Sunday, March 7, 2021

It's all elementary.
One plus one equals two.  North, south, east, and west.  The opposite of hot is cold.  Up or down, left, or right.  This is all pretty elementary.  Well there are a few other things that are elementary, and today I just want to remind you of those things.  It seems to me that many, many people are having a very difficult time with life right now.  It might be financial issues, physical problems, emotional trauma.  It doesn't matter what you're going through, or what you are facing, there are a few things that if taken to heart will simplify your life, and in this simplification, make it a little bit more enjoyable each day.  So get your coffee, throw on a blanket, and let's see how elementary some things are. 

I understand worry.  Most people if being completely honest would have to say they worry about something at least once a day.  Will you get to the next gas station before you run out of gas? Can you get to your appointment on time with all the traffic you are running up against?  Do you have enough sugar and creamer for your morning coffee, having forgotten to pick it up when you were just at the store yesterday?  Simple things to worry about, but worry is worry, and most of the time, worry changes nothing, at least in the natural.  I understand fear.  What happens when the boss calls you into the office to let you know that the company is closing and no one is going to be kept on?  Fear that what you always wanted will never come to fruition.  Fear isn't real, worry isn't real, but your amazing spirit is real, and it has something that fear and worry will  never have, immortality.  

Immortality is forever.  As tough as a concept of infinity or immortality may be to understand, in its simplest form, it is so so elementary as it pertains to you.  You are immortal, you are infinite. Yes we occupy a mortal body, and yes this body is going to give out at some point in the future.  What needs to become elementary to you is you are not your body, you are not your possessions.  You are so much more than what may be happening around you.  Immortality and infinity, or at least your understanding of these two very important elements needs to become as elementary to you as one plus one equals two.  There are tons of things in this life that we never question.  We never question that the sun is going to rise in the east and set in the west.  We're never going to questions that there are 24 hours in a day, and seven days in the week.  Well we need to get to the point where we no longer question our true nature, our true essence, and our true infinite self.  

I've been meditating on a few things over the last few weeks.  I've found myself circling back around to a lot of why's.  Why this, why that?  Why is the world in such turmoil at the moment?  Why do I believe one way and so many others believe another way?  Beliefs are as varied as the number of stars in the midnight sky, but each belief is built upon elementary truths, or at least truths as we see it.  I have found myself being drawn to some of the words that were written thousands of years ago, but are just as valid, just as true, and just as important today as ever before. Christ said that he was the Alpha, the Omega.  He said he was the beginning and the end, and that he had always been and will always be.  He didn't say these things so we only thought of him in this light, but that we would see ourselves this way.  Forever is a long, long time.  Forever has no beginning and no end.  You are just as much forever as Christ, but do you believe that?  

We keep hearing about this True Awakening that is going on around us.  Now there are some who feel this awakening is simply about world governments, and financial resets.  Others feel the awakening is likened to a spiritual event.  I think we are in a moment where we are being offered the golden ticket to movie that is going to show everyone what is important, and what is just needless filler.  Let's be real for a moment.  What is going to play out is going to play out.  If a reset is about to happen, it is happening because it has to.  We have walked away from those things that are truly important.  We have neglected to hold fast to what is really important.  Resets happen, not to harm, but rather to position us in the proper place where we need to be.  If you believe in the perfection of the Universe, then you need to know that God does not do anything contrary to the Creator's nature.  I'm convinced that a new emphasis is being placed on all of us coming to terms with our immortality, our infiniteness.  I'm convinced that the only way we are going to survive the turmoil happening around us is to hold fast to the "I am Presence" in our life.  For the past twelve months of so I have been unable to get away from a daily reminder that "I am that I am."  For a while I wasn't sure why this was such a presence in my life, but having been through the last few months of what is going on in the world, I can see clearly now why I was focused on this topic.  

It is time to come to grips with the real you, the immortal you, the infinite you.  It is time to understand the "I am that I am" side of you.  It's easy to be tossed and thrown about by all the stuff out there today.  If you have not fully grasped the fundamental truth, the elementary truth of who and what you are, you will fall victim to turmoil, and the strife that is rampant in the world to day.  Why not take your immortality, your infiniteness for a ride today?  Why not enjoy the perfection of your design, and simply rest in the elementary truth of your greatness?  Some may be saying how dare we think so highly of ourselves.  Well those who think that haven't a clue as to their real selves.  We are great.  We are immortal.  We are infinite.  It's time to hold fast to these truths, and toss away all the falsehoods of the past.  When we fully understand our immortality, and yes it may take sometime to fully grasp it, but when we fully understand who and what we are, nothing will be able to dislodge you from your rightful place.  It is elementary my dear Watson, elementary indeed.  

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