Sunday, December 6, 2020

Let's talk about Love.
Love is gentle, Love is kind. Love is the glue that binds all things together.  I've talked and written about this subject many times in the past, but when I was waking up about five this morning, my spirit picked up on the need to talk about it again today, as there just might be a few people out there who need to be reminded just how important love is, why we need it, and why it is the glue that binds.

We were created from love.  I'm not talking about the act of making love, we all know it takes two to tango.  I'm talking about the Creator of the Universe.  We were created to create.  We are simple creatures of love.  Made from love to love.  We all love something.  It might be a person.  It might be an activity. It might be simply loving life, which is something that many people have yet to really experience.  When you can say that you really love life, that you love yourself, then you will be on to something.  It's impossible to go through a day and really experience love if you do not love who and what you are. It's impossible to change the face of humanity if you don't walk in love.  Love for self, love for humanity, is what changes things, and changes things for the better.  

It took me years to fully understand the importance of love.  It took me even longer to finally love myself. I've loved many things in my life.  I've loved many people. Some people experience puppy love, and some have a love so deep for another that their entire life is focused on that person.  No matter the depth of love, it is still the one thing that you can't let go of.  I guess the question I have for you today is this:  if you love something, and can't let go of it, do you think there might be a reason for that?  I met my husband many years ago.  We've been through some good times, and not so good times.  Even through the ups and downs there was always something that kept us coming back to each other.  I've often said that you have no control over who you fall in love with.  When love happens it simply happens.  Many find it easy, others search for it their entire life.  I truly feel as though there is a soul mate out there for everyone.  Finding that soulmate is not up to you, after all, it's already written in the stars.  What you need to do is get out of the way and let things happen as they need to happen.  Not sure why this came up, but certainly someone needed to hear it.  Back to what I was saying.  Love will find you if you are open to allowing it.  I've known many people who will do almost anything to sabotage love.  Not quite sure why they do this, but they are also the ones who will bemoan how lousy life is, and why they are so lonely and absent of love.  

There have been so many books and articles written about love.  Some go into the dynamics of love, some take a much lighter note, others delve into the how's and why's.  I'm not sure that any book, or for that matter even this blog, can spell out the exactness of love.  We can try to define love, try to explain it, but in the end, love is what is at our core, and no matter how you display it, how you look for it, or even how you may run from it, you can't escape the need for it.  I've often wondered about those who say they don't need love in their life.  Certain people will fill their life will all kinds of activities in an attempt to fill a void that exist.  Let me fill you in on something.  Destiny and love go hand in hand.  You have a destiny, and that destiny is going to be centered around why you are here.  Those things that you were created to do, will always be something you love to do.  That love for what you do is what will create an atmosphere around you that people will want to experience along with you.  You will never fully walk in your destiny if you are unable to understand the importance of love.  You will never fully love until you accept your destiny.  Strange how these two things work hand in hand, but I digress.  

Is there a difference between physical love and emotional love?  Is there a difference between loving a dog, and loving your job?  Is there a difference in anything we attach to love?  This is a rhetorical question to be sure.  Love is love, is love.  You either love something or you don't.  Small love is still love.  Big love is still love.  Love of life, love of job, love of a person or thing, yep still love.  How we love can be different, and everyone has different ways of displaying love, but at its core, love is still love.  The love I have for my husband is different than the love I have for our dog Lucy.  The love I have for Lucy is different than the love I have for my daughter.  Even though I may display each segment of love differently it is still love no matter how you cut it up.  Here's what I want you to understand: you can't stop love.  You may not want to display it, let's face it, many people are afraid to show love.  But you're never going to stop it.  There are plenty of situations in the world today where love is not center to what is happening.  But just for a moment let's think about this world and what it would be like if every person alive was walking in absolute love.  What would our world be like then?  I know that it's wishful thinking, but a world full of people who understood love and destiny would be completely different than the world we have right now.  

I could write a book on love, so trying to get my point across in this tiny blog is not simple, but I hope you will pick up on what I am trying to say this morning.  If you are searching for love, if you feel as though your life is void of love, then you need to start accepting love, and you need to realize that you are love.  As I said earlier, everyone loves something. Now it may not always be the best things we love, but we do love something.  The key to happiness is to love those things that bring you closer to the real you.  Filling your life with empty things, just to make you feel good is not love. Begin to love you.  Start with accepting your beauty, your grace, your uniqueness.  Stand in awe of your greatness, and love every aspect of who and what you are.  When you can start doing this, then you can start expanding the love that is around you.  Remember that light attracts light, and love attracts love.  I love writing, and I love talking with people about destiny, and who they are.  Had I not understood that I came from love, that I am love, there is no way I would be doing what I am doing right now.  I can not stress this point enough:  it all begins with loving the real you.  If you will accept the real you, love the real you, then you will really begin to walk in love.  When you are walking in love, you are one step closer to walking in your destiny.  When you are walking in your destiny, you are going to be operating in a constant state of love, and it will simply multiply exponentially to those around you and those you come in contact with.

Love is patient, love is gentle and kind.  Love is not just some sappy phrase that people like to throw around from time to time.  Love truly is the glue that binds all things together in the universe.  Let me close with this, and let me encourage you to think about this last statement for a while.  You are love.  It's impossible to be void of love no matter what one is going through.  Love may be covered up with issues, with situations, but it's still all around you, it's still in you, and it's still who you really are.  You will never escape love, because you are love.  If you take a bucket of water from the ocean is the water in the bucket any less ocean?  If you come from love, can you ever stop being love?  Know you are love, and begin to walk in that love.  People need it more than ever, and you have what they need.  It's time to give it away. 

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