Sunday, November 8, 2020

Why it's always good to be reminded about a few things!

I thought it might be a good idea to remind my readers of a few important facts today.  The reason I'm doing this is because I had to be reminded of them this week.  It has been a very stressful week, and there were times when all I wanted to do was scream out at the top of my lungs "cut the sh#t".  

I  found myself falling into worry about things that really hadn't been a problem for quite some time.  My frustrations were right at the surface, and I would lash out at things that really didn't add up to a tinkers hoorah.  When I get into these types of moods I have to go back and remind myself of who I am, what I am, and ground myself in these truths.  What I want to do today is remind you of these truths, and hopefully make your life a little less troublesome.

As some of you might know we recently closed on a new home and have been in the process of moving from our old residence to the new one.  This meant trying to get things moved out, and doing it after work, before work, or at any time that was not taken up with work.  To say that I was tired was an understatement, and I'm sure that all of this activity had added to the feelings of being just a tad bit overwhelmed.  Being overwhelmed is nothing new for most people, but how you handle these feelings is a sure sign of where you are in the moment.  I must admit that I didn't always handle each situation to perfection.  During these times I was reminded that we were not put here on this earth to simply react to situations.  We were not created to be a victim.  We were not intended to feel insecure or incapable of being the real us.  I can't control what others may say or do, but I can control what I say, what I think, and what I am feeling.  One of the things that was missing from my day to day activities was simply resting in the knowledge of who I am, and why I am here.  If you fail to reflect on these things, then there will be those times when you will be overwhelmed.  

Thee's a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world right now.  We just went through an election, and no matter what side of the political equation you fall, this has been the proverbial "Sh#t Show".  I have seen normal people act any way but normal.  I have seen families torn up over what has happened.  I have seen friendships end, torn apart, and discarded.  It's sad, but it's also something that is entirely escapable.  It doesn't matter who wins, who looses.  Things are going to happen that need to happen.  If you believe in the perfection of the universe, then you have to know the these things are happening for a reason.  I'm not sure how things are going to turn out, meaning whose side will will and whose will loose.  What I am sure about is that I am here right now at the perfect time, and there are things that I need to do.  There are things that you need to do, and without regard to what may or may not be happening around you, you need to do what you were sent here to do.  

So with all of that being said, let me remind you of a few salient points: you are spirit, not just flesh and blood.  You are capable of creating everything you desire.  While others may be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, you need to ground yourself in simple truths.  You have been and will always be.  You are the beginning, and the end.  Your ability to remain above the fray is largely dependent on your ability to grasp the significance of your being.  The only reason we fall prey to what others are going through is that we have forgotten that we don't need to go through what others are going through.  There's a lot to be said about having faith.  Faith to believe you are on the right path.  Faith to believe that you are here for a reason.  Faith that says no matter what I might think, this is what I know is going to happen.  Faith that ultimately guides your life, and allows you to walk in those things that were meant for you to walk in.  I had to remind myself this week about faith.  I found myself looking at situations, and believing that I had to suffer through certain situations.  I totally understand how difficult it is at times to rise above all those things that seem to be occupying your time, your thoughts.  I fully get that there are moments when you want to scream out from frustration.  To say that fear grips some people is simply a true observation.  I've allowed that same fear to grip me over the last few days, and that is when I realized that I needed to do something about it.  Fear is not what you should be occupying your time with.  Fear is not what was meant for you.  When you fall into fear you are forgetting who you are.   This might be a good time to remind you that perfect love cast out all fear.  

What is perfect love?  It is knowing that you were put here for a specific reason.  It is walking in the knowledge that you can do anything you desire.  Perfect love is accepting your beautiful being.  Perfect love is realizing that no matter what is going on around you, you are not subject to it.  You were created from love, and you were created to love.  I think one of the first things that leaves us when we are in the midst of a struggle is our compassion for others around us.  When you would just assume spit in someone's eye, you are not walking in love.  If you are not walking in love, not showing compassion, not putting others first, then you will undoubtedly be ready to jump off the cliff you find yourself on.  Funny thing when you show love or compassion to another human being, you seem to forget your own struggles. When you reach out to someone to assist them, you tend to forget your own needs.  When you smile at that stranger, you simply feel good inside.  Love is what binds us together, as I have said so many times in the past.  Love is the one thing you can't have enough of, and it is the one thing that if you give it away, you will get it back in equal or greater measure. 

Let me leave you this week with this one last thought: believe.  Believe that you can change the world.  Believe that you have been equipped with all you need to complete your assigned task.  Simply believe that you are perfection personified.  I get how you might not always believe in your perfection.  I fully understand that there will be times when our patience is being tested, when it would be easier just to quit, and not stay strong.  What I need you to do today is simply take a step back, take a deep breath, and know that all things happen for a reason.  Just like you were sent here for a specific reason, other things happen around you for a reason.  You can only control how you see things, how you react too things.  You are the one who has to decide how you are going to look at each day.  Be strong and know that you are god.  We often forget this, and we forget it because we have let what is happening around us to define us.  You are not what is happening around you, you are in fact the perfection of the universe.  I promise you this: if you will begin to stand in the knowledge of who and what you are, then the vast majority of what has happened in the past, will remain in the past, and your future will be extremely bight. Accept these truths, walk in these truths, and share these truths with others.  Each day may be a challenge, but each day is your opportunity to hold fast to what you know.  Love and light to each of you. 

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