Sunday, October 18, 2020

Inquiring minds want to know, is this really true?
How curious are you?  What do you think about, what do you wonder about?  What is it that interest you, and why?  These are all good questions, and today I want to spur on maybe some new thoughts, and in doing so, get you to start thinking outside of the box.

You've all heard me say that we have been being conditioned by well intentioned people our entire life.  We've been told what we can do, what we can't do.  We've been told why this should happen, or why we really should shy away from certain things.  Throughout our entire life we have little by little been made smaller.  We've been forced to accept certain norms, but these norms are coming from others who haven't the foggiest notion of just how great we actually are.  Well today I want to encourage you to look outside of what has been your normal, and begin by putting away the things of old, and put on something completely new.

I was having a discussion with a client the other day.  We talked about some of the words that Christ Jesus spoke.  We've all heard them, but what we may not have done is looked into the reason these worlds were spoken to us.  "I am the Alpha and the Omega."  "I am the beginning and the end."  "I have always been, and will always be."  Countless times we have been reminded of these sayings, but far to often we neglect to really dig into the significance of these words, and why you should really heed them.  I was going to say you need to become these words, but in actuality, you already are these words, you just might not understand it yet, or may be unable to accept them yet.  When Christ spoke these words he wasn't saying them so you would remember who he was, he said them because he wanted you to know who you were.  You are the Alpha and Omega.  You are the beginning and the end.  You have been and always will be.  We have forgotten that we are infinite beings.  Most of the world's faiths believe that after death you will live eternally "forever".  My question is what is forever?  Is forever yesterday until the end of time?  Is forever tomorrow until the end of time?  What many people don't seen to understand is that forever is simply that, forever.  Forever has always been and will always be.  You can't have a forever that starts tomorrow, because what about yesterday?  

I'm saying all this to set the framework for how we need to begin looking at things.  It is this framework that has largely been forgotten because of the conditioning we have been put through since birth.  Volumes and volumes of pages have been written in the past concerning who we are, what we are.  There are thousands of pages of words that describe how we should live our life in order to have the life we desire.  I've often said that you can study a book about driving a car for years and years, but until such time as you sit behind the wheel for the very first time, all those words are simply words, there's no real meaning because there has been no real action behind them.  Get behind the wheel and suddenly all the words you have been reading, that you have been studying begin to make much more sense.  Well let's extrapolate a little and I think you may come to some of the same conclusions I have come to.  

If you have always been and will always be, what does that leave out?  If you are the beginning and the end, what does that leave out?  Why is it so difficult, and I mean really tough, to believe in your perfection?  Why do so many people never avail themselves of the phenomenal power that has been placed in them?  Why do we see ourselves as mere mortals when we are so much more than that?  I'm not saying this to beat you up, I'm saying this because why in God's name would you want to leave the best part of who you are just lying about never to be touched or used?  Let's face it 2020 has been a challenging year.  We have experienced things that most never expected, or even thought possible.  If you had known of, or accepted the power inside of you, would this year have been different?  If you had walked complete in your power would this year have been different?  Given the option to walk in this great power, this perfection, this birth right, do you think the year would have been different?  

There always seems to be a lot of unknowns in life.  We often wonder what the next year will bring.  What will happen next month, or next week, or even tomorrow.  We live each day wondering.  What if we all learned that we can control what will happen each day, each week, each month or year?  This may all seem far fetched, but in reality, we create our reality.  If I had the ability to flip a switch and instantly each of us could walk in the complete knowledge of our greatness I certainly would do that.  Don't misunderstand , I'm not there yet.  I still have days when I'm wondering what is going on.  I still have days when I have to remind myself of who and what I am.  But this I do know, I am the Alpha and Omega.  I am the beginning and the end.  I have always been and will always be.  When you can grasp this, when you can live this, when you can feel and enjoy this, well then life changes forever.  

We may face challenging times.  We might not have all the answers when we want them.  We just might be in a funk.  If you can get ahold of this concept of who you really are, what you are capable of, then challenges seem less difficult.  When you come to terms with your true essence, then you will be able to reach the mountain top.  We all want the best in life.  We all want to smile, to laugh, to feel fulfilled.  Sadly, we have also allowed others to take from us our understanding of who we are.  It is time that we step back and start fresh.  Just because yesterday didn't go so well, doesn't mean that tomorrow is going to be the same way.  So is it really true that we have always been? Yes! Is it true that we can create? Yes! Is it true that we are infinite, and in this never ending existence we can manifest the life we truly desire? Yes, yes, yes!  The only thing stopping you from having the life of your dreams, is that you don't believe in your dreams.  The only thing stopping you from having it all, is that you don't believe in having it all.  When you can accept the fact that you deserve it all, then you will have it all.  Having it all doesn't mean you are better than anyone else, or more deserving than someone else.  Having it all just means you finally know and recognize that you have always been and will always be. 

As you begin to live the life you were always intended to live don't forget this one very important fact: you were created to create, but creation is not to be hoarded.  It is meant to be spread about for all to benefit from.  If you are doing just for you, it will dry up like a watering well in the heat of the summer.  We are all one body.  We are the total sum of our parts, and no one part is any more, or any less important.  We work together so that everyone might enjoy the benefit of being here.  Is really is true.  You are forever.  Now is your time to embrace this, and be encouraged.  


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