Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Merry-Go-Round of Life.
 Is life like a Merry-Go-Round, and does it seem like things are simply going in a circle?  Life in fact is a cycle, and like a merry-go-round you go round, and round, and round.  What I want you to see this morning is that each time you go around in a circle things do change.  At first glance, or first thought, when one is riding around the merry-go-round you think that things are the same with each pass.  But if you look deeper, and if you observe your surroundings you will notice that each time you do go around things are very different.  That parent with the child the first pass around is no longer there the second time.  The groups of people who started out watching have moved on.  The general scenery may be the same, but those intricate details have changed. This may seem like a weird analogy, but please stick with me this morning, and I think you may come away with a new way of looking at things, and if you look at things differently, then the outcome has to be different.  Let's get started.

Each new year brings new opportunities, and each new year reminds us of what did or didn't work the previous year.  The key to any success is to learn from the past, and use what worked, discarding those things that didn't.  Going back to the merry-go-round for a moment, at first glance the merry-go-round can seem pretty mundane.  Unless you're a child who is simply there for the pleasure of the ride, most adults hate the idea of repeating things over and over.  We as adults, at least most adults, like adventure.  Most adults are ok with things being changed up from time to time, as long as the change is spelled out as to why and how.  It's only when change is thrust upon us with no explanation that we tend to have issues with it.  I digress.  If I had to describe the merry-go-round in one word I would have to day "boring".  Boring and mundane are pretty much the same in my book. Going around in circles is simply painful to me.  I like change, I like certain challenges, and I like adventure.  Doing the same things, the same way, at the same time is just not adventure in my book.  Now I'm not saying that stability is a bad thing.  I'm not opposed to stability in terms of knowing that all things will work out, that all things are meant to be, and that all things work together for a common purpose.  That being said, I do appreciate a little thrill seeking at times.

What I really want you to think about this week is how you approach things, and how you react to things that come your way, or that you are experiencing right now.  If we look at things as though they are certainties, then we fail to realize that most things in life are nothing more than illusions that we have created with our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.  If you are ever going to get off the merry-go-round of life you are going to have to recognize the importance of who and what you are.  When we accepted our charge of coming into this life we were never intended to simply comply.  We were never destined to ride around in circles and take what came our way.  Sadly too many people accept what they see, and never realize that surface stuff is not the real stuff of life.  If ever there was a time to take your rightful place, to accept your birth rights, now is that time.  We are entering a period of adjustment.  We are approaching a time when we will need to recognize forces that do not have our best interest at heart.  Now is the time to approach life differently, and begin to create.  Creation is what you were born to do, and creation is what will bring you to the place you need to be, to complete the things you need to complete.  

There is uncertainty swirling all around us right now.  That uncertainty is only made greater when we fail to accept our charge in this life. So the question logically is, what is your charge in life?  Your existence is to bring energy, high vibrational energy to those around you.  To lift others up, to create an environment to create.  When one is reactionary verses being pro-active, then things are never going to work out as they were intended to work out.  If you find yourself boxed into a corner, you have failed to take your rightful place.  I'm not saying this to condemn, rather to encourage.  If you could see your power, if you could release your power, if you could accept your power, things would and will be different.  We are incredible beings, and the sooner you accept who you are, the sooner you will take your rightful place and get off the merry-go-round of life.  Going in circles is never going to get you to your final destination.  Going in circles will only take up time, and that amounts to a whole lot of wasted time.  

There are times when I like to be eloquent in my writing, and there are times when I like to be direct.  Hopefully I can accomplish both this morning as I try to get each of you to see the importance of the times we are living in right now.  Through the centuries many people have lived through trying times.  Many have succeeded in getting to the right place, while others have failed.  Right now however is not the time we want to find ourselves on the short end of the stick.  What we do today, and what we attempt to do in the not too distant future will have an impact on generations to come.  I know that may seem overly dramatic, but truth is truth.  We are being tested right now the likes we have never seen before.  It would be easy to roll up and do nothing, but doing nothing right now will have consequences to devastating to describe.  We need to stop going around in circles, and we need to change.  There is an urgency the likes I have never seen before.  This calls for each of us to take our rightful place and to do what we were sent here to do.  We are not mere mortals.  We are created beings.  

The merry-go-round that many have found themselves on is about to stop, and as you step off you will have the opportunity to do some pretty remarkable things.  You however have to make the decision to get off and to move forward.  Certainly there is a feeling of comfort when all you do is the same things time and time again, but changing things up is what is going to usher in the change that others need to have.  Warriors and Sages, mystics and sayers, kings and queens, all have been brought here to bring forth change.  Your responsibility is to accept your calling, and begin to walk in it.  Take a step forward my dear ones.  The Tao reminds us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  Whether you have been at it for years, or you are about to really begin your quest, fulfillment comes when you recognize the real you.  

The first spin on the Merry-Go-Round can be thrilling, but that thrill is generally short in duration.  The reason we get off the merry-go-round is that there is no need to spin your wheels, there is no need to stay put, not when you have so much to offer to others.  You did not receive your gifts, your talents, simply to say you have them.  I encourage each of you to seek release from the mundane, the never ending circle that the merry-go-round represents, and instead grab the golden ring.  It is only a matter of time until you see things line up.  This time we are in needs all that you are, and all that you are is so much more than you can imagine.  

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