Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Power of "Forever"

 "OMG, she takes forever getting ready".  "I've been waiting forever on hold." "I'll love you forever." We've all made comments like these.  We've probably all had thoughts like these one time or another.  We talk about forever.  We think we've been in the drive-thru forever.  We think we know what it means, but do we really.  Do we really understand the word forever, and do we really have a true understanding of how significant forever is to each of us?  Well today we are going to dive right in, and I am going to attempt to put the word forever into a new perspective for you, and in doing so, bring you into a new place of discovery.  so get your coffee, sit back, and enjoy. 

One might ask why the sign for infinity? Well the answer to that question is pretty simple.  Infinity has no end.  Then again it has no beginning, and hence the meaning of the word forever.  If you believe in an eternal spirit or soul, then you believe that you will go somewhere when you die.  The common response is that someone is going to live "Forever" in heaven, or in some cases hell.  No matter you final destination, we would have to all agree that forever is a very long time.  But when does forever start?  If we go on the premise of a heaven and hell, does forever start tomorrow, and then on to eternity?  Or did forever start yesterday and we just didn't know it?  If forever started yesterday, why not the day before that, or the day before the day before?  It all sounds pretty "who cares", but in reality your understanding of forever is extremely important, and the sooner you grasp the significance the sooner you can take your rightful place in the universe. 

Let's back track a little and cover some information that we have talked about before, yet some people seem to forget, which is the major cause of issues in most people's lives.  We are first and foremost Spiritual beings.  Our spirit is eternal, it is infinite.  It has no beginning and no end, it has always been, and will always be.  It is the true definition of infinite.  If our spirit is infinite, which it is, and if our spirit is what is really the reality of things and not this flesh and blood vessel that we occupy, which it is, then why in God's name would we not want to know as much about our spirit as is humanly possible?  This is the power of "Forever".  

Why am I talking about this subject?  We have forgotten how significant we are.  We have forgotten the power that resides inside each of us.  A power so great, that we can't even quantify it.  We can, and we do create all of our tomorrows by what we say and think today.  We set-up our successes, and our failures,  by what we say and think today.  It is so important for you to grasp this concept.  Failure to recognize the power of your thoughts, your words, will keep you frozen in a place that quite frankly no one should want to be in.  This Power of Forever is the single most important gift that you could ever have been given.  You were given the Power of "Forever" because you were created for such a time as this.  I see people every day who have fallen victim to what others expect of them.  They have accepted all the limitations that others have said is just normal.  Well what is normal to them should never be normal to you.  I can't stress enough the importance of you coming to terms with the real you.  If you can't see the infinite side of who you are, then no amount of desire, no amount of professing is going to place you where you want to be.  

I've been thinking, praying, meditating on me with a vengeance the last few months.  I've taken the deep dive to understand my true self.  It wasn't that I was unfamiliar with who I am, I just wanted to know more, feel more, understand more.  I wanted to to take things to a different, higher level.  Now don't think for a moment that I feel superior to anyone else.  Once you realize the significance of your being, then where you end up on the totem pole means nothing.  We are all equal, we are all the same.  The simple truth of the matter is that some people just get to where they need to be little faster, or sooner than others.  What I need you to do today is simply understand the Power of "Forever", and how this knowledge will fundamentally change your life forever.  

Elton John made famous the song "Circle of Life".  I was thinking about this the other day, and when I put two and two together I had a real "Aha" moment.  Just like infinity, a circle has no beginning and no end.  In life we are born, we live, and then we die.  It is going to be this way for every single person.  The difference comes in as to how we see this circle.  I tend to see it as a continuation of all things past, present, and future.  If a circle has no beginning and no end, then is there really a difference between past, present, and future?  Cosmic, right?  Think of it this way, and I hope this gets you really thinking.  If life truly is forever, if it has no beginning and now end, then is there really a difference between what has been, what is now, and what will be?  I've got to tell you that my mind is running at about a million miles per second as I think on these things.  When I begin to grasp the Power of "Forever", when you begin to see what is real, and what is not, things change.  

If you want to talk about a shift, and there are many who have been talking about it for some time, then this shift needs to be all about the Power of "Forever", and how you relate to it. Knowing and understanding what you are is critical at this junction.  If you continue to think that you are merely a human, restricted by all human frailties, subject to all human limitations, then you will never be able to move past the present, and take your rightful place in the universe.  

I know there is much more to write about when it comes to understanding the Power of "Forever", and who knows, maybe I've found the title to my next book. but no matter where you find yourself in this moment, it's important, it's critical, that you put yourself in the proper spot.  When you begin to understand that you have no beginning, no end, when you begin to see your true significance, you will begin to operate in the only way you were always intended to operate.  Believe it or not, there are no limits when it comes to your power, to your abilities.  The only thing limiting you is your belief, or disbelief in your abilities.  The Power of "Forever", is unlimited.  Take a few minutes to think about what you have read today.  Find a quiet place and simply allow this to sink in.  From time to time there comes a time when each of us will have a decision to make, and this decision will directly impact what comes next.  If you will decide to accept the real you, if you will accept that you have no limits, that you are in fact infinite and will be around forever, then you will begin to feel, begin to experience some pretty remarkable things.  I encourage you to dig deeper, come to your own understanding.  The Power of "Forever" was meant for you, and it wouldn't matter if you were the only person to ever have existed, or you're simply one of the billions upon billions of people who have come before, and will come after you. The Power of "Forever" is about you, for you, and believe it or not, in you.  

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