Sunday, February 14, 2021

Conversation with God.
I got up this morning and had a conversation with God.  I laid down last night and had a conversation with God.  I go through my day, and I have many conversations with God.  I know him, and God knows me, sadly he knows me better than I know myself, but what's new.  Today I want to encourage you to reach out and simply have a conversation with the Creator of the Universe.  Most everyone prays.  It may not be in the traditional way of kneeling down at your bed at night and saying "Now I lay me down to sleep..."  Prayer or communicating with your creator is nothing more than sharing a moment with an open mind.  So many people are seeking answers to questions, and the sad part is that the answers are right in front of them if they would simply open their ears or eyes. God is communicating with us daily, minute by minute. God speaks to us every hour of every day.  Our problem is that we miss the signs, we fail to hear God's voice.  We don't listen because we have not become familiar with the voice.  My dogs know my voice, and for the most part they listen.  They know when I call them, and for the most part they do what I tell them to do.  

What I'd like to do today is set-up for you a no fail way of communicating with God.  Before we go much further I want to squash the theory that somehow you can separate yourself from your creator.  Separating yourself from God is an impossibility.  Can you separate yourself from your birth mother and father?  Now you may not have a relationship with them, or they may have departed this physical plane, but the fact of the matter is that they will always be your parents.  You can do nothing to alter this fact.  Well, you can't alter the fact that God created you.  There are many ways to recognize God, or should I say there are many different beliefs when it comes to God.  Some say he, some say she, some call God various names, but the bottom line is that God created it all.  Everything in this ever expanding universe was created by God, and that includes you.  You can never, and I do mean never, separate yourself from that which created you.  You may feel at times that God has left you adrift in a raging ocean, or all alone in a troubling situation, but that's simply incorrect.  There are plenty of times that we receive answers to prayer, but the problems really begin when we fight with the answer we get.  It's as though we know better, and we will continue to stress until we get the answer we want, and not accept the answer that we need. 

One of the main reasons people fail to communicate effectively with God is because our communications with God are reactionary and not proactive.  We talk to God when we get into a bind.  We cry out to God when we are sick, or someone around us is not doing well.  We beg for assistance when all other avenues have seemingly dried up.   I'm not trying to beat anyone up, we've all done this, and it's a pretty sure bet that we will do it again in the future.  That being said, why not just talk with God, even when you don't need anything?  We communicate with others every day of our life, not because we need anything from them, but because we want to communicate with them.  Is God so distant that we can't talk to him/her in like manner?  Let me ask you this, and I'm forever amazed at some people's reaction when you tell them you talk to God, and God talks back: does God indeed talk to you?  Somehow we have missed the most important fact there is:  we are amazing creations, and as such, we can do some pretty amazing things, and one of those things is communicate directly with our creator.  We have been conditioned to believe that we are somehow not worthy of talking directly to God, that we need a third party to do it for us.  We have been conditioned to believe that only a few select people are entitled to speak with God, and that God will only communicate with them, and they will pass on whatever message they get to us.  This is poppycock!  God will talk with you, much like I am talking to you right now.  

A conversation with God is not rocket science.  A conversation with God is not beyond our capabilities.  A conversation with God is in truth a right that each of us have by virtue of being one of God's creations.  When you can grasp this simple, yet seemingly difficult to believe truth, then and only then will you be able to simply talk with God, and know that you will always get the answers you seek.  When you ask your husband or wife a questions, don't you expect an answer?  Now you might not always like the answer you get, but you have come to expect an answer.  Well it's the same with God.  If you ask the question, you will get an answer.  Why have we put so much distance between us and our creator?  Why have we made it so difficult to have a simple conversation with God, and expect that God will communicate back to us?  The answer is that we have forgotten our significance.  We have never fully accepted the greatness of who and what we are. 

I've said this before, but I want to say it again.  We often don't ask the question, because we can't believe we will get an answer.  We have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we simply don't believe.  If you desire to talk with God, then talk to God.  If you want an answer then just ask the question.  If you stop someone on the street and ask for directions, don't you fully expect to get an answer?   Talking to God and asking for something is no different than asking for directions from a stranger.  I know I might be beating a dead horse, but I need you to understand that talking with God is no different than talking with anyone else.  Believing that God answers your petitions is not placing yourself up on a pedestal, it is expecting what is rightfully yours.  Don't be afraid to talk with your creator.  Don't neglect what is really one of your greatest entitlements, a free and open dialogue with the one and true God.  It's your decision to make.  Will you converse with God?  I hope so.  


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