Sunday, December 20, 2020

Twas the night before Christmas....

 Twas the week before Christmas, and if you're like

most families, or people, things are just a little crazy.  This week's blog is all about how do we handle these trying times, or better yet, how do we get into the holiday spirit, if the holiday spirit has escaped you thus far.  Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace on earth, good will toward men.  If 2020 has shown us anything, it has proven that we have a long way to go to get that peace, and even farther to go to display good will.  Today's blog may step on a few toes, so I will attempt to be as kind as I can be, but there are a few things that need to be said, but they are being said to bring about peace and good will to all.

When I look at the landscape of our country, and for that matter the world in general, most everyone has been tossed into a tail spin because of the COVID pandemic.  We were supposed to have family over Christmas Eve, but that has been put on hold as a family member was just tested positive for the virus.  To be honest I really was looking forward to having family over, as they would have been the first guest to our new home since moving in at the end of October.  Now I could have really been disappointed, but when it's all said and done, is there really anything I could do about it?  Even if we don't have a house full of people, does it make it any less a holiday?  Just because I can't show off our new home, all decorated to the hilt, does that mean we can't enjoy it?  Christmas is about remembering who we are, what we are, and why we are here.  Even if I were sitting alone in this house, it wouldn't change who I was, or why I am here.  It's so important to show thankfulness, and believe it or not, even in these trying times, there are a ton of things to be thankful for.  If we only focus on the surface stuff, those things traditionally thought of at Christmas time, and we don't focus on the real important things, then there is going to be a tendency to be disappointed when things don't go according to plan.  

With that being said, what should we be thankful for, and what should we be celebrating this holiday season?  I'm very thankful for my husband and our dog.  I love our new house, and I love my new job.  Even if it's just the three of us celebrating, I am thankful for it.  I am so, so thankful that I get to write, and I get to share my thoughts and dreams with others.  I love that I get to talk about destiny, that I get to encourage others to go after dreams.  I can hardly contain myself when confronted with a challenge of helping someone step out into their dreams.  These are the things I think about during the holiday season, and these are the things that I cherish and love.  To me, it's never been about getting, but rather, and as cliche as this might sound, it's always been about giving.  When one sows love, they receive love back, 

There's no doubt that the holiday season brings out the best, and worst in people.  Many suffer from depression during the holiday seasons.  The sad fact is that depression is a real issue, and we often overlook it because it isn't present in our own lives.  Spreading good cheer, sharing love, compassion, and reaching out to those with needs, this is our shared task, and this is what the holiday season is really all about.  We can talk about the birth of Christ, but what about those who do not associate Christmas, at least the 25th of December, as the birth of Jesus?  Remember there are just as many non-believers, as there are believers.  If we simply lump everyone together, we are going to alienate many, and those we alienate, are just as deserving of our love, compassion, and shared abilities.  When we look at the holiday season, why not begin with self-love?  If we can begin to love who we are, what we are, then we can also begin to share that love with others.  If we can stand in our perfection, our uniqueness, then we can begin to share all the goodness with others.  If we simply recognize the significance of "Us" we can change the face of humanity, and change the way that many see this time of year.

Let me ask you a simple question.  Most people tend to give gifts during this season.  I will tell you that I do appreciate a nice gift, but it's not the gift so much as the motivation behind the gift.  This leads me to this question:  what is your motivation behind the gifts you give this season?  If you are giving to get, you are never going to fully appreciate, or even enjoy the purpose of the season.  If on the other hand you are giving because you want to touch a life, well that is the horse of a different color.  Our motivation needs to be to touch, and cherish another life.  Our motivation needs to be to share love, and not share because it means getting something in return.  I could go on and on about the reason for the season.  I could paint a picture with words of what I think is the perfect Christmas.  What I want you to do is simply begin to enjoy the opportunity that stands in front of you.  You have the chance to change lives, and that change can be significant or it can be simple, but change none-the-less.  

If you find yourself being impatient as you wait at the checkout line at your local department store, ask yourself why?  If you find yourself stressing over a timing schedule, ask yourself why?  If you simply find yourself stressing, ask yourself why?  I get that there are many reason to be stressed, but in the end, you are the only one that can decide what to stress about, and what not to stress about.  I will get up on Christmas morning and do two or three things.  First shower and get ready for the day.  Have my first cup of coffee that will be set to brew at Six A.M , and then put the Cinnamon Rolls in the oven. Of Course the dog will be up and we will have taken our morning walk, and then she will be by the counter wanting for whatever is about to go in the over.  At some point my husband will get up, and we will have the fire going in the fireplace, music on, and we will begin our gift sharing.  Millions and millions of families will be doing the same thing, and that is special.  Please take a moment and think of those who are away from families and not able to enjoy these times.  Send love and light their way.  They may never know you are sending them this good energy, but they will get it.  

Each year we think about, we plan out, and we anticipate this time of year.  Each year we make the promise to ourselves that we will try to recognize the real reason behind the season.  Well, this is your chance to recognize the real reason behind the season.  We are special gifts, each of us, to the rest of humanity.  What has been placed in you is in you to share with others.  When we share our talents, our gifts, we are simply doing what we were created to do.  Giving of yourself is the single most important thing you may ever do, as there is someone, somewhere who needs what you have.  Please, please, please don't neglect sharing your gifts to others.  In sharing with them, you are enabling them to share with others the gifts they have been born with.  This is the true meaning of the Holiday Season, and I encourage each of you to share what you have been blessed with, thus blessing others around you.  Love and Light, and let's prepare for the next year, as we say with anticipation, God I hope it's better than 2020, LOL.

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