Sunday, October 4, 2020

Is this really what you want?
We all want things in our life.  We all need things to survive.  The basics are food, water, clothing, a place to lay your head at night, and for others a meaningful career.  Some people have the ability too manifest everything they desire in life, others go a lifetime trying to figure out what they really want.  My question today, or my statement today, is not so much what you want, but why you want it.  If you believe in the Law of Attraction, and even if you don't, you're never going to change it so you might as well get on board with it.  But, even if you don't believe in manifestation or the like, there are still going to be times that you desire something.  The reason you desire something is really what I want to focus in on today.

 We are still in a time when we try to keep up with those around us.  If someone buys a new home, then for some odd reason certain people are no longer satisfied with the home they have.  If someone buys the latest model year of that big ass truck, you're no longer satisfied with your old Ford.  The list goes on, and so does the constant striving for things.  It is OK to desire certain things, but the underlying reason you want them is what is important.  If you only want more stuff so you can show others that you have more stuff, then you have an issue.  If you desire a bigger home simply because your brother or sister have a bigger home, well you have an issue.  People who gain their worth by the job they have, or by the stuff they own, they have an issue.  It's quite fine to be proud of what you have accomplished.  It's OK to succeed and with that success obtain things you desire.  That being said, if you striving for success is simply to have bragging rights, well you're heading in the wrong direction.  

You can have all the signs of success: a big house, a new fancy car, and tons of money in the bank, but if you are not doing what you were born to do, there is going to be a void in your life that can't be filled with a bigger home, a fancier car, or more money.  I will bet you dimes to donuts that those who continue to strive for more in life only as a measuring guide against other's success, they are the ones who have yet to discover their real purpose on earth.  I know that may sound like a harsh statement, but truth is, when you finally discover your true destiny, achieving wealth or having signs of success is really secondary to you.  I can hear all the capitalist swearing at me right now, LOL.  I have nothing against wealth.  I have nothing against a new home, or a fancy car, or money in the bank.  My only focus is having you focus in on why you desire these things.  I've often said that if you can't see yourself as good enough without all the fancy things, you're still not going to see yourself as worthy when you are waist deep in stuff.  The absolute key to being able to manifest things in your life is first understanding the significance of your being.  The primary reason people fail to get what they desire is that they don't really believe they are worthy of having what they desire.  Taking it one step further, the reason they don't feel worthy is because they can't accept the greatness, the magic, the power that they have inside of them.  

You could be in a dry hot desert dying of thirst, and if I give you a cup of water to drink, but you think it simply a mirage or hallucination, and don't drink, you will die.  While I can tell you all day about your worth, your power, your true self, yet you don't believe it, you are simply going to stay in that no-mans land of always wanting, always lacking, always wanting more.  It is so critical that you understand who you are.  It is vital that you accept that you are on this earth for a specific purpose.  It is essential that you master the art of self-love, and set aside all doubt of your importance to this world.  So many people are attempting to fill a void in their life, but that void is simply there because you have yet to figure out your purpose, your destiny.  When I was younger I wanted to be President.  I thought if I could hold the highest office the land I would finally fill as though I had made it.  I will tell you that writing is my destiny.  Helping others discover their destiny is my destiny.  I love writing, I love speaking, I love me.  When you finally accept your calling, you will fill the void.  

I constantly see post on social media about manifesting millions of dollars.  I see post after post about how one can have it all. What I fail to see is an explanation of how to discover the real you, which has to be the first step in having it all.  When you know the real you, the authentic you, the unique you, you already have it all.  Everything else is simply icing on the cake.  There are plenty of things I have been believing for in my life.  I am not immune from questioning or doubting.  What I do in those moments of doubt is focus my attention on what I know as truth.  I know I am a creator.  I know I am powerful, a manifesting machine.  I go back to the question, why are you wanting to manifest something?  If your goal is to have it just to say you have it, sadly that is the wrong motivation.  If you desire something so that you might be of service to others, to change humanity, to bring life, then you are on the right track.  Motivation is the dividing line for most things.  If you have the right motivation things come simple.  If your motivation is anything less than honorable, well I'm sorry to say, even in victory there will an emptiness to you.

Knowing why you want or desire something is where it all starts.  Good begets good.  Motivation moves us in the right direction, but only when that motivation is right.  Let me say once again there is nothing wrong with desiring nice things.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful.  I want each of you to have it all.  I desire that we all walk in abundance.  Just be mindful of why you want something, why you feel you need something.  If the need is there because there is a void there, determine what the void is.  I truly believe that once you discover the void, the missing link, which is knowing your destiny, then everything else will fall into place.  So what do you really want, and why do you want it?  When you are able to answer this question, and the answer is based on knowing who and what you are, then you will walk in true prosperity.  

Empty is empty.  Full is full.  Love will conquer all things.  Love yourself, know yourself, and watch your cup fill to over flowing.  Life is not always easy, and to some, life is not always fair.  That being said, life is what you make of it.  Don't complicate things by doubting why you are here.  Understand that you are here in the perfection of the Universe, and in that perfection you can have it all, as long as having it all is driven by helping, and not simply having. 

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