Sunday, May 9, 2021

Hey, are you awake?

Some are, some aren't. Some are getting there, while others are running for the hills.  Many are trying to figure out just what it is that they are felling, while others are asking why me.  No matter how you look at it we are all in the middle of a great awakening.  This awakening is not the first time, but it sure does feel like it is something out of this world, no pun intended.  Today I simply want to express why this time we are living in is so special, yet so critical to why we are here, and why we are who we are.  I need you to buckle your seat belts because what I want to say today just may toss you about, but it will be so worth it in the end. 

There's no doubt that the world is all Hellter Skelter right now.  Some of what we always thought to be true has been proven false, and many falsehoods that we simply knew to be rubbish are panning out to be anything but that.  There's no doubt that many people will be asleep during this "Great Awakening".  They have slept through things before, and will sleep through them again.  Some people will find it difficult to grasp the enormity of what is about to take place, while others will welcome these changes with open arms.  What I want to encourage you to do is simply prepare yourself, and know that what is happening has been planned to happen since the beginning of time.  You are simply the lucky recipient of this fantastic journey.  I'm not sure I will be able to perfectly describe in words what is happening right now, but I will do my best, and I can tell you I am depending on a huge download from the Universe to help me help you.  

First things first. I am not here to say that I am completely awakened.  I have lots to learn, and I find myself in unchartered territory just like many of you.  I have found myself drifting back to a place of security in as much as I am trying to embrace the significance of God, the perfection of God, and thereby the perfection of myself.  It is in finding, or should I say, in the accepting of your perfection, that you will be able to walk in this awakening.   Right now we have the incredible honor of being able to open our book, and fill it's empty pages with whatever it is that we are desiring.  These desires can bring happiness, or in some cases sadness, it all depends on what side of the equation you fall on in regards to beliefs.  I've been reading a book by U.S. Anderson, and the thrust of the book is that we are all connected.  It's amazing that what I am reading right now is what I have been writing about for many years.  I guess it's nice to have, how should I say this, it's nice to have confirmation that I am on the right path.  Anyhow, nothing that is happening right now is happening out of happenstance.  It is all ordained by our creator, and those who are willing to listen, willing to feel, and willing to act, they are the ones who will be smack dab in the middle of something incredible.  

So what is an awakening?  In its simplest terms it is opening your eyes, both physical and spiritual, and seeing truth.  We have been exposed to a whole lot of fiction throughout our life.  Now this fiction may have been presented to us with good intentions, but the path to hell is paved with good intentions.  There is a huge difference between truth and falsehood, yet much of the time it looks the same. This awakening has to happen, just as awakenings have happened in the past, and will happen in the future.  If you believe as I do that we are all interconnected, meaning we all came from the same source, then we are all going through this awakening.  The question that one needs to ask is why are some getting it, and others simply ignore it?  That is the Million Dollar question, and sadly we will never be able to change the fact that some people will miss what is about to happen.  

Why is this awakening happening is a question many ask.  Let me tell you that this is all happening so that you might fully, or at least start to understand the significance of your existence.  My god in heaven, you are not on this planet just for the free popcorn.  You are here to do something.  No matter how big or how small it might seem to you or to someone else, it is why you are here.  Whether what you do changes one person, or an entire continent, it is all the same.  One is no more important than the other.  What is important is that you take your rightful place.  Your rightful place is not wanting, or living in lack.  It is not always feeling left out.  It is not feeling detached, and unimportant.  Your rightful place is standing in your power. Your rightful place is operating as God operates.  We may think we are totally illuminated, but let's be real, there have only been a few before us who walked in total illumination.  Try as we might, we all have a ways to go to walk as Christ did, or Buddha, or Mohammed.  That's doesn't mean we give up.  We are on a journey that is going to lead us to the perfect place, and in this perfect place you will have the life that was intended, and that life is simply beautiful.  Words cannot describe the beauty and perfection of what is already yours.  You simply have to accept it, and begin to walk in it.  

Sadly many will sleep through this awakening believing they have already arrived and have nothing else to learn.  Oh foolish people LOL.  Until you are able to fully operate away from your conscious mind, and only create with your unconscious mind, will you fully be awakened.  Some will say that it's impossible to operate without the conscious mind. Yes, in a way true, but also very short sighted.  For the conscious mind has been conditioned to believe certain things, that quite frankly are not real.  You have so much power, and until such time as you allow your subconscious mind to take control, you will always be prone to believing things that simply are not true.  I know this may seem very abstract, but trust me, in due time all things will be revealed and you will see the greatness of your design, the truth of your power, and the reason you were sent here in the first place.  

The Great Awakening is something we are all going to be going through.  Will you embrace it with all that you are, or will you simply sit back and be a spectator?  My advice is that you embrace it all, seek truth, and welcome what is taking place.  There is much I still don't know about what is going to be happening, but I stand eager and prepared to do my part.  My advice to you this wonderful day is that you choose to also be a participant is this awakening.  We are so much more than simple human beings, and now is the time to discover that.  The outcome may shock you, but boy is it going to be a fun time. and it is surely going to impress you when it's all said and done.  Get ready my loved ones, it's about to get real. 

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