Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Power of your Imagination.

Today I want to tap into your imagination, and I want to see how you see things, how you think of things, and maybe how you dream about things.  As you are well aware, there is nothing in this world today that we use in our daily life, that did not begin in someone's imagination.  This IMac that I use each day, was once a thought.  The truck I drive, also a thought.  That stupid little Gameboy that absorbs hours of the day in mindless activity also a thought.  Our imagination is probably our single greatest talent, and yet too many people simply blow it off as simple fantasy.  George Bernard Shaw was so right when he wrote that imagination is indeed the beginning of creation.  

Why do you think you have the ideas that you have?  Maybe it's a simple idea of how to fix something.  It might be an idea of how to change up a recipe or alter a painting that you are working on.  Your idea might be about creating a new type of social platform that will revolutionize how we communicate with others.  The list of ideas is as endless as the ever expanding universe.  There is a reason you have these ideas, why you have an imagination.  Quite simply, you imagination is unlimited.  Your imagination is never going to be affected by what is going on around you.  It knows no limits, because it is simply off limits to everyone else accept yourself.  No one can mess with your imagination because you are your imagination, and no one can get into your mind and alter what is running through it.  

I've been asked what the process is from imagination to maturation.  There are plenty of people who dream things, but never seem to manifest those dreams.  There is one fundamental truth that must be adhered to if you are ever going to take what is in your imagination and bring it to life.  You have to believe! If you don't believe you can have what you dream about, and a dream is nothing more than your imagination, then you will never see what you want.  Either you accept your greatness or you don't.  Either you believe that you are a creator or you don't.  Walking around wondering when things will change for you is really a sign that you haven't fully grasped the significance of your existence.  I can write about who and what you are all day long, but until such time as you accept who and what you are, you will never manifest the life you dream about, the life you imagine.  I want to stop here for just a moment and warn you of one thing: when you start operating fully within your imagination, when you start creating, you will be the oddity.  You will scare people, as they will never understand the power you operate in.  I do not say this to intimidate you, rather to prepare you.  Creative power, imagination power, is the most powerful thing in the world.  Your imagination is unlimited.  Do you understand that?  There is nothing you can't imagine.  

Have you ever woken from a dream and felt like it was so real?  I dream all day long.  When I'm driving around I'm dreaming.  When I'm sitting back to relax I'm dreaming.  Your imagination is never turned off. It's impossible to turn off your imagination.  Why in the world would you want to discount something that comes from your imagination.  There is a reason you are thinking about the things you are thinking of.  Now I will admit that some people have some pretty wild ideas.  That being said, it is their ideas.  There is a reason why we think about the things we think about.  Funny fact:  neurologist are unable to define where thoughts come from.  They have yet to explain how to turn off thoughts.  Think about this, and try this experiment:  stop thinking right now.  Impossible, right?  You can't stop thinking, which means you will never stop imagining.  If you can't stop thinking or imagining, then why not benefit from those things you think about or imagine?  

We have forgotten that we are one of the most complex beings ever to exist.  We have the ability to do so much more than pretty much anything else in existence.  Trees can't create a house.  Certainly we need wood to construct it, but the tree didn't pound the hammer.  Dogs and cats as cute as they are, and I love my dog more than words can describe, but dogs and cats can't manufacture a car.  We as humans can do some pretty incredible things, yet we miss out on one of the most important aspects of our lives when we discount those things running through our imagination.  What would have happened had Steve Jobs simply discounted what was running through his imagination?  What about Edison?  He could have simply chalked it up to a foolish whim, and never done anything with his ideas.  We have an imagination because there is something we are supposed to do with these thoughts.  

It all comes down to believing.  Believing that you are worthy of having what you desire.  Believing that you were created to have the perfect life.  Believing that you are an incredible specimen, sent here to do incredible things.  I get how hard it can be to believe for something.  I've cried so many tears in the past when what I wanted seemed to be just out of my reach.  No one said that manifesting something was always going to be easy.  I imagine a world where every single person has come alive with an understanding of their destiny.  I imagine a world where we no longer compete with others, but rather provide a helping hand to see that their dreams come true.  I imagine a world were we no longer fight, but lift each other up, knowing that we will benefit from their efforts.  

The Power of your imagination is truly unlimited.  It all starts with believing that you are unlimited.  Most people fail to fully walk out their dreams because they can't accept that their dreams really are for them.  I can imagine that this blog will reach millions of people around the world.  Have I reached that point yet?  That is still unanswered, but unanswered does not mean undone.  I continue to write because I continue to see what is in my imagination.  I want to encourage you to not give up.  Remember, your imagination is the "beginning of creation" as Shaw says.  

As crazy as things are in our world today, there has never been a better time to sit back and simply focus on what is running through your mind, your imagination, your dreams.  Those things that you constantly think about, those things that bring a smile to your face, joy in your heart, those are the things that are meant for you.  The question I have is do you believe they are meant for you?  Can you accept the fact that what you dream about,  what you can imagine, really is meant for you?  I leave you with this one thought: true happiness comes when we live what we imagine.  


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