Sunday, February 21, 2021

Let's have a little fun today.
So what have you done so far in 2021 to put a smile on your face?  What fun activity have you planned?  What festive moment have you been looking forward to?  What are you going to do to bring a little fun into your life?  To be truthful I look at little things to bring me joy.  Simply sitting here in my office this morning with my coffee, our two dogs, and Alexa playing in the background brings me joy.  I'm looking at my new Podcast Mic that just came from Amazon, and that brings me joy.  I will admit that the thought of having to redesign my webpage is not something that makes me break out in laughter, but it does bring me peace.  What I want you to do today is simply choose to do something that will bring you joy, or as a minimum be open to having just a little bit of fun today.  Laughter works like a medicine.  Sometimes all we need to help bring us out of our dark moments is a simple moment of light.

I've been rereading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book,  and trust me, I've read it so many times the pages on my iPad are even dogged eared.  My attempt at humor this morning.  Anyway, I'm at the part where he is taking about living and operating on this side of infinity.  We know that when we die we will be eternal, infinite beings who will not have an end.  What so many people fail to realize is that infinity is in both directions.  You can't go on forever and not realize that it has been going on forever.  If we are infinite beings then, we are infinite beings now.  Now follow me, and let's get a smile on your face.  If we are infinite now, then we operate in infinite ways.  If we operate in infinite ways, then is there really anything that can stop us from doing what we are destined to do?  If nothing can stop us from doing what we are destined for, then don't you think that what you hold deepest in your heart is surely going to manifest for you?  Why would you have a dream, if that dream were not meant for you?  If all you are thinking about right now is how bad 2020 was, and will 2021 be a repeat, I can assure you, you are not walking on this side of infinity, and I can bet you dimes to donuts that joy is in limited supply in your life at the moment.  I'm not saying this to bring you even further down the narrow road of despair, I'm saying this to you so you can realize just how significant being an infinite being is, and just how powerful you really are.  If you want to experience joy, make it so.  If you want to experience happiness, make it so.  If you simply want to experience rest, well guess what, you can do that to.  All you need to do is realize that your words have power.  Your thoughts and feelings have power.  Your desires have power.  Why in God's name would you have dreams and aspirations if the whole intend were to keep you in a position of always wanting, or always being just a little behind the power curve?  That's not what life is supposed to be like, and that certainly isn't how things are supposed to be for someone who was created out of perfection, and created to create.

You have often heard me say that if you can imagine it, you can have it.  Our imagination is the starting point for everything in our life.  As hard as that might be to believe, I need you to believe it.  Why would you downplay imagination if imagination was the key to everything?  Here's how perfect things are: you have been given the power to create.  If you garner nothing more than an understanding of this one thing today, then my task is complete.  You create with your imagination, your words, your feelings.  You control everything, even if everything you see day to day may seem contrary to that idea.  I cannot stress enough the significance of your imagination, your ideas, your dreams, and your desires.  I can't stress enough that you have been empowered to have it all, especially if having it all is what you desire most.  When I say having it all I'm not talking about monetary, or material things, although that is a possibility.  When I talk about having it all, I'm talking about having what you desire most in life.  When it's all said and done, money, and material is not going to add up to a tinker's hoorah.  Walking in your destiny, that's what's important, and that's why you are here.  When you discover your destiny, that's when the fun begins.  When you discover your destiny, that 's when the world changes.  When you step out into your destiny, you will finally realize the reason you were brought into this existence.  

If you really want to have some fun today, think about your dreams.  Imagine the unimaginable, and know that nothing is impossible.  Let's undertake a small experiment.  Just for a moment I want you to think about something you would love to be doing.  It doesn't mater how crazy it might seem, it doesn't matter how impossible it might be, I simply want you to imagine it.  I want you to imagine you being right in the middle of doing something totally out of this world.  When you think about it, does it put a smile on your face?  When you think of doing something you have always desired to do, does it bring you joy simply by putting yourself in the middle of that mind picture?  So the question I need to ask right now is where did these thoughts come from?   Who is the originator of those ideas, and why have they landed squarely in your imagination?  You may not want to admit the answer, but we all know the answer, and we all know where they came from.  It's time that we accept what is truly ours, and walk in those things that we have been given.  You have an imagination, to use anytime you desire.  You have an imagination because that is the place that dreams come from, that ideas emerge from, where creation begins.  You have an imagination to bring joy to your life, and to the lives of others around you.  If all you can think about is that 2021 is going to suck like 2020, then you have begun to pave the path of 2021 already.  Don't do that!!!!!  I want you to imagine roads that are paved with gold.  I want you to dreams about trips, and events.  I want you to see what is ahead of you.  If you want joy, if you want happiness, if you simply want to smile a bit more, then begin by delving into your imagination, and let that imagination run wild.  I can imagine some pretty crazy things in my life.  Things that are far fetched, things that are totally off the scale, but things that play right into my destiny.  I can't wait to speak to my first crowd of 100,000 or more people.  I can't wait for my books to sell a million copies.  I don't seek any of this for fame or glory.  I seek it because it's just fun.  I love speaking to a crowd.  I love writing, and I love talking about my writing.  These are the things that bring me joy.  I love doing radio, and Podcast.  These are the things I dream about, that I imagine, and that I fully expect to come to fruition.  This is what I need you to begin doing today, and the sooner you begin, the sooner that smile is going to appear on your face.  When you're smiling, you will not be worried about tomorrow.  When you're smiling, you won't be thinking about all the bad around you.  When you're smiling you simply are living the life that was meant to be.  Let' have a little fun today, and that fun will start when you can imagine it.  

Let your imagination run wild for a moment, and see where this crazy journey takes you.  If you can imagine something, you will eventually experience everything.  Think about it....

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