Sunday, November 14, 2021

Free as a Bird."
 Fly like a bird, free from the coils of this world. Fly like a bird, soaring above the fray.  Fly like a bird, effortless, and oh so almost magical to watch. If I had a super power it would be flight, as flying seems to be freedom.  I can't describe the feeling of flight, but boy can I imagine it.  What I want to talk about today is that freedom.  We walk in a world of "Can't", and " Don't". It seems that more often than not there is always someone who is getting in the way of our dreams, our desires and wants.  Far too often we are left wondering why them and not us.  Together let us explore freedom, and let's come to an understanding, and a belief, that freedom is for everyone, and by everyone I mean you as well least you forget.  There are times when we feel we have been left behind, only to scavenge for table scraps.  When one can step out into a life of freedom, when one can accept the magnificence of your own design, then you will feel your own wings, and upon those wings soar with the other creations, as was always intended.  Let us begin.

One of the first things I like to remind people of when we have a discussion about freedom, is that freedom is always a choice.  You can choose to be free, or you can allow what ever chain is attempting to bind you to wrap itself around you and never let go.  Freedom means a lot of different things to different people, but what I want to focus on today is what freedom should mean to you.  Believe me when I say that there have been times in my life when I was enslaved to many things, and freedom was the farthest thing from my mind.  I will tell you that feeling as though there are no options for change, no chance for escape, well that is a pretty brutal way of living, and it won't take long until you begin to wonder if you should just give up and end it all.  I've been there, and it does suck..  If you are unable to understand that you have the right to be free, then you will never be free.  If you feel as though things will never change, then you can't pretty much bet that things will never change. If on the other hand, you are open to suggestion, then might I suggest that you take a look at who and what you are, and start from there.  I know I sound like a broken record every time I say this, but you are spirit.  You are divine.  You are not simply flesh and blood.  Yes we inhabit a mortal body, but our true essence is spirit, and believe you me your spirit is able to fly free from the bonds and coils of this world.  

As humans we have been conditioned to believe certain things, and most of the time the things we have been conditioned to believe do nothing but wrap us up in a laundry list of what we can't do and what we shouldn't do.  I completely understand when we are told not to touch a hot stove because it will burn us, simple common sense.  However, when we are being told that we will have to suffer throughout life, when we are reminded that we have limitations, that certain things are impossible, then we are allowing someone else's fear to design our life, and why would you want to give that kind of control to anyone?  

I was having a discussion the other day about people who are gasping for spiritual air.  They want to be touched by God if for no other reason then to believe that God is real, and that they are worthy of God's love.  People are longing to feel as though they matter.  They want to believe that their prayers are being heard, and that the answer is on the way.  Let me say to you today that you do matter, that your prayers are being answered, and that what you thought was going to happen, well let's just say the outcome is going to be better than you ever imagined.  

I want to touch upon a subject for a moment, and I hope this will answer some questions, or maybe just simplify things for many.  There are no such things as "Spiritual Giants". Let me say that again, because I need you to grab ahold of this.  No such thing as "Spiritual Giants."  This term is nothing more than a label that some idiot placed on someone else, to make that someone else feel better about themselves.  It does nothing but separate people, and make others feel as though they will never measure up, never be able to compete, and therefore go through life without what they truly desire.  The Spirit that you are is no different then the Spirit that created you.  People you need to get this, you need to understand, and accept this fact.  Your spirit was complete, and has always been complete.  Your spirit is never going anywhere.  Your spirit is on par with every other person who has ever walked this earth, who is currently alive, or who will be coming in the future.  The notion that you are somehow inferior to someone else needs to be stripped from your consciousness.  You are all things, capable of amazing things, and the sooner you can accept this, the sooner you can march forward in your destiny.  

Freedom from the world's expectations of who you are, what you are, is the only thing you should be focused on.  When you allow the expectations of others to control you, then you are no different than a caged bird.  Birds were meant to be free from any type of captivity, as you were meant to be free from captivity.  The first step in achieving freedom is to once again realize that you have been created by the Creator of the Universe, and you, and I do mean you, are divine in nature.  Nothing that has been spoken about you, that you have been taught about being a mere mortal is ever going to change the fact that you are divine.  As Christ walked the earth doing amazing things, so should you be walking the earth doing amazing things.  If you remember from the bible Adam was created, and given dominion over the earth, over all things.  Sadly we have slowly but surely moved away from this by the words, teachings, and expectations of others since that time. If ever there was a time to go back to our roots, now is that time.  I need you to hear me: let go of you feelings of lack,  your sadness, your previous understanding of who and what you are.  It is time to flee your cage, spread your wings, and fly.  

As challenging as times have been as of late, do we really need to add anything else that is negative, or contrary to who we really are to the equation?  When you accept the constraints of man, you are caging yourself, never able to be free, and thereby by not being who you were meant to be.  Take a moment to think about the things I have written today, and simply ask yourself, do I believe in my creation, my divinity, my perfection?  If you will look at the real you, you will soar free. Once you begin to fly free from what others say, think, or even feel about you, then and only then will you experience the life you were created to live, and then you will understand true joy, true happiness, and so much contentment, you will not be able to describe how good life is.  Open the cage my friends and fly away.

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