Thursday, October 22, 2020

When in the course of human events. 
We are made up of cells, of flesh, of blood, but we are so much more than that, and today I just want to remind you of who and what you really are.  We have faced many hurdles in our life, at least most of us have.  We have had to make decisions that were not always easy, and we had to do some things that we never thought we'd have to do.  When we get up each morning most people are not focused on the nature of who they are, they are simply thinking about the day ahead of them.  What I want to encourage you to do today is begin to focus on what is real, and steer way from all those things that really are just illusions.

I could take today's topic in a million directions, as there are countless things that we focus on, but in reality we should be focused on one thing, and one thing only: our perfection.  That's right I said perfection.  We are perfect.  We might not always operate in this perfection, but that doesn't diminish our perfection in the slightest.  Our design is not a mistake.  Our being here in this moment is not a mistake.  The sooner you are able to understand this important concept, the sooner you can take your rightful place in the universe.  

How many of you are currently praying or hoping for something?  I dare say that there are very few people who aren't believing for something.  Maybe there are people who are hoping for a promotion.  Some might be desiring a new home, a new vehicle, or maybe just a week away from the daily grind, in an attempt to rest and rejuvenate.  No matter what one is looking for, there has to be an element of faith.  I guess that leads me to ask, what is faith?  We talk about faith, but how many people really operate in faith, and how many people really believe in faith?  You can say you have faith, but when coming up against insurmountable odds, do you maintain any real level of faith?  I know this may seem to be little off topic, after all we are talking about our make up, but just stick with me for a moment , and you will see where I am going with this.  

If one were operating in a total understanding of who and what they really are, then they would have to come to the conclusion that they are the director of all that goes on in their life.  We are creators.  We determine the direction of our life.  We decide what is, and what isn't.  It is only when we walk away from our true nature, that we get off track.  When we get off track, we start to question things, and when we begin to question things, well we tend to get tripped up.  I have been there a thousand times in the past, and each time I have to remind myself just who and what I am.  Understanding that we are not mere mortals is really the foundation of what I am talking about.  It's so easy to go through each day, doing the same thing we have always done.  We get up in the morning, have a cup of coffee on the way to work, and then put in our 8 to 10 hours.  We get home from work, and we do pretty much the same thing day in and day out.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this, but if you feel as though you are in a rut, you probably have forgotten the real reason you are here right now.  The real reason you are here, the reason you were created, was to change humanity.  I've said this before, but I will say it again, you are not a mistake, and being here is not a mistake.  Changing humanity is something we have all been designed to do.  Those who think that changing humanity is simply trying to puff yourself up, haven't really understood just what being selfless is all about.  We might change humanity by simply greeting someone with a smile.  You don't know what that person is going through, and that smile just might be what they needed to make it through another day.  That smile is going to affect someone half a world away, 20 years from now.  That is still changing humanity, even if it only affects one person.  You might be the person who changes an entire continent.  Believe it or not there is no difference in changing one, or changing many.

Let's swing back around to the topic of perfection, and let's see if we can't wrap this up in a beautiful little bow.  When you are able to see yourself as you really are, and not what others think of you, not what you might think of yourself on any given day, but really see yourself as perfection, this is when life changes.  If we only see ourselves as flesh and blood, we are not really seeing the real us.  If we only see ourselves as what we might do for a profession, we are not really seeing the real us.  If you only see yourself through the eyes of circumstances, then you really have not seen the real you.  The real you is able to do all things.  The real you has power.  The real you is infinite.  Until such time as you can accept your true essence, you will always see yourself as simply human.  If all you do is see yourself as human, you will never ever accomplish those things you were sent here to do.  

Life is amazing, and it becomes even more amazing when you begin to walk in your perfection.  Our make up is not, as I said before, just cells, flesh, blood, or any other human characteristic.  Our truest self is spirit, it is eternal, it is something that has always been, and will always be.  We have been told so many times who we are supposed to be, what we are supposed to do.  We have been told how to act, how to look.  What we haven't done is accept what we are, and in many cases why we are here.  There is not a single day that goes by that I do not feel a surge in my body.  This surge can only be defined as energy.  It is an energy that is tangible to me.  It's kind of like when you get goosebumps.  Even now as I write I am feeling this very thing.  When you can tap into this cosmic energy, this energy that is the same on the far side of the ever expanding universe, then you will begin to understand just how significant you are.  Those who close themselves off to this mindset, those who poopoo on the idea of our being more than just human, will never ever walk fully in their abilities.  Why, and I ask this question is all seriousness, why would one accept limits, when we are really limitless?  

I leave you with this:  be open to signs.  Look for confirmation.  If you really desire to step out into your real being, simply look for signs that what I have written about today is really the truth.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and your first step is nothing more than being open to new ideas, new ways of seeing things, and being willing to look past what you always thought was the only way.  Believe me when I tell you that walking in your fullness is truly a wonderful thing.  Once you begin this journey, you will never ever just think in human terms.  

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