Saturday, May 1, 2021

Knowing Me, Knowing you, we really are one mind.


Are you prepared for a wild ride this morning?  I ask that question because there will be some who will  not be able to grasp what I am about to present.  It's not that what I have to say is anything new, but it may be the first time you have been exposed to ideas such as these, and I simply want to prepare you.  There are so many people talking about the "Great Awakening".  Now this is nothing new, we have been experiencing an awakening every single day since the time of our birth.  We learn new things every day, some we believe, others we don't.  I really, really, really,  emphasis on really, need you to understand and believe what I am going to present to you today.  

I truly believe we are in a critical time in man's development.  If we are going to reach a new level of understanding, of functioning on this time line, we are going to have to understand a few things.  Most of what we have been taught thus far, or things we have picked up, or even things that have been forced down our throats is nothing but garbage.  We have been subjected to doubt, worry, fear, because we have been taught that that is part of life.  We have been fed a ton of lies about our abilities, or in some cases lack of ability.  Well I'm here to tell you that today is your day of redemption.  Today, if you will open your mind, calm your heart, and listen, you will see things differently, you will live differently.  Happily you will finally start to see why you were designed the way you were, and the purpose behind your design.  

Will you agree with me that if you have siblings then they share many things because they came from the same parents?  You will never be able to separate the fact that children have a biological mother and father.  As such, biological offspring are always going to share something.  We take with us bits from our parents because we came from our parents.  Well if you take this to a different level we can surmise that we came from a creator. Now whether you want to call this creator God, or Source, or Spirit, it matters not.  Fact is, we came from something.  You can argue that point until the cows come home, but we started somewhere.  Just like you share DNA with your siblings, because you came from the same parents, you share something with all other people, because we came from the same creator.  Now we may be separated by vast miles, vast time periods, but those that came before us, those that will come after us, we will still share something.  Now stay with me because you will see shortly where I am taking all this.  

There is a consciousness that we all share, and we share it because we all emanated from the same source. This consciousness, or mind, whatever you want to call it, is what connects us to every living creature. This Universal Consciousness is what gives us direction.  It gives us clarity, if we will look for it.  Universal Consciousness is not a myth.  Sadly there have been those in the past that have tried to abuse or misrepresent Universal Consciousness.  It is what it is, you're always going to have idiots that try to take advantage of situations, or others, for their own gratification or profit.  

Hang on now, because this is where it gets deep.  Each of us has thoughts.  You can't even quantify the amount of thoughts you have had since your birth, let alone the number of thoughts that have been thought about by every creation since the beginning of time.  Those thoughts however are connected.  Every one, every time, without exception.  You may not be thinking about what your neighbor is thinking about, or your brother, or sister, aunt or uncle, but they are still connected.  It's also important to note that these thoughts never go away, they are eternal.  If you release a thought you have let it go, there's no putting the Genie back in the bottle.  If these thoughts are connected, then isn't it conceivable to think that we can learn from each thought.  If you accept this premise, and I suggest you do, then you have at your disposal unlimited, almost endless possibilities to choose from when trying to figure something out.  Ever go through your day and suddenly a thought pops into your head, and quite frankly you have no idea where it came from?  Ever look at something and instantly you know something about it, even if it is the first time you have every experienced it?  These are all signs of the Universal Mind, the Universal Consciousness, the One Mind.  You have just been given the keys to the vault.  You have just been granted access to unlimited knowledge.  We've all learned from experience.  When you burned your fingers on the hot stove when you were little, you quickly learned not to touch a hot stove.  Well you now have been granted permission to learn from other's experiences.  Our minds are all inter-connected because we are all inter-connected by virtue of being created by the one and only Creator of the Universe.  

So what does all this mean?  It means that we have been granted unlimited access to all other thought in the entire universe.  We have the ability to garner all that we need, if we are brave enough to walk down the path of Universal Consciousness.  We have the ability to learn from other's experiences, even when others occupy different space, different bodies.  This may all sound impossible, but it is what it is.  There are too many people walking around looking for help and yet they have what they need, if they will only choose to believe, choose to embrace, and choose to tap into the One Mind.  If one is given a gift, they will only benefit from said gift if they take it, use it, and understand it.  I can tell you all day about the benefits of the One Mind, but if you continue to think that you are alone, that you alone have to solve all issues, then you will miss out on the magnificence of consciousness.  

Like anything in life when something new comes along, or at least new to you, there is a learning curve.  You may not walk perfectly in it for a period of time, but the more you use it, the more you accept it, the better you will be because of it.  Accepting that we are all connected, acknowledging that we are all can benefit from others, is a great starting point.  Knowing me, is knowing you, and vice versa.  When we reach out to listen to what the One Mind is telling us all the issues we may face somehow dwindle in size.  Those things that used to scare us, used to worry us, those things begin to be few and far between.  Universal Consciousness is a very real thing.  It is as real as you, real as me, real as everyone.  Open your mind to other minds, other dimensions.  I know that some may seem this as fantasy, but I assure you it is anything but that.  If you have wanted to go deeper in your understanding of who you are, what you are, where you came from, and where you are going, if you want to experience deeper feelings, then tap into the Universal Consciousness.  I promise you this: once you taste the sweet nectar of the One Mind, once you latch on to the importance of Universal Consciousness, you will never be the same.  You have this in you , around you.  Learn how to tap in, and be sure you are sending out good thoughts.


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