Sunday, January 31, 2021

Beginning to see the light.
I actually started writing this week's blog last night.  It wasn't that I had writer's block, as I don't believe you can stop the Spirit from communicating with you, no matter how hard you might try to run from it.  No, I just wasn't feeling it, and about two paragraphs into it I decided not the right topic.  When I got up this morning I went through my normal Sunday ritual: shower, dogs out to do their business, take them for their walk, and feed them.  I got my coffee up and running, and then told Alexa to continue where she left off.  Almost instantly this new idea flew out of nowhere.  Well nowhere isn't really the right word.  Spirit had another idea for you today, and I try to bring those things that people will be able to use throughout the week.  So here we are, and I think you are going to be excited to read what I have to write today.

We've all been told that we are living in the perfect time.  Perfect time is perfect because you are perfect as the universe is perfect. Those that lived thousands of years ago were also living in their perfect time.  If you believe as I do that the Universe and God are perfect, then can there really be any imperfection in regards to you being here in this moment?  That being said, what you have gone through in life, what you have experienced, has brought you to this very place, and it has prepared you for what you are about to step out into.  And yes, I did say step out into.  If you are reading this now, you are still here on this planet with something to do.  If there is something to do, then you are here to do it.  If you are here to do it, then you will be equipped to do it.  You will discover new talents, new abilities, and everything that you have gone through is what has prepared you for this up and coming moment.  Can I get an "Amen" on that one?  The days of wondering if you are good enough, they are over.  There should never be a question of being good enough.  By definition good enough is essentially just that, good enough.  You have everything you need to accomplish the things you were sent here to do.  Your personality, your thoughts, your abilities, all of these are good enough to place you where you are, doing the things you do.  

Are you beginning to see the light?  Are you starting to realize that you have everything you need.  There is no such thing as not having enough.  Faith and trust that your design is perfection is really the only thing that matters.  Once you grasp the significance of who you are, then you will begin to accept and see that glorious light of who you really are.  We often have to hear things over and over again to begin to believe them.  If that is the case, then I will continue to tell you that you are enough.  There are too many instances where we no longer see ourselves as our creator sees us.  We see simple, we see incomplete, we see insignificant.  We are none of these.  Our abilities are as numerous as the stars in the night sky.  Our talents are as endless as time itself.  When we begin to see our true essence, it is then that our journey can continue.  Up to this point many have been spinning their wheels, often asking if this is as good as it gets.  Well as good as it gets is nothing more than an acknowledgement that we have not fully grasped the significance of who we are.  When you fully understand who you are, there will never be a time when you think that this is as good as it gets, because quite frankly things can only get better and better.  

Are you beginning to see the light?  As I write this morning I am so utterly thankful that I get to do this.  My writing is not something I simply do, my writing is all together who I am.  You to have this inside of you, you simply have to decided to do it. You might be tasked with something totally out in left field, but the truth of the matter is that there is someone who is also out in left field who needs what you have to offer.  To be perfectly honest, there are going to be times when you simply have to take leap of faith and do something.  Remember, the journey of a Thousand Miles begins with the first step.  When I set out to write my first book I never knew where it would take me.  Now this book hasn't even been published yet.  It will be my forth book that gets published, but there is a reason I have been holding it back.  You'll just have to stay tuned to see the reason for that, but I digress.  What I want you to realize is that no matter where you find yourself today, tomorrow is going to be different.  Those roadblocks that seem to pop up will ultimately fade into the distance.  Your task is simply to take one step at at time, and move ahead.  

We all need encouragement from time to time, after all we are human, and there will be times when we are just a little behind the power curve.  The encouragement I want to express to you today is that of achievement.  Not achievement for simple fame or glory, but achievement of self-awareness.  When you become aware of who you really are, that is the time when you will take another step toward your destiny.  When it's all said and done, destiny is what we are about, and destiny is what we should be after.  I wish I could snap my finger and instantly you would be walking in your destiny.  Alas each walk is different, each destiny is defined, and each of us will have to discover it for ourselves.  The blessing is that you will discover your destiny, and when you do, you will see life for what it really is, a journey of discovery.  

As I wrap this up, let me leave you with one final thought: you are good enough.  Allow the light to come on and realize that no matter what has happened before, no matter what will happen in the future, you are where you were always intended to be, doing the things you were intended to do.  There is no such thing as chance when it comes to the universe.  You being here right now is no accident.  You having gone through what you went through is no coincidence.  Everything has lead you to this very moment, and in this very moment I want you to take the next step.  Maybe it is your first step toward you destiny, but taking a step is always going to be better than just staying put.  Our journey of discovery is never going to end.  We will learn new things everyday, and everyday we will be one step closer to total awareness.  As you move forward know this, you are glorious.  You are wonderful, you are everything you need to be, and you will continue to evolve.  Our evolution was written about eons ago, and we will only become more aware of our abilities as we allow our abilities to chart our course forward.  Accept this journey, and accept who you are, who you are becoming.  We need each other more than ever.

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