Sunday, October 11, 2020

Knowing that you believe; this is the key to everything.
Why do we continue to stand, even when we have been through the most trying of time?  Why do we get up each morning, not knowing what is ahead of us, yet feeling as though things will be OK?  Is there a difference between knowing you are great, and believing you are great?  Today I want you to begin to understand that what you are, where you are, and what you have gone through is no coincidence.  What I'd like you to do this morning is simply take a step back and be grateful that you have stood up against some pretty harsh odds, and yet you are still here.  

There's an old saying that "Seeing is believing."  We've all heard it, and we've all thought and said it in the past.  It's easy to believe something when you can touch it, taste it, feel it, and the like.  Is there a difference between knowing and believing something?  You can know that the bridge that spans across a canyon is stable and will hold you, but do you believe it?  Would you step out on that bridge and cross it?  You will only know when you believe.  People can tell you all day long how great you are, but do you believe in the greatness that resides in you?  I know I'm asking a ton of questions this morning, but it's essential that you believe.  

Our belief in certain things seems to be tested each and every day of our life.  Just about the time you feel you have a real grasp on things something comes up that tosses you for a loop, and bam, you're right back to step one.  I know it's easy to say you believe in something, but do you really?  I've been attempting to read through a few of Neville Goddard's books.  His writings are incredibly difficult to understand, and I find myself reading and re-reading paragraph after paragraph just to understand.  His writing has come to me at a critical time in my life.  I need to grasp what he has written, as I need to grasp what I am going through at the moment.  I am having to really, really try to understand the difference between knowing and believing.  I'm not going to disclose what the issues are, suffice it to say I am focusing on turning my knowing into truly believing.

It's always easy to believe when things are going smooth.  It's quite easy to believe when you are not facing all the giants n the land.  However, how many times in life do you find yourself void of the giants?  How many times have you been able to avoid all the bumps in the road?  Life is life, and just about the time you think you have it all figured out, bam, another bump.  I'm not here to say that there will never be a time when things are simply perfect.  There are certainly going to be times when we simply rest, and thoughts of "perfection" are all that you can think about, because that perfection is all that you are experiencing in the moment.  

I really want to challenge you today to think about what you know about yourself, and what you believe about yourself.  On paper I can spell out all the greatness about you.  I can write down characteristics of beauty, of creative abilities, and of course how perfect in design you are.  There have been volumes written about the greatness that resides in each of us.  But what happens when I toss out that paper?  What happens when trials come, does that knowledge still hold fast and do you really believe?  Let's be real for just a moment.  You can profess and profess until the cows come home that you know certain things, and with that confession you can believe almost anything.  But does that belief continue when faced with a challenge?  Can you say that no matter what you see in front of you, what you believe is what is real?  

You see our reality is basically what we see with our eyes.  Our reality is predicated upon what we have experienced.  What our reality should be based on is what we believe in our heart, not just what we see with our eyes.  Remember we create our world with our words, our thoughts, and our feelings.  If we simply take what has taken place as our only reality, we are constantly going to be reacting instead of creating.  It is when we are being challenged that we have the toughest time hanging on to our beliefs.  Do I really believe that I am capable to manifesting anything and everything in my life?  I say I know I can, but do I really believe I can?  Please understand, I am not pointing fingers or accusing you of not believing.  What I am doing is encouraging you to really takes the steps you need to take so that all knowledge turns into beliefs.  True beliefs will never be changed base on the circumstances happening around you.  True belief will survive any and all attacks on you.  

We've all heard the saying that when the going gets tough the tough get going.  This is so true in regards to knowing verses believing.  When things get rocky, do you still believe?  When you are challenged, do you still believe?  When you are simply tired of the struggles, and you have been kicked in the face for the umpteenth time, do you still believe?  I so wish I could say to you that you will never ever face another single battle.  I would love to think that neither of us will ever face adversity again.  We both know that's not the case.  Because we live in times that challenge us, we have to know the difference between simple Knowledge and hardened belief.  I know when I lay my head down on the pillow at night that when the morning comes the sun will rise.  If I can't believe the same things, how rested will I be when I wake in the morning, if I wake in the morning.  I know that may sound like a stupid question to ask, but it is that simple.  As simple as the question might be, the answer is not always as simple, because believing is not always as simple as knowing.   Confused?  Know this: when you make the leap from knowing to believing, life changes, as you will have made the monumental shift from just being, to now doing.  

It is time to make a shift in thinking.  It's time to take what you know and turn it into what you believe.  You can make this leap.  I promise you this:  when you believe all things are possible, and not just possible because it is right in front of your eyes.

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