Sunday, November 28, 2021

Why kick the can down the road?
 Well it's nearly the end of the year, and I have a very simple question for you this morning. It may not be one you want to answer, but it's one that we really should take a look at.  Here it is:  have you made the changes in your life that you wanted to make at the beginning of the year, or are you still kicking the proverbial can down the road?  It's ok if you are, as long as you're willing to acknowledge that point.  The issue really gets out of control when you don't want to discuss it, act on it, or even acknowledge it.  So today I simply want to encourage you to simply look, think, and maybe decide to do something other than simply kick the can down the road, which really isn't much of a thing when you really think about it.  

When I began 2021 I simply wanted to grow in my understanding of what I was doing, how I was going to do it, and with tons of hope of doing it.  My guess is that many others had the same thoughts and feelings as I.  Let's face it 2020 was nothing like we expected, and I'm pretty sure 2021 has followed suit as well.  Without a doubt it is difficult to move forward at times when faced with issue that have tried to drag you down. It is during the difficult times that you need to dig down deep and reflect on your true essence, and with this knowledge take another step toward your destination.  

So let me begin with some encouragement.  Let me begin with some words of comfort, some feelings of love, and most of all with anticipation for what is coming down the pike.  First and foremost, we are living in some incredible times in regards to the awakening that is taking place.  Many, many people are beginning to understand the significance of their creation.  Many people have started to seek out what is really important in life, and leaving behind those things that do not benefit them.  What is important to someone will be different of course for someone else, as each individual is different in so many ways.  However, the great divide is between those who choose to walk down their chosen path, and those who simply kick the can down the road hoping that things will change.  Action is always required if you want to see change.  I've been guilty of waiting, and waiting, and waiting for things to line up perfectly, as the precursor to doing anything.  The problem with this is that more often than not things are not going to line up perfectly and thus we find ourselves in periods of inaction. Here's the problem with simply kicking the can down the street.  Some feel as thought the action of keeping the can moving is actually doing something. Well, it isn't, it's simply an act of futility.  Some call it mind salad, others simply call it a distraction.  When you take an action it should change something, when you simply kick the can down the street nothing in fact changes.  All you have done is exerted energy with no measurable results.  So let me ask you this, did kicking that can do anything of importance for you?  If the answer is no, then that should tell you that something needs to change.  

I can't sit here and tell you that I know what you had hoped for during this past 11 months.  I can't tell you that what you did, or didn't do was right or wrong.  You are the one who has to decide.  You are the one who has to take the steps that lead you to your destiny.  I can encourage, motivate, and others wise give you a kick in your ass to get you moving, but you are still the one who has to get the forward progress in motion.  Kicking the can is not progress no matter what anyone tells you.  Kicking the can is not defining, at least not defining in regards to the real you.  Kicking the can will never bring you satisfaction as there is an understanding that what you really want is not going to be manifest in this senseless action of simply kicking the can down the street.  Even minor results, minor change, minor growth is better than simply moving an object for the sake of appearances.  

We are approaching that time of year when most everyone begins to look back, and then begins to look forward.  We look at what we may not have done, and what we still want to do.  This cycle repeats itself year after year.  This cycle is nothing more than kicking the can down the street.  Let's be honest, we need to get out of this cycle.  We need to take the bull by the horns and finally decide that we have the power, we have the wisdom, we have all that we need to be the creation we were designed to be.  I want so much more than mere survival.  I want to experience all those things that I dream about, think about, long for.  Getting up each day and expecting doom and gloom is not what any of us signed up for.  Looking at situations all around us, wondering if this is as good as it gets, is not what we signed up for.  There is an awakening going on, are you going to join it, or will you simply continue to kick the can down the road?

When I started my journey of discovery I was excited.  When I started my journey I was eager.  When I started my journey I was unprepared for what lay ahead.  As I moved forward I began to see what was truth and what was fiction.  I had to de-learn much of what I was taught growing up.  Now what I was taught came from well intentioned people, but that doesn't mean it was accurate, nor does it mean it was meant to hurt me.  We have each grown up in an era where kicking the can down the road was the norm, but that doesn't mean that the norm was correct, not by any stretch of the imagination.  I need you to decide what your next step is going to be.  I need you to want change, and in accepting this change, do more than just kick that stupid can.  

Today is the perfect day to begin doing something different.  No matter where you are on that "Line of Life", you are going to have to decide what to do next.  I've said this before, if you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.  So let me ask you this, are you happy with what you have right now?  I don't mean in terms of stuff.  What I mean is are you happy with the place you are at right now in regards to your growth, your understanding, your knowledge of who and what you are?  We are incredible creations, and we are incredible because we have been created to create.  Creation is not simply kicking the can down the street.  Creation is stepping out into your destiny.  Creation is seeing things as though they are, even without the ability to see it in the natural at the moment.  Believe me when I tell you that what you have hoped for, what you have dreamt about, when the time comes for it too manifest, it will be a million times better than you could have ever imagined it to be.  I know that we want things to change, and we hope for change to come quickly, but know this: things will happen at the appointed time, and if you will show courage, if you will display patience, then the waiting will all be worth it.  People who think that kicking the can down the street will eventually lead them to the place they desire to be are simply fooling themselves.  

It is time to stop exerting energy on things that no longer benefit you, and instead use that energy to step into the real you.  The real you is unique, it is divine, it is never-ending, and it has more ability, more power, and more creative ability then you could ever imagine.  The time has come to step into your real reality and stop doing what others continue to do because they have yet to understand the significance of their design.  Kicking the can is not who you are, or who you were designed to be.  It is time to be the real you.  Trust me, the real you is so much more than you have ever thought possible. 

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