Sunday, February 28, 2021

It matters not!!!
It really doesn't matter what someone has thought about you.  It really doesn't matter what someone has said about you.   It doesn't even matter if what you thought was, isn't at all.  It just really doesn't matter.  What matters is that you know your truth, you walk in your truth, and you grow in your truth.  Today I simply want to inspire you to own your truth, and in that truth walk in your power.  

We as humans tend to wear our emotions on our selves.  If you're having a bad day, try as you might, eventually someone is going to notice. We are such creatures of habit, and anything outside of the norm is going to stick out like a sore thumb.  If you are always jovial, and now you are down in the dumps, someone, somewhere is going to notice.  My question to someone going through a tough time is: why not own it?  I mean if times are tough, do you think that you are fooling anyone by not acknowledging it?  We're all going to go through a rough patch every now and again.  Instead of just sweeping it under the rug, own it.  I don't mean own it in the sense of accepting it without a challenge, but own it by taking steps to get rid of whatever ails you.  

Let me ask you this simple question:  if the sun is behind the clouds and you can't see it, does it mean it's not there?  Of course the sun is out, but what we see is not always the reality of the situation.  Just because you don't always see your truth, or you power, doesn't mean it's no longer yours.  You cannot take something away from you, that is the real you.  No matter what you might be going through does not change who, or what you really are.  So going back to my original thought, no matter what someone says about you, what they think about you, it doesn't change who you really are.  It really matters not.  We have to come to grips with the real us.  The real us is everything you ever wanted, and then some.  The real us is  that truth, and that power that I was speaking of.  There are plenty of people that will speak words of doubt, words of hurt, words of discouragement, but those are words that don't apply to you, even if they have been directed toward you.  When you are able to come to grips with the real you, then nothing any one might say is going to have an affect on you.  I wrote a few weeks ago about allowing words to roll off of you like water off a duck's back.  When someone comes against you with words that are simply contrary to the real you, don't give them any mind at all.  Sure there is that human element of wanting to take you pound of flesh when someone lashes out at you, but let me encourage you from doing that.  There is no need to lower yourself to their standards, and when you attempt to get back at someone, you are simply lowering your standards to theirs.

As infinite creations we have infinite abilities.  Just because you may not have walked completely in your abilities doesn't mean you don't have them.  Just because you may have had a challenging upbringing, doesn't mean you are not supposed to do more.  When you begin to walk in your truth, whereby you begin to operate in your power, then you will see the infinite side of who you really are.  I want to encourage you to begin to see who you really are.  So many people are unable to grasp the concept of being infinite.  You are spirit, and your spirit has always been and will always be.  If you have always been and will always be, doesn't that kind of make you infinite?  You can change your clothes a dozen times a day, but underneath each outfit is still the same you.  You can change your surroundings, the town you live in, the company you work for, but underneath it all is still the same you.  When you can come to a true understanding of the real you, knowing your truth, walking in your power, then it matters not what others say or think.  

I'm about to leap into something completely new for me, and although I know it is the right move, at the right time, I am a little bit apprehensive.  Believe it or not I am just as human as you, and I have to remind myself of my truths and power just like you.  What I know is this:  I am that I am.  I have been equipped with everything I need to fulfill my destiny.  I have huge dreams, and there are times when even I question those dreams and visions.  Anyone that knows me, knows that the things I do, I certainly do not do them for self-promotion.  I don't need accolades, or praise from anyone.  My worth comes from knowing that I'm doing what I was created to do.  I do, because that is who I am.  What I want each of you to do is make the decision to do what you were sent here to do.  You can run around your entire life appearing to always be doing something, when in actuality, you're accomplishing very little because it's just show.  Deep down we all know what we would like to be doing.  Deep down you know your path.  Sure maybe that path is a little scary, but that shouldn't detract you from taking the first step.  

Here's the bottom line: it matters not where you were born.  It matters not when you were born.  It matters not who you know or don't know.  What matters is that you know you have a purpose.  It maters that you accept your destiny, and step out into it.  It matters that you accept your truths, and walk in your power.  I want my success to be a stepping stone to your success.  I want your success to be the stepping stone to other's success.  When you are able to do for others, without an expectation of return, you will be walking, at least partially in your destiny.  We all know people who only do for themselves.  You can smell the selfishness that attaches itself to them.  What I want is to give it all away.  Believe it or not, when you are the giving type, it's impossible to give it all away.  The return to you will make it impossible to ever be without.  Your motivation should never be "what's in in for me", rather what you can do for others, so they can do for others, and they can do for others and so on.  

When you can know your truth, walk in your power, accept your infinite side, then you will finally be able to say "It matters not".  Certainly we all have traveled different roads, but each road is leading in the same direction, one of awareness.  Each road traveled will provide answers to questions.  Each answer will shed light on different situations, while each situation will bring us back around to what really matters.  No matter how you cut it , slice it, divide it up, the bottom line is this:  truth is power, and your truth is your power.  Yes it's not always easy to know your truth, or come to a total understanding of it, especially when you have gone through certain challenges, but it does not change who you are, or what you are.  People can say some pretty evil things at times, mostly because they are hurt, or just pissed off.  Don't allow the words spoken to you, or about you, to define you.  Hold true to what you know to be truth.  When it's all said and done, it really matters not.  

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