have said so many times in the past, and maybe, just maybe, you will begin to see that, live it, and finally believe the significance of your creation.  

Let me leave you with this final thought:  beauty, true beauty is not what is reflected back from the mirror, but what has been placed in you.  When you're able to slip the coils of this human existence, and walk in your spiritual truth, then you will begin to experience the real essence of your existence.  Awaken my dear friends to what is coming, or should I say what is here.  The only thing you have to do in this moment is accept it.  Be thankful always, be the light that you intended to be, and most importantly, don't doubt.  What is about to happen will be mind blowing.

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