Sunday, November 7, 2021

Find the Peace, even in the Storm."
 Today's blog is just a bit of encouragement, especially in light of what many have been going through as of late. It's easy to play Monday Morning Quarterback and shout instructions from the comforts of home, or from a place where you are not being attacked by the daily grind.  I'm not going to embarrass myself and profess that I know what you're thinking, or that I know what you are going through.  When someone tells me they know what I'm feeling I just kind of roll my eyes and move on.  I can empathize with others, and at times as an empath I can feel what they are feeling, but most of the time I simply want to reach out to them with a hug or smile.  So today I am going to reach out to you with a huge hug, and an endless smile in the hopes that I can get you to see that even during the storms of life, you can find peace, and you will, if you open up to it, find the lesson you were needing to learn.

The first question I normally ask myself when faced with a storm is what kind of energy have I been sending out?  As I have said on countless occasions we create our reality with our thoughts, our feelings, and our words.  If you can hold captive any negative feelings , words, or thoughts, you are on your way to freeing yourself from any self-imposed storms.  I realize this is not always an easy thing to do, but you have to train yourself to remain in a constant state of high vibrational energy.  Believe it or not this is a lot simpler than you might think.  I tend to go to music when I am feeling the stress of the day, and for me a calming meditative piece of music does it for me.  Most mornings when I write I have Pandora's Mediation Radio playing on my Alexa.  It keeps me calm, and it frees me from all the issues that I might be facing. I can't do what I do if I am constantly fighting with negative thoughts and feelings.  If you surround yourself with high vibrational energy, you will emit high vibrational energy, and then you will rise above the fray, and what was bothering you just moments ago seems to fly away, never to return.

There is a song by Michael Whalen titled, "I have loved you a thousand life times" that when I need to slip away and just decompress, I play on a loop.  Find that one song that speaks to you, that comforts you, that takes you away to a safe and peaceful place, and simply play the daylights out of it.  Certainly those around you may grow weary of hearing it, but it's for you, and not them. The key is to get your eyes and mind off of what is not truly real, and instead focus on the only thing that is real.  The real you is the perfection of your design, the perfection of your being, and the perfection of your creator.  When you can focus on this, then the storms will dissipate and you will begin to walk in the freedom that you were intended to walk in.  

When I first discovered my destiny I was as unsure of the future as anyone could possibly be.  Having a feeling that there was something I was supposed to do with my life, but not knowing where to start had put me smack dab in the middle of a storm. This storm was fear, it was uncertainly, it was not knowing how I was ever going to do what I was feeling I needed to do.  I had never trained to be a writer. I had never given any thought to being a writer.  I was supposed to be the owner of a Multi-National Corporation, or President of the United States.  My thoughts of changing the world was nothing more than trying to conquer the world.  To my great amazement I discovered the joy of writing, but that joy was nothing more than coming to a realization of why I was sent here in the first place.  That joy was realizing that I was given a great gift, and that this gift would change humanity in a totally different way, but the perfect way.  

It seems to me that until such time as you accept that you are here for a specific purpose,  you will find yourself in a constant state of storminess.  If you are in that place right now, might I suggest that you make the determination that the time has come to simply let go of what you have designed, and walk in the life that was designed for you since the beginning of time.  So many people have been placed in a box that was created by others who may have had good intentions, but certainly did not know why you were placed here in the first place.  When you think of destiny, when you think of purpose, or passion, what others think or say should have zero impact on what you do, or who you become.  My dear, dear friends, I want so badly for each of you to walk in the peace of knowing that you are something so divine, so totally unique, that there is nothing in this world that will ever stop you from stepping out into your destiny, and providing to the rest of the world what it so desperately needs. 

Storms will come and go, and peace, as most of us have figured out, is not always present, even if it was always meant to be the center of our existence.  Finding the peace in the midst of a storm is not simple, but it is certainly advised.  Finding peace, walking in peace, will always be up to you, but it is something that you must go after or you will be washed away by the storm.  

My final point today is this:  peace begins with you.  It begins with you accepting who and what you are.  Peace begins with standing in your power, in your divinity, your uniqueness.  Peace grows strong in those who will recognize that they are not simply mortal, but eternal creations.  We have been made to think so little of who we are, is it any wonder we walk around in what seems to be a constant state of storms?  I want you to imagine a huge rain storm in front of you, and with a simple thought you are able to part the skies, and then the sun and a rainbow are both seen.  This rainbow signifies a promise.  The sun is what gives life.  You with your thoughts, your power made it happen.  Some may think it impossible, but it is only impossible because they believe it to be impossible.  It is time to rise above the storm clouds, time to walk in your destiny.  I'm not saying that there will never ever be another storm in your life, but I will tell you that you will be able to stand any storm that dares to look you in the eye.  A storm is just a thing, peace on the other hand is who you are.  Walk in peace, share peace, and watch as the skies clear, the sound and rainbow shine, and you, and others will change for the better

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