Thursday, October 1, 2020

What's next?
Now there's two ways one can approach this question.  On one side of the equation you might wonder how can anything worse happen in the future.  On the other side of the equation, there's the wonder of how many great things are going to happen.  My question to you is what side of the equation are you going to fall on?  

One can either live in perpetual high expectation of all the good that is waiting for them, or just walk around with that tiny black thunder cloud hovering over their head, waiting for a catastrophe to happen.  Once again, what side of the equation are you going to place yourself?

Let's admit, 2020 has not been the year that many had envisioned New Years Eve 2019.  There have been so many ups and downs, with many focusing on the downs more than they ever thought possible.  I'm here to tell you today that most of what has happened has happened for a very specific reason, and no matter what has transpired, one must find the joy in all things.  When you are able to see growth, maturity at the end of a struggle, then isn't it all worth it?  When you can see what has taken place as a good thing, then you are on your way.  When you can look back and simply smile, knowing that you are one of the few who has moved forward, now that should completely make your heart soar like a hawk.

No one really knows what's next.  Sure there are those who will profess to know it all, but they don't.  They might have a feeling, an inclination, or even a strong sense, but knowing it all, not likely.  That being said, how you set up your thoughts, your feelings, your words about what lies ahead, now that's what is going to set the groundwork.  We don't always need to know what is next.  What we need to do is set the expectation of what is next.  What we need to do is feel what is next.  What we simply need to do is believe for what is next.  One can go through each day with zero thought about what approaches, but if you could give life a kick start to ensure you get what you desire, why would you miss out on that opportunity?

If you are like the millions and millions of people who have felt a shift in things, then you also know that with this shift many have experienced things that let us say they would rather have gone without.  Even in the most trying times we need to know how to find joy in what we experience.  Even when faced with challenges we need to know this is all good.  Success, joy, happiness, it all starts with what you are thinking, what you are feeling, and what you are saying.  We often end the fight before it ever begins simply by what we are saying.  Failure is not, and let me repeat, is not what any of us signed up for when we came into this existence.  I'm going to say something right now, and at the risk of many of you thinking I'm completely crazy, know this, I'm not.  I'm simply getting to the point in my life where I realize the significance of my my true existence.  WE WERE NOT CREATED TO BE FAILURES!!!!!!!  Our mission is to create.  Too many people are reactionary, and not proactive. People respond to what is going on around them instead of being the source of what is going on around them.  As impossible as this might sound, you need to start creating all that happens around you.  It's not going to come over night, but if you never take your rightful place, then you are going to be asking yourself what is next, and the pictures in your mind are going to be anything but phenomenal.

I've spent the better part of this year simply focusing on me.  Now I'm going at this from a selfish standpoint.  What I am saying is that I have been focusing on knowing the real me.  Focusing on the me that has the ability to do all things.  Focusing on the me who is perfect, strong, determined, and most of all infinite.  Ladies and Gentlemen we have to start seeing our true essence, and not some forced down our throat view of what others say we are.  If you are viewing the question of what is next from a vantage point of doom and gloom, you're screwed already.  If on the other hand you see things as all things possible, then smile and know you are going places.  

Growing and prospering in an era of doom and gloom is no easy task, but it's a task each of us must accept.  It's easy to go with the flow.  It's easy to fall behind those shouting the loudest.  Sadly, those shouting the loudest, are not always the ones shouting the right things.  I'm here to tell you that it all begins with your thoughts, your feelings, and your words.  There is nothing that is going on right now that you can say you didn't bring into existence. Certainly you can deny it, but denying it doesn't make it any less real.  I can hear the cat calls already.  "You mean I've caused Covid?" "I didn't ask for any of this!"  You're right you didn't create Covid, but in reality you did ask for things.  Folks, we are created beings.  We create everyday whether you want to believe it or not.  You have to get to the point where you are controlling your thoughts and words.  Stop the madness, and get on board with this.  You can call it making the right affirmations, confessions, whatever you want, but what you say, your words, have power.  You can either choose to create or choose to destroy, it's as simple as that.  You may be pissed at me for saying all this, but sooner or later you are going to have to figure things out.  My editor and publisher are always telling me that I tend to be pretty blunt, and this bluntness might turn off readers.  Sorry, but if one is hanging over a precipice you'll accept a rope even from the most blunt person in the world.  I'm not trying to make you feel bad, on the contrary, I'm trying to help you see that you are fully able to create happiness, goodness, joy, prosperity in your life.  You simply have to start knowing and believing this.  

I've been through a lot in my life.  I've always worked, always done the best I could.  I'd like to say that life has been grand 100 percent of the time, but it hasn't.  I've struggled like many of you.  I've wondered what was next, and quite frankly not looking forward to any of it.  Through all the highs and lows I internally knew or felt that I was a little different. Now not different in that I am any more special than any of you.  Different in that I had this sense of something great, something that would indeed change the world, something that I was destined for.  When you know your calling, your purpose, your destiny, things change.  When you are sure of why you are here, then the question of what is next is on the side of the equation that is wonderful to think about.  This is where I desire each of you to be. 

We can ask what is next, expecting doom and gloom, or we can create what is next.  We can roll with the punches, or we can set in motion all the is going to the place.  I encourage you to think about what you desire, and know that those desires are there because they are for you.  Once again we were not placed here simply to take up space or for the free popcorn. What's next is going to depend on what you feel, speak, think.  My suggestion is that you really focus on your dreams, your desires, your destiny.  It's really up to you.  I know what's next, do you?


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